I am appalled at whoever designed the street layout in our area. They did not give a thought to how I could increase my running distance without having to double back on myself. I think a letter to the local council or even my MP may be in order. I think I will add a few suggestions of which houses they could demolish in order to add some more usable return routes. There are a couple of houses that have an awful taste in curtains so they will be top of the list. I am sure if any of those are occupied by runners, they will be sympathetic to my cause.
We have resigned ourselves to the fact that a gradual increase in distance will involve retracing our steps to some degree. However, four times now my boyfriend and I have left home with a specific turning point in mind and gone past it without remembering. I blame him for not interrupting me at the appropriate time. I am sure he just switches off and lets me rant away about whatever I have on my mind at the time and forgets. By the time we realise, we have gone too far to turn back, so carry on.
Once we get to over 7K, there is an estate (that is just under 4K way) that has loads of little roads and cut-throughs that should allow us to have a bit more flexibility. But, until then we will have to persevere and hopefully find some way to remind us at the appropriate point. A watch alarm failed to get noticed and our other idea of driving round and writing on the pavement in chalk seems a bit excessive. Also, it would probably rain and wash the marks away!! I am not pinning my hopes on the council as they cant even fill a pot-hole, let a lone build a new road for me! 😂
Any suggestions???