I have recently been diagnosed with Uctd with a close eye on lupus. I also have past diagnosis's of crohns (which is currently being checked is correct) and under investigation for Behçet's.
In April I had a nasty case of shingles on my left arm. Since then I have had random localised pain in that area which I believe is normal.
I had a lot of pain in my joints last week which I put down to the heatwave. I felt 'off' all day Saturday As well as tired and slightly sick. As this is common again didn't think much of it.
Saturday night I were woken up every 30 minutes or so feeling worse and worse. By 5am Sunday morning I had searing pain from my neck all the way down my arm and also from the same point in my neck all the way down the left side of my torso. The pain then spread across my stomach and lower back. I had a bad stomach to the stage I couldn't even touch it, nausea and could barely move. This morning my stomach is feeling better however my left side feels almost floaty. Not numb but also not like I have all feeling. I'm also get aftershocks of dull pain now and again.
I do get similar pain in my other arm but have put it down to the after affects of lymphatic cellulitis. But not sure now if this could be something else?
I'm Wondering if anyone has experienced similar, particularly stomach involvement with pain on one side of body?
Thanks to all and any input x