For the last few runs I did it from leavig the house but today from starting running. Was disappointing to see how much I'd actually run in 25 mins (3.24km)
When working out the distance you've achieved ... - Couch to 5K
When working out the distance you've achieved do you start from when you leave the house or when you start actually running?
I do it from when I start running but it is easy as I use a treadmill. have not long started running outside so will start using one of the online sites to plot my mileage once I am back up to 30mins (running with my girls who do their first 20min run at the weekend).
dont worry about not doing the full 5k. there arent many that make it to 5k in 30 minutes. for 5k it took me about 34 mins after building up to that 34 mins adding a min each run, to get there. & it has taken me nearly a year to get this down to 28 1/2 mins.
you should be concentrating on & enjoying that high from running 25mins. that in itself is a fantastic achievement
Thanks. My sensible head knows that shelleymcb but found it quite disheartning to realise how far off I am getting to 5km in 30 mins. I will keep plodding on and perhaps do a flat run Sunday to give me a confidence boost.
Only measure how far you have run. That's just over 2 miles. I was only on 2.3 miles when I got to the end of 9wks but have already improved on that just this week. I had hoped I would have covered a bit more distance than that at the time but really it didn't get me down as I was running for 30mins. The 5K will come. If you measure the whole distance, walking and running you will probably have a better idea of what ground you need to cover just running. You are doing great.
Thanks blueboots! I do need to keep reminding myself I can run 25 minutes & I am really chuffed with that....never thought i'd get that far!