Hi there,just wondering if anyone has experien... - Couch to 5K

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Hi there,just wondering if anyone has experienced groin and lower back pain the day after running. Thanks

Babyhel profile image
10 Replies
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Babyhel profile image
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10 Replies
Anonymous36 profile image

groin pain yes I do. I get pain in my groin sometimes when I'm running up a long but gradual hill and other times I get it after running. A good stretch afterwards usually sorts it, it can be a bit achy the next day but not painful enough to take tablets for.

Running doesn't affect my back

RhonaL profile image

Hi Babyhel, have not had groin pain but have had lower back pain the day after a run. Mine was fine the following day - I know that I am using muscles that have long been in hibernation. I won't worry unless the pain continues. Would guess groin pain is the same.

Babyhel profile image

Thanks so much for that. If anyone has any advice on stretches that might help I'd really appreciate it.

Anonymous36 profile image

try searching youtube for stretches. I got mine from there.

The one I find helps my groin is standing on one leg whilst holding the other leg behind you, pull your foot towards your bum, hold your toes and pull them into your back. If you lean forward it increases the stretch. Swap legs and repeat.

I hope that makes sense

You could try introducing the full set of stretches from Cool Running (written by the man who first developed C25k) here: coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_...

For lower back pain you could also look online for some piriformis stretches - there are some good ones demonstrated on Youtube.

Babyhel profile image
Babyhel in reply to

Just had a look at cool running will give those stretches a try thanks again. Due to do wk5R3 on Monday so want to be sure I'm going to be okay. Feeling nervous about it.

Burstcouch profile image

Think there should be a link to stretching excercises on this website , as there does not seem to be one. Advice from a sports physio to link onto this site and show folks what to do would be helpful

Had groin pain once or twice it goes with stretching excercises.

Babyhel profile image
Babyhel in reply to Burstcouch

Yeah I agree a link would be very useful. Might alleviate some of the worry that your doing something wrong. Will definitely start stretching.

Greg_M profile image

Lower back stuffness can be down to running 'form' if you are tense around your shoulders and back and run looking downwards at the ground a bit this can contribute.

If you can run tall, looking ahead and relax your shoulders and upper back that can help.

When I slip out of form I try to concentrate on pulling my shouldersback and down like I was on parade and that tends to pull everything else into shape but it can feel a bit odd at first ;-)

AmandaW profile image

Groin pain - yes - it sounds as though your hip flexors are too tight - search for hip flexor stretches and do them religiously - I didn't and it put me out of action for 2 weeks! They tend to show themselves as lower back pain too as the muscle is attached to the top of the pelvis at the back if I remember rightly. You tend to get it if you sit a lot for work - or simply because its a muscle that is hard to stretch. They are central to running as they also affect the quads and the glutes - when they go they go big time so search for the stretches - very easy to find - and do them to protect the rest of the lower half of your body :-)

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