Well ive been over weight for a long time now. Ive always loved the thought of being able yo go running but i never really bothered. Until today i got up at 730 earphones in and away i went with Laura and the podcast. It wasn't easy at all but i got there. My only issue is i have really badly dropped arches. I have arch supports that were made for me by the doctor but my feet are still extremely sore when i run. Is this because ive dropped arches or is this due to my weight? Any way roll on Monday for round 2 davie
My firts run week 1: Well ive been over weight... - Couch to 5K
My firts run week 1

Hi David, welcome to the forum and well done for completing your first run. I think that's one of the hardest bits, making the decision and going for it.
A lot of people recommend going to a specialist running shop where they can make sure you get shoes that fit properly and support your feet. I don't know how this would work though if you are having medical care for your feet. Have you chatted to your doctor about it? The right shoes are really, really important for avoiding injury.
Yea i spoke with the doctor about it before i ran and he advised to buy motion control trainers so i went to dw sports and they sold me a pair of new balance trainers. My issue is there are no running shops etc within a 50-80 mile radius from me.

Well done for completing you first run. You are on your way!
If, like me, you are overweight it is bound to get better as you run some of this off.
Do you know a friendly physio that could give advice?
Good luck in sorting out the problem.

Can't really help you with your foot problems, but we'll done for starting with Laura and good luck with your next run. let us know how you get on

Welcome David! Hopefully you will have less pain as you become use to running and you lose weight. This program is such a wonderful program, just go slow and take all the time you need. You will be amazed at the progress you make from run to run. Good luck!! Gayle
Ahhh thanks gayle and everyone hopefully things will get easier