Just woundering what peoples thoughts were as to the best time to go running/training? Would it be first thing in the morning before work, or after work?
when is the best time to go running/training? - Couch to 5K
when is the best time to go running/training?
I started c25k last week on Monday, also ran Wed and Fri, I found it best to go first thing in the morning, I think that if I left it until later I'd make up excuses not to go and I'd also be worrying about what and when I ate during the day. Also on the plus side, much fewer people and cars around at that time of the day, if you're running outside of course
Personal choice really, however for me - it is always better in the morning, less people in the park, less food in me and does not cut into the day. Going later means you may get distracted or something 'more important' may come up.
I agree with SharonaM. I've tried running after work but much prefer first thing in the morning even if it means getting up at 5.30 a.m! But its what feels best for you. I'd suggest trying different times and seeing what suits you.
It's a personal thing and will probably depend on whether you are a morning person or not! I've tried both before and afterwork and for me its definatly morning. Like Debrabwfc it does mean getting up at 5.15/5.30am but its worth it. If I leave it to after work I spend the whole day making up excuses not to go. My fave time is the weekend...probably between 7-8am!
Good luck with which ever time of day you go for.
I personally found that if I ran in the evening around 6pm then I had trouble sleeping as the run had woken me up too much so I shifted to mornings and now I sleep like a baby! I don't know whether you find the same with running in the evenings?
(When I say mornings though I'm not a keen bean like all the other morning people; I'm a student so I'm lucky in that I can run at 10ish and still call it an early run!)
I agree with Debrawfc, maybe try different times over the next week or so and see what works best for your schedule?
Hiya. I agree with those who say its personal choice. Its best to find what time of the day suits you. I've started doing my Couch to 5K training in the afternoon during my lunch break and an early morning run on a Saturday. I have to say I do prefer the early morning weekend run. I find there are less people and I'm less distracted
It is a personal thing, I have been running during the week in the evening, about 6 or 6:30 pm, when it is dark(!), I run around the streets and usual bump into at least 3 other runners, loads of people walkign their doga and walkers. at the weekend I usually runon a Sun morning about 9am, the streets are more deserted and I usual only see a few hardy runners. I feel safe running around the area I live and it is very handy as all I have to do is get the kit on and open the door, there are a few nasty hills mind!.
difficult question to answer this as everyone has there own circumstamces which dictate when they can go out. mornings are good cos most races are in a morning but it has been scientifically proven that the body is most receptive to exercise between 4pm to 6pm..so either really.the fanatics could cover both options by training twice daily!!!
I always run in the morning, 8.30/9 if it's on the treadmill, or 8am if it's outside. I find it sets me up well for the day