Running 5k's, entering Parkrun and 'doing' yog... - Couch to 5K

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Running 5k's, entering Parkrun and 'doing' yoga....

Fingalo profile image
25 Replies

So I've been winging it since I graduated, have decided my ultimate goal is to move up to 10k (have managed 8k so far) but not pushing that at the moment, preferring to get comfortable at 5k and messing with it a little. Seeing what kind of 'sprint' finish I have (and being quite impressed at what I could do in the last half kilometre) albeit from a modest pace to begin with. Anyway I'm now focussing on my local Parkrun as while I've no problem with the distance, I've held back until now because I've only ever ran on the flat and the local course has a long and torturous incline.

With that in mind I went out this morning and did 4k of my usual route along the seafront before turning up and heading towards home, a long and similar gradient to the one I'll face on Saturday. One kilometre later and that's my 5k for the morning done, the last of which was all uphill and now I feel quite confident about entering the Parkrun this weekend.

I'm even feeling quite good about not finishing last as despite the hill, the splits from 3-4k and 4-5k showed I ran uphill as quickly uphill as I'd ran flat and I can't help thinking that sprint I'd added the other day should see me safely overtaking at least one or two in the last knockings, well that's if the incline doesn't take it out of me too much. Despite this, I've come to terms with the idea that I might finish last and am more nervous about running with others, let alone the 400 others who take part!

So you could say I'm confidently nervous about the idea....

(And of course, I've arranged for a sniper to take out the person in front of me should I be in last place coming to the end).

I had hoped to get my C25k t-shirt in time for it but see from Greeners they seem to take an age to arrive and I've left it too late anyway.

And so to yoga...

It was..........interesting.

For three hours from 2-5 on Saturday afternoon, there I was with nine women and one bloke, by coincidence, another paddy. I should have realised what I was in for when the teacher told me on the 'phone when I arranged the booking that she thought I was "very brave". That wasn't the last time I heard those words as I think the entire class, all experieneced yoga types, thought I must be mad. However they imparted that impression in a typically hippified, lovely people, kind of way.

Lucy (chief hippy) started with a chat about her philosophy and style of yoga. She had a very sweet manner and managed to project a sense of integrity and devotion to her practice without being in any way po-faced about it, in fact she was positively amusing at times and far from precious about the whole thing.

We then began some of the poses and movements, trying them individually and then stringing four to six of them together in one movement, all coordinated with our breathing.

Well, ten of 'us' were, the other was 'mastering' one movement whilst the others were three in front, the Lone Ranger also developing some impressive poses of his own, in between remembering to breathe at all, let alone when he was supposed to. Even the single movements and positions I found I'd be so intent on getting all my bits in the correct place and pointing in the right direction that I'd invariably forget to breathe at all.

I was able to make some kind of fist of most of it, there being probably three positions I just couldn't manage, the shoulder stand being one of them. An incredibly impressive sight that was, ten people ramrod straight, supported on the elbows and shoulders reaching for the sky with their toes.

Oh and yours truly doing similar but on my back and with my legs up against a wall....

About two hours of similar shenanigans later we broke for tea and nibbles, although this being yoga it wasn't proper tea and it wasn't proper nibbles. I got chatting with Liam from Waterford as the tea was prepared, about why he likes the town, what he loves about yoga, how he had to stop running due to injury etc.

Oh yes and about how brave he thought I was. I said to him he was the second person to tell me that and were I to have had the cop on to have realised I might not have walked in the door.

The tea break was more a kind of ceremony, all part of the 'mindfulness' aspect of her teaching. After which my favourite part, the laying down and dozing off bit. Sorry, I mean the meditation, with the room darkened while she spoke to us in a wonderfully relaxing tone about what we'd felt during the workshop, what we'd achieved in altering our state of mind and what we wanted from it going forward. There may have been more but as I said, it was VERY relaxing....

And I think I got away with the one snore, at least I think it was one but it may just have been the one which woke me. I kid you not.

All in all, while I don't think it's for me, I was genuinely glad I took the workshop as it was quite an interesting experience. Perhaps I'd have been better served attending a solely beginners class but the people were lovely and it was ever so nice of Charlotte, as we left together and crossed the street, to tell me just how brave she thought I was.

And so, my first Parkrun this Saturday.....

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Fingalo profile image
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25 Replies
greenlegs profile image

Goodness, three hours of it for starters - yes, that was brave, honestly! Reading it made me wheeze - I could just imagine the scene. :D (I think I'd have sneaked off before the end under those circumstances - well done for seeing it through to the snoring!)

Very best luck for the parkrun. I'm almost tempted (no, I am tempted) to give mine a go...

Oh, and my t-shirt has arrived, and I'm wearing it (couldn't resist trying it on as soon as it arrived - how sad is that!) Photo to arrive soon. I'm very pleased with it.

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to greenlegs


I actually intended challenging you to do yours this weekend as I know you've been working towards it but thought it unfair to give you only a couple of days notice.

I thought it would be fun to make our next blogs about our relative experience.

greenlegs profile image
greenlegsGraduate in reply to Fingalo

Well, I might just do it. I've just done today's run, and decided as it was going fine, to keep going (on the flat) to 5k, and it was fine. Knees were a wee bit twingey, but I think they're ok, as it didn't go on all through the run, and is fine now. But parkrun does have that hilly bit. (Haven't checked my time yet, but I think it was a minute or so faster - but on the flat.)

I think I'll take two rest days (I believe they call it 'tapering' ;) ) rather than trying to squeeze another run in before Saturday, maybe do a walk or bike ride tomorrow, but only a gentle one.

But I'm still not sure - so many ifs and buts to think about, not least very likely being the last - or dropping out. Then again, neither of those should be all that bad really.

What am I thinking! Goodness, this is funny! Must go and have a cup of tea to cool down!

Fingalo profile image

I have to admit, once Mrs Fingalo convinced me that my having to walk at some stage wasn't the big deal I'd made it into, entering it became much easier for me. Much to my surprise, I'm actually looking forward to it now. Also I'm thinking about running tomorrow too, it'll be the first time I've run on consequetive days but I just feel I'm able. And want to. I'll decide for definite later tonight though.'re not going to let me do this on my own are you?

morningglory profile image

This post had me laughing - the bit about the sniper made me giggle out loud (my daughter now thinks I'm mad). Once you have done your first Parkrun you will wonder why you were so nervous. It does seem that everyone shoots off in front of you but there are always some behind and some of those who shoot off fast you will catch up with because they haven't paced themselves and will end up having to walk some of the course.

Yes you must have been mad doing the yoga thing for 3 hours as an experience!!!!! but good for you I think yoga is a bit like a religion to some people.

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to morningglory

They certainly seem devout.

Jeddahpm profile image

Best of luck with your first parkrun Fingalo!

shelleymcb profile image

your post has got me wanting to try yoga now. last time I went (about 6 years ago) I kept getting giggles cause some of the moves make people blow off (not me of course :) )

sounds like you had a great time & were very brave about it all.

good luck with the parkrun. will have to give that a go aswell

Fingalo profile image

Cheers guys, I kind of wish it were tomorrow now.

The yoga was fun Shelley but as some have suggested, three hours was probably a bit long to start. Oh and I forgot to mention the chanting.....Perhaps that was done to cover the noise of the air biscuits?

notbad profile image

It took me a while to get into yoga but I love it now, mine's a beginners class though so no scary contortions - although it can ressemble Twister sometimes. It's been great for my core strength & helped hugely with a calf niggle.

Go for that Parkrun Fingalo, you will ace it!

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to notbad

I suppose I really should reconsider and give a beginners class a look see, yoga was recommended to help my running so maybe I'll try it again at some stage.

Thanks Notbad, I'll no doubt be reporting back here on it.

morningglory profile image

I believe pilates is supposed to be even better,great for core strenghth. Often thought about going myself but it's just finding the time to fit it all in.

Fingalo profile image
FingaloGraduate in reply to morningglory

So I understand. I have a similar problem in that my long commute limits the window of opportunity

morningglory profile image

I believe pilates is supposed to be even better,great for core strenghth. Often thought about going myself but it's just finding the time to fit it all in.

Anniemurph profile image

Ha ha, Fingalo, I think we should send you to all sorts of other classes so you can report back for us :) I'm doing a swiss ball class today - I went to one previously and yes, everyone else was effortlessly balancing on one big toe whilst supporting their whole bodies on the ball with their pinky finger, and there was me collapsed over the thing like a... well, words fail me, but I'm sure you get the picture.

Hope the park run goes well - i look forward to your report :)

Fingalo profile image

Thanks Annie, my only regret is I didn't sort out the grad t-shirt in time. I'm so grateful to the programme and wanted to wear it on my first time out, to the point where I considered putting the run off until it arrived but I know that's daft, I'll just wear it for subsequent runs instead.

skf28 profile image

best of luck with the parkrun Fingalo and Greenlegs...... (do it, do it, do it)

love the yoga - give a salute to the sun from me :-)

Fingalo profile image

Thanks SKF. Also, I phoned the company today just on the off chance they could get the shirt to me, he said he can and it will be with me in the morning!

Now Greeners, are you gonna let me down?

Khrissy profile image

Good luck to both of you...looking forward to reading the blogs!

Khrissy profile image

Our park run has a bit called 'Angina Hill' :0 Scared me to death, will be long time before I get the courage up tackle that!!!!

Fingalo profile image

Greeners is being a bit quiet at the mo Khrissy, surely she's going to want to show off that shirt?

I'm delighted my local run isn't as tough as yours though, now I've made up my mind to enter I can't wait. If the day itself lives up to my current excitement I think I'll be running it weekly.

Khrissy profile image
KhrissyGraduate in reply to Fingalo

She'll do it...she has a shirt and everything!

It'll be very different for you, running with lots of others and in the daylight! I had you down as a vampire at one point ;)

greenlegs profile image

Good point there, Khrissy - I was thinking it was more of a challenge for me, being all visible at the tail end of the field, but you're right, running in daylight might do something very strange to Fingalo!

I've just looked up the course details - there is a tail runner tomorrow, which is sort of good - except that looking at his times, he'll have to run at literally less than half his usual pace... Well, actually, I expect he'll walk. Now that really is offputting! I'm s c a r e d !!!! But sort of excited too. I think. Maybe.

Tish1970 profile image
Tish1970Graduate in reply to greenlegs

The tail runner is a friend of mine!! I suppose you might be doing it now. So if you are there my thoughts are with you willing you on. Good luck Fingalo too!!

Fingalo profile image

Dracula? Fangs a lot!

You'll be grand Greeners, I imagine every one of the newbies will be nervous when 9 am comes but the way I see it, as long as none of us see it as the disaster poor Jennie did last week (I still think it can be a positive but I understood how she felt) then the next one is a doddle.

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