Posts - Crohn's and Colitis Support | HealthUnlocked

Crohn's and Colitis Support

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All posts for March 2019

Waiting for biopsy report.

Hi all, finally had my colonoscopy, after suffering weight loss and diarhoea for...
jakelayla profile image

Personal question

I was just diagnosed with microscopic colitis. I have a bowel movement question ...

Confused about diagnosis

My calprotectin levels are over 400, which the GI doctor said indicates Crohn's ...
Sgturner8931 profile image
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Mild microscopic colitis

I was diagnosed with mild microscopic colitis. My dr prescribed budesonide for 6...

Slow or referrals not actioned

I'm a ex-serviceman now 65 years of age, my last colonoscopy was Sept '18 after ...
REVet profile image

Gastro specialist

Can any recommend a gastro specialist in Cardiff, South Wales?
DM14 profile image

Colitis chat

Hi I was wondering if anyone would be willing to private message me to talk abou...
DM14 profile image


Currently., i m facing severe diarrhea with dark greennish yellow color and som...

Bimino Trial

Having read lots of literature on pre and probiotics I have decided to give the ...

Crohns help!!

Can crohns be missed in a colonoscopy!??? I had one 10 years ago now. Which the ...
DM14 profile image

Experience of colonoscopy and moviflo

Hi can anyone give me any tips/advice. Worried about the procedure and from look...
Zanne1 profile image

Help... proctitis 😢

Evening all... I’m new to this group! Last night I was diagnosed with proctitis,...
kezosb profile image

CBD oil

Has anyone tried this for pain or anxiety? Thanks.
Miti333 profile image

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