Posts - Cure Arthritis Community | HealthUnlocked

Cure Arthritis Community

2,809 members598 posts

All posts for June 2016

Doctor from hell

So had my 1st Rheumatologist appointment in 2yrs and was pretty darn excited- un...
Prettypanda profile image

Out of control and at the end of my rope!!!!

Been in insane pain and extreme exhaustion....praying my appointment with my new...

Shout Out

Just a shout out to all of you warriors out there. Very greatful for this site a...
Robinr805 profile image
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Hello everyone! So I went to my doctor on Friday because my pain is so bad and I...
Twinks80 profile image

Diagnosed in'88

Tired almost 100% of time.......was my first symptom and still the worst. RA ma...
Mla125 profile image

Swelling and pain

Woke up this morning with redness and swelling from above my wrist to the top of...
Dedeols profile image

I am new here I have RA

I was diagnosed 7 years ago with negative serum RA, I just now have tested posit...
Tizzyliz67 profile image

Alway tired

Been feeling bummed lately , no energy, I'm sleeping all the time. I need to get...

Hi my name is Amanda

Hi there, I have been dealing with RA for about 2yrs now and am finally seeing a...
Prettypanda profile image

New to the group

Hi I'm new to the group,I have had RA for 9 years. Besides the pain,swelling n f...
Norma_Back profile image

Hey There

Hey there I am a 52 year old woman that was diagnosed with RA about 2 years ago....
bobbibass profile image

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