Hi am building up to kicking this off on Monda... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Hi am building up to kicking this off on Monday. Am 51 Male and 4 stone overweight any advice for a congenital lazy bugger no will power?

gemag profile image
36 Replies
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gemag profile image
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36 Replies

Well I started last Monday, I'm 40 havn't run since school, I m 3.5 stone overweight, been out 3times and I love it, start week 2 tomorrow. Just do it, Laura explains everything on the podcast...don't worry and after you will feel great that you had a go.

gemag profile image

Good advice. I think my main concern is I have a chronic lack of will power.In the past I have made a good stab at this kind of thing but never managed to stick to something for more than two weeks or so. I think this forum might shame me into keeping on track if I am honest with myself.

First things first got to buy a pair of trainers so off to JJB's in the morning.

I understand the willpower concern, that's why I told friends on Facebook I was doing it, to make sure I started it, then came on here so I didn't bore them with the detail, I'll look forward to your post when you've been out, I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised, I know I was.....good luck.

RhonaL profile image

Have a look at JJB sports website under running shoes. They have a guide to running shoe types by Asics that is very helpful - just in case you get the shop assistant from hell. Or go to a specialist running shop. I didn't do this and had sore knees until I got a pair of shoes for overpronaters (most overweight people overpronate). Learn by my mistake ...

Will power is a weird thing. I have always had good intentions re exercising but never follow through. But after I had run (staggered) my way through the first 60 seconds I was hooked. I was huffing and puffing, red as a beetroot but I felt like I had achieved something. I kept telling myself I was off that couch and somehow I just managed to finish the first run. Now five months later I am running- very slowly - for twenty five minutes non-stop.

Good luck for your first run and keep blogging.

Anonymous36 profile image

I agree with rhonal, firstly, get properly measured for your shoes (speaking from painful knee experience also), second, tell the world you are running, blog on here and on Facebook or any other social site you may use (the pub still counts as a social site, just order shandy instead of lager) the more people you tell, the more likely you will stick to it and the more support you will get. Lastly, if possible get yourself some run buddies, several is great but 1 would suffice (bribery is an option if they don't buy the idea straight away) and trust in the programme!!!

Good luck with run 1, prepare to be amazed :D

hollyO profile image

Welcome! You will find many people on here the same as you! Me for one (except Iam female!) Laura is amazing and by sticking with her and this brilliantly thought out programme, you should be fine. You may get aches and pains along the way but most problems are addressed here on C25K. People on here are so ready to help because we all want to spread the word and help each other. Sounds like The Waltons doesn't it!!

I agree with the footwear issue. I had gait analysis and as I overpronate was fitted with the correct trainers (New Balance).

Good luck and keep posting on here! :D

Nevertoolate profile image

I'm 51 too, have never done any form of exercise since leaving school and I can't believe I'm looking forward to week 3 on Monday. Honestly, this makes you feel so good you're hooked right away. Just go for the first run and then write and tell us all how you got on - we'll be with you all the way. Laura talks you though it on the podcast and the sense of achievement is fantastic! Go for it and don't think about later, think about now... Good luck.

gemag profile image
gemag in reply to Nevertoolate

Hi thanks all for your kind words- this will power issue is a weird thing.I managed to give up smoking 19 years ago never even had a drag on one since but I have had terrible food issues all my life.

I wonder if many people at a younger age have a negative experience that puts them off exercise - perhaps its to do with body image or whatever? I hated team sports at school because I wasn't very good to be honest and think that sense of shame about it or fear of failure has condemned me to the sedentary life. I will keep you posted as I face down my own demons -thanks all for your kind words of support and advice.

D day is tomorrow.

Barney019 profile image

Good luck - I'm pretty much the female equivalant of you and I have zero willpower. I didnt tell anyone I was doing this as I was so sure it would be something else I'd give up on after a week. But today/tomorrow I am embarking on week 4 and the couple of friends I have told are now asking how the running is to which I reply - its great! And it is, you will get hooked honestly, go for it!

Hi gemag, i think "just do it" is the best advice.

I have also started a number of things like this in the past and never made it to the end, I cant explain why but these pod cast have worked - I have just got back from run 3 week 6!

Good luck tomorrow - let us know how you get on :)

Rockshammer profile image

Hi I graduated last week and ran 10k on Friday. I started the plan just over ten weeks ago and if someone had told me I'd be running 10k I'd have laughed.

I'm 41 6'4 and was 18.5 stone - I'm now 16.7 stone and feel like I have so much more energy!!!!

Stick with the programme and you WILL reap the benefits!!!!!

gemag profile image

Rockshammer that is seriously inspiring well done.

Interesting you have lost so much weight were you on a diet as well or was it just the exercise?

Rockshammer profile image
RockshammerGraduate in reply to gemag

Thanks - wasn't consciously on a diet but strangely felt I needed less to eat so must have been that - was fairly fit when u was a teenager and feel like that again now - start half marathon training at end of June!!!!!

Katsmeat profile image

I am quite convinced that huge numbers of young people were put off sport at school in the past. I definitely was - the combination of being last to be picked for any team and having to be out in all weathers in completely unsuitable clothing, especially when you are a body-conscious teenager was a killer.

I'm like Barney019 - I have been very secretive about my running as I was sure I would fail. Actually I think this has worked in my favour as the fantasy of posting about my 30 minute graduation run on facebook, out of the blue as it were, has spurred me on during many a low moment in my runs. I graduate on my next run so hopefully that fantasy is about to be fulfilled :-)

tantrumbean profile image
tantrumbeanGraduate in reply to Katsmeat

Same here, keeping it a secret till I've graduated, but keeping myself motivated with little things like looking forward to putting the next podcast on my I-pod and downloading my runs on the garmin website. Now completed week 2, so the current motivation for week 3 is that by the end of it I'll be a third of the way through!

I'm 55 and 4.5 stone overweight. I'm doing W7R1 this afternoon and if I can do it so can you. The first run is the big psychological step so go on and take it. And good luck.

gypsydepp profile image

See the support you get just by asking one question?

When you run for the first time, imagine all of us waiting to hear how you get on!

Wonder how long it will take you to get "hooked"?

Took me about 3 runs!

good luck! :)

happierswimming profile image

Will power is just another word for stubborn. I bet you've got the will power to continue to do the things you like so make up your mind to enjoy running. Stick willl Laura and keep blogging.

juicydee profile image

Hey - Mrs 55 years old, 4 stone overweight, congenital non-exerciser here..... Started C25K in January (classic New Year's resolution) and did a time of 1hr 27mins in the London Bupa 10k last Sunday. Except I'm no longer 4 stone overweight, I'm 3.5 stone overweight now. No dieting but have recently cut down the booze drastically, only possible because I felt so much healthier from all that running!

I'm sure you'll love the programme because it doesn't ask you to do it all at once, which is the mistake most people make when they start running. The goals are (just about) achievable each week, but the progress is exponential! Go for it!!!!

gemag profile image

So I’ve been to JJB and splashed out £39.99 on trainers. Then I realised I had to get an MP3 player so I did a mad dash down to the shops before they closed. Think I ‘ve got a shin splint from running to the door of Curry’s from the car too fast!

Seriously it’s the first time I have ran for anything since the coalition came to power.

Have got to do it now - am in this for just south of £80 so I have to see a return.

Planning on going out early in case I scare the horses.

Have bought a very bright white Nike T shirt –to help the paramedics if they needed to find me face down in a puddle.

Roll on day one week one.

melfromhove profile image
melfromhove in reply to gemag

Good luck for tomorrow! I'm 5.5 stone overweight and 50 years old - did the first run today and loved it! You go for it!

njoydsilence101 profile image
njoydsilence101 in reply to melfromhove

wow mel I am about the same as you and I was really worried if I could do this because I am so big, good on you and let me know how you get on :-)

in reply to melfromhove

Hi, I'm 53, was 5 stone overweight, been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes decided I had to take control of my life and now I'm on WK8 R2, NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS DID i THINK i COULD DO THIS ....running 28MINS!!! (lost a stone so far) but I did it and I'm looking forward to graduating next week (hopefully!!)......just wanted to let you know that you can do it, the best advice I can give you is PACE yourself and you'll be fine.......(have a look at my blog and it shows my procress over the week, the good and the bad) you can do it I know you can..............all the best pam

juicydee profile image
juicydeeGraduate in reply to gemag

Tee hee - your sense of humour will see you through, judging by the way you write!!

Keep posting - I have a feeling yours will be one of those blogs that people keep coming back to...... you're very readable!

Good luck - but more important than that, good running!! :-) :-) :-)

VintagePat profile image
VintagePat in reply to gemag

Just love your sense of humour!

Rockshammer profile image

You lot are so funny - You are all embarking on a life changing 9 weeks - good luck to you all and gemag let us know how you get on!!!!!

Mirella profile image

Go for it. You will quickly find that its not a question of willpower more that you soon become a running addict.

Sports direct is a great place for cheap good running stuff, I find online better than the stores. They have brightly coloured and reflective stuff so that paramedics can find you in low light/darkness in said puddle.

maddykins profile image

we are all so looking forward to updates from you gemag, get out there and do it. its so easy and so rewarding just to get home and post about your run . You will soon get the bug like we all did . Good luck and enjoy. Let us know how you get on x

gemag profile image

Glad to report I did week one day one this morning!!

Have a stiff left shin but so fat thats all.Thanks for all your support and advice.

All best

TJFlute profile image
TJFlute in reply to gemag

Do stretches after warm up walk and after cool down to help with the shins etc. Run one done :)

Heartboy profile image

Well done. Looking forward to the updates. Ice can also help with the shins.

notlaura profile image

Congrats gemag

sallyb123 profile image

Well done gemag, I'm sure you'll soon be hooked on running, just like the rest of us.

April61 profile image

I so admire you for getting as far as thinking about it! I am also 51, no significant weight problem, but wouldn't have seen myself as a runner - ever. I just took it one week at a time, the main thing is to start.

Solihullred profile image

i am 41, hadn't run since school but done some cycling and play a bit of golf. I was 16 st 12 lbs as well. I just used the program for motivation and tracked myself on endomondo (iPhone/android app) to give me a barometer Armed with a pair of Asics Gel shoes for over pronators and i was off. The first week was hard but it just got better. I have just finished week7 and run nearly 5 miles in 54 minutes so i am delighted! I have wanted to run several times in the past but always gone off like a scaled cat and been unable to walk for days after. This kept me going. I used Robert Ullrey's podcast from iTunes which was great as well. Remember Harvey from Fat club. "Mind over matter, if you don't mind, it don't matter". He is so right.

Angel-Cake profile image

Well done gemag keep with it now as you have really started something here. We are all interested in your progress!! ;)

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