should i go to a&e
getting worse 🥺 should i go to a&e? - Crohn's and Colit...
getting worse 🥺 should i go to a&e?

That is not a big change. I have had Crohn's. for over 40 years that is a pretty minor change. Unless you are in pain or loosing a lot of blood, A & E will just send you home as I doubt they will admit you. Some blood in your stool requires investigation, Colonoscopy or MRI and A & E will not do those unless you are in a lot of pain or loosing a lot of blood. If you are really concerned phone NHS 24 or see your doctor.
Could be piles, I got worried when this happened to me. I went to A&E and they checked things out and said I wasn't bleeding at the time so sent me home.
Omg I’m so sorry you must have been so scared!! No i had a pile burst last week and it’s completely different blood the pile is bright red! And this is deep red like raspberry jam 🙈
Also did you have bright red blood when you wiped or? That normally confirms if its hemeroids or not 🥺

It happened while I was at work, the blood wasn't bright red when wiping. It was just mainly liquid at the time but this was a while ago. I've been on and off Budesonide for 2 years now as that keeps things normalish lo