CATCH-UP CORNER...WEEK 2...Please slip off you... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH-UP CORNER...WEEK 2...Please slip off your running shoes, and just relax... Everybody is Welcome here.

Oldfloss profile image
67 Replies

“Put one foot in front of the other, focus on the little goal right in front of you, and almost anything is possible.”

Hello, my running friends.

Well here we are in the Catch-up Corner for the second week of November. The fire is bright, the cushions, warmed, and ready for you to take a breather.

Last week, for many of us was a hard one, and not just for running. It is going to take a while before we all begin to recover from that and learn to move forward again . That is going to be a little, ( not so little ), goal for me.

I had a run last Tuesday, a run, on Friday, and a run Sunday morning. They are part of my, getting back to 10K again plan... a very short one, a 5K and another short one!

All different, and all done with a different purpose.

I am not always conscious of thinking of the word, purpose, I just think, what do I feel today, what do my body and my mind hope this run brings, besides pure enjoyment? Is that purpose?

My Sunday run actually linked in with this... it was a NRC guided run, and the word purpose was used a lot.

Mostly, the runs give me exactly what I wish them too, and there have fortunately been very few, that have fallen short, (except the one where I had to call Mr OF to rescue me after a niggly twinge which turned out to be a tad worse than I thought) !

That was not a good one:) But, apart from that, I think I have been quite lucky! I discovered very quickly too that, although not intentionally, writing up and rambling about every run I did was just amazing ! Still doing still a little goal that is always there!

It has been quite interesting, reading a few posts this week; folk were giving some great information of their runs and using, the very words that were in my head for this post title... they stole my thunder... wonderfully!

So... I found another favourite quote, that was similar... but not quite the same, and it seemed to fit C25K perfectly and.... in fact, perfect for all levels of our running, ( and not just our running)!

Our runs may have a clear goal, or purpose; when we begin C25K... we aim to run for 9 weeks, or however long it may take us, until we can run comfortably for 30 minutes. After that, the running world is ours for the choosing.... and then maybe, we do begin to think of a personal purpose?

Not really why we run, but what are the little goals that each of us may have, as we put one foot in front of the other. A goal just for one run, or a week of runs, or longer. A goals that is always there, every run, even if others are added?

I think it might be good to share? Chat about our own little goals... do we meet them all the time, some of the time or hardly ever. What happens if we don't make those little goals... how do we react?

All a bit like life really... little goals and how they affect us.

The weather here is not great for running right now, so it is a good time to make ourselves comfortable and just have a natter.

Please, slip off your running shoes, grab a cushion and come and let us know how it is all going?

Go on, come on in... everyone welcome !

Oldfloss x


The quotation.. courtesy of Joe De Sena... he has done some awesome running!

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Oldfloss profile image
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67 Replies
Mothmoss profile image

Hi Oldfloss - totally failed this week. Had flu jab on Friday and have felt rubbish since, then the dentist and Covid jab tomorrow. Given up on running for this week. Will redo week 3 next week and onwards and upwards hopefully!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mothmoss

Please, no failure , not ever... Your body has been invaded:) and is responding. You just need to rest up... the Covid jab too is a powerful thing, and we need to let it s do its job.

Dentist too ! Too much!

You have made the right choice.. rest up, get over it and then move on ... Your goal maybe.. stay sensible and know that the runs will wait. Your cushion will be here:)

Mothmoss profile image
MothmossGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you - it's so frustrating, because I had got to week 9 before the summer and now I am finding it hard to run even for 5 minutes and this feels like another set back. It has helped to read about people who expect themselves to be running at week 9 level after going back to do it all a second time around - but it is surprising how hard it is psychologically. I am going to do it though, drink more and run slower seems to work so I'll try that next week.

Dendev75 profile image

Hi Oldfloss, I love this picture 🥰 very cosy vibes right there. The weather has just been horrendous with heavy downpours and high winds, but I have forced myself to join a running club and I go along for the first time tonight (7pm). I don’t like running late at night but through winter and these dark evenings needs must to keep me running. I’ve ordered myself a chest running light from decathlon and there’s no excuse for me now. 😋 wish me luck. X

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dendev75

It does look cosy... I agree! Terrible weather here too!

I really hope your run goes well.. a goal there, just stay safe and get warm afterwards? I will say, enjoy it... stay safe and stay warm... We shall look forward to your post.

High Viz at night or early morning is definitely a must...I have flashing lights for my shoes too.

We are awesome... we need to be seen :) x

David_G profile image

Hi Oldfloss an running friends, hope you’re all getting out there despite the dodgy weather 😳

I’m still recovering from my injury but definitely on the mend. I went to the sports physio last week and he’s pleased with my progress. I’m shuffling around the house now, mostly without crutches 👍

I’m hoping to pop down to Parkrun on Saturday if the weather’s kind, just to meet all my friends down there and cheer them on! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to David_G

Hello you. It really is dodgy. We have had torrential rain, flooding on the roads and glorious sunshine, all in the same day! So stormy now.

Such good news that you are making progress and have been able to lessen the use of the crutches too.

Heading down to Park Run will keep you in the loop too. I guess your goal is just to keep on making progress and getting back to the next starting line ?

Well done my friend xxx

David_G profile image
David_G in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss you’re absolutely right - the goal is to keep going and getting back out there 🏃‍♂️ I’ve got another physio appointment in a couple of weeks. I’m hoping he’ll give me the OK to get a proper gait analysis done and (yippee!) new shoes, maybe with insoles to take care of my over-pronation 😒 Never knew I did that, but it’s unlikely I’d have noticed until I started doing longer distances regularly 😖 Lesson learned! 😀👍

Other than that, I’ve got my Covid booster and ‘flu jabs tomorrow. Those might turn out to be the highlight of my week unless I get to Parkrun! 🤣

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to David_G

Enjoy the jabs... I had mine together and got an itchy arm and just a tad tired for 24 hours...

Lots to look forward for you and lots of little new goals to set for the future? Good luck !

Lola-bear profile image

Hello, I feel I’m failing miserably I feel at the moment-maybe the time of year I dislike the dark days- I seem to be stuck in a rut of shorter runs less frequently and feel i’mslipping into bad habits with running so I definitely need a purpose. Maybe I should remind myself of why I started my running journey, like a lot of us I was so excited to reach my goal of running for 30 mins, my health improved along with my stamina and mental health. Seems I’ve forgotten all that so thank you OF for reminding me.

I shall endeavour to take a leaf out of your book 🥰

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Lola-bear

Oh gosh...It has been sudden.,,, we had that late extra warmth and now... dark, wet and cold, well here anyway

Holding onto our goals can be hard to do... so a simple attainable one is the thing. And you have already hosen a little goal... haven't you? To remember that feeling and what the result of it was.

Choose a run you enjoy and if it is a short one, then fine... but, for your next goal? Make it a K longer... or... maybe check out the NRC runs... they would get anyone going.... !Some short, some longer and one to suit every mood... maybe try the Tough Day, Easy Run.... 20 minutes.... it gave me a kick start!

You are going to be fine and your cushion is here, any time you need to chat! x

Lola-bear profile image
Lola-bearGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thsnk you so much for that. I have downloaded the NRC app and not used it so that will be my goal for the week.

I’ll let you know how I get you are a great motivator OF xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Lola-bear

Just relax... and go with it :) x

Annieapple profile image

Thank you Oldfloss for the invitation into a Warm Space…tomorrow I start my consolidation runs & my grateful heart is overflowing…. What a joyful comeback after agonising pain for weeks.. I absolutely love this quote about the little goals…& very timely for me…the bigger goal of consolidating & then moving on towards the 10K plan is clear & bright BUT the non run day stretch & flex is where I fall apart…that discipline of exercise other than running I find very hard to sustain … so that’s my challenge … Thank you for space to think about it, verbalise it.. & be purposeful!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Annieapple

Lovely to see you here... on a cushion near to the fire:)

Oh goodness, a little goal reached already! Pain eased and returning to the runs. Well done.

Well done too, on recognising the need for the strength and flex work too. I speak from personal experience when advising how important it truly is. Especially when on the IC too.

Making that a goal is a super idea, but, do be kind to yourself, get to that one slowly and steadily. Try to find a gentle routine that fits your lifestyle and you.

One that becomes a habit, but an enjoyable one. I have regular routines, some short and some longer, and I do really enjoy doing them, besides feeling the benefit. There are so many links to the S and F work on the S and F forum....if you need any links, pleas shout out to me:)

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you!! Great idea to have both short & long workouts..mix it up plus no excuse when time is short!! 🤣 Enjoyed Consolidation 1 today using NRC … beautiful moon set & sunrise … pre running days, I would have been none the wiser…

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Annieapple

That sounds just beautiful...Moon set and sunrise... there was a huge moon here last night.. ( Unfortunately I could not sleep, so was, moon-gazing)!

You consolidation run sounds great, which run did you do? I got a 10 minute NRC in this morning... CB ran to the GP surgery and back with me!

Annieapple profile image
AnnieappleAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

30mins Finish lines Coach Bennet asking questions… enjoyed it!! Sorry you couldn’t sleep & hope you have a better night tonight after your run to the GO.. hope all is well! 🤗

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Annieapple

I've done that one! Great...I think I may sleep tonight. A quick run and a day in the Peak District...may work wonders...

Roxdog profile image

Hello - lovely thoughtful post as always!Well, rubbish weather, dental treatment and my bad neck which is causing headaches has held me back again. But I will run again in the next few days! I promise. I also have reflected on how lucky I am to have my health. A bit battered, but still going!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Roxdog

Battered but unbowed!

You are doingwell and a small setback will give you time to heal and feel better. A small goal? Just to count your blessings... as I think are many of us right now.

Your cushion will be here. We shall watch for your running return post!

Well done you

OldManRunning profile image

Not being able to cope without having some structure in my running timetable I started Ju-Ju's magic plan although my intended 10k's not until July. After my difficulty running up the hill in the middle of my parkrun I routed my first 15 min (seemed a bit short after building up to 30 but there was obviously a reason I couldn't fathom) run with a few short hills to get my legs used to the feeling. Sensible or counterproductive! I have no idea but it worked ok other than juggling Strava and NRC and nearly dropping my phone and of course the same dog nearly tripping me up.. for the 3rd time

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to OldManRunning

It that little goal was met.... maybe another little goal would be to find a way to avoid the little dog! 3rd time!

I am back on Jus Magic Plan for the unpteenth time... it suits me and I am about to start Week 4... I sneaked a 10 minute, run in today just because I had an errand to run... ( see what I did there)? The plan really does work, so well...

You are getting on famously and we are looking forward to seeing more posts and seeing you here with us to share them!

Swimming24 profile image

Hi Oldflosd I just want to be in that picture it is soo cosy, Not sure if I should be posting in here as I completed a few weeks ago. I felt guilty not running due to a slight knee issue but have done 2 very long walks in horizontal rain and wind. Best thing as it has cleared the head and swept away the feeling of sadness. Like others we all have stuff to deal with and I have found this forum a safe and reassuring place to return to and feel connected. Thank you

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Swimming24

You most certainly should be posting here. Everybody is welcome and we all need to share our running stories and listen to others too. That is how we move on... the forum family, supporting and encouraging!

Don't feel guilty.. injuries happen... even elite athletes get is part of running! You faced that and you walked, probably a great things to do in the circumstances. I did the same, along a very windy jetty on and sea-break in Wales:)

I shall keep a cushion for you and we shall watch for your running posts:)

Swimming24 profile image
Swimming24Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you Oldfloss I am sorry for the delay in replying but I have been away. Your posts always put be back on track like a encouraging friend who is always there being supportive. You are invaluable thank you 🏃🏼‍♂️

Hi Oldfloss,

Thank you for the post it was lovely and heart warming. May I take a seat on your chair cushion or sofa? I would love a cozy floor cushions but i would have an issue getting down and up again.

Still waiting on my knee replacement they have ran out of bone cement here😳 yes you are reading this correctly.

OS and knee replacement won’t stop me from working out although I’m taking it a bit easier with bike, elliptical and weights etc I do miss the running but thankfully there are still many things I’m allowed to do.

Hope you all have a great day. Look forward to all your posts.

Oldfloss profile image

Oh my goodness, Hidden ... you shall have a very comfy place to rest! They have run out of cement??? That almost sounds unbelievable!

Well... your goal is to get that replacement done as soon as it can be... and how good that there are some things you can do, to keep everything moving!

The runs will wait and in the meantime... the small goals for other bits of the body and staying positive are enough. You can sit beside me and we will share everyone's posts together ! x

LiisaM profile image

Dear Oldfloss! I love your cushion offers! Such a great idea for a post! Well, I have been a might cranky all day today because I like to run in the morning, but Son decided that HE was going to run -- at noon -- when he finally got going. Then he did not want to stay with The One Who Needs Watching (because it is much easier to watch the One when he is sleeping!) BUT I whined and complained until it was dark this evening and Son relented. I did Speed because I had less time and no chest light like Dendev75 to use out on our local road. My run started out half-baked, but in the middle, I zipped it up by taking off my buff and hat which made me too warm. There is something to be said about running shortly after one wakes up--when the day is new, and the sun is rising. But Laura says, "A bad run is better than no run at all," and CB says I should celebrate getting started on a run--that getting out to do the run is maybe the hardest part....

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Hello ! You know that your cushion here, is always waiting for you!

Well... you Ran! That is just great, but I do know exactly what you mean about the time to run. Like you, that run at the start of the day... I love your phrase. " ...when the day is new". I may be asking your permission to be using that phrase in a future post ?

The knack of what to wear and how many layers etc... is a tricky one. Setting out a tad chilly and then having to discard the layers !

You are doing incredibly well and as ever, in the face of great difficulty at times.

Well done you... please pop in later and let is know how it is all going!

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

To answer your question, of course! You shouldn't even ask. Today I have to retrieve a Depends from a tree to which it was thrown out of a window. That is my first task for my non-running day today. Hope your day goes well!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Retrieve a ... what?

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

A Depends.... You don't have them in England?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Ohhhhh! I am not familiar with anything of that name.. but yes...I am aware of them now I know what they are...I thought you'd mistyped!!!!😂

in reply to LiisaM

Hi LisaM,

I must say I had to Google this word, I’m from Scotland and living abroad and I have never heard of A Depends. Another question is why was it in a tree?

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to

Digdeep, I am a caregiver for someone with dementia. The person with dementia went in the bathroom and in the process of discarding their Depends, opened the window and threw it out—where it landed in a tree. Of course, there is a wastebasket right UNDER the window for them…. I told a friend of mine that if she comes over, it’s probably a good idea not to stand under the bathroom window.

in reply to LiisaM

Oh ghosh no ….. my mother went through this and died of dementia after 7 years of being diagnosed so I fully understand where this comes from. It’s so hard to see someone go through this brings back so many memories. LiisaM you and your colleagues do amazing work well done, and thank you for your services.

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to

Thanks, but I'm an unpaid caregiver for a member of my family! It is a very hard job....

MissUnderstanding profile image

Does catch up corner have the option the join by zoom? I’ve got covid again and I’m feeling rotten. It started as what I thought was a standard cold. Felt better on Tuesday and had a lovely run in the rain. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick, dizzy, headache, toothache, aching absolutely everywhere else and have now tested positive. Utterly miserable. Hoping it doesn’t last too long. So much for this week’s goal of running three times! Never mind.

There’s a great Nike run club run called “running towards your goals”. That’s one of my favourites. I wonder if it was that one you did!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Oh my goodness... this is not good news at all. Poor you x

This blinking Covid has not, whatever folk may think, gone away and I am so sorry that you are feeling so rotten!

Your post has given me an idea though! I need to think about it... Zoom hmmm? During the pandemic, my water-colour class that I used to go to, held all the classes on Zoom!

Meanwhile... your running goal, that will wait, and you need to replace it with, to feel better soon. Rest and hydrate well, painkillers for those aches and pains and just know that we are here if you need a cheery chat!

Take it as ever, slow and steady xxx

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks! I’ve had it a couple of times before (the joys of working with kids!) and this is the worst since before I was vaccinated. Planning on a duvet day and a bath.

Zoom definitively served a purpose. It’s been a while since have had to use it for anything. Seems like a whole life time ago. I’ve always wanted to try water colour. I might dig out an unfinished crochet project if I feel like it later.

Thanks for cheering me up! ❤️

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Wishing you well, MissUnderstanding! I am retired but think it is intolerable that covid affects the health of so many in their work life like in yours. I am sorry!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Thanks for a lovely message! I’m feeling a little better today than yesterday. Hopefully that will continue. Luckily, MrUnderstanding rarely gets ill and can pick up some treats. I’ll be taking things very slowly once I’m up and about again.

Dendev75 profile image
Dendev75Graduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Oh no, sorry to hear you’re so poorly MU. I hope you start feeling better soon and on the road to recovery - take care and how nice MrMU brings treats 🥰

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dendev75

He did well! Coffee and Pringles. I only get those on special occasions because I can’t be trusted with them. I’m currently feeling first thing in the morning cold grotty but hopefully once I’ve had some caffeine and a hot shower things will improve!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Take it steady.... just enjoy the treats :) x

Dendev75 profile image
Dendev75Graduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

just rest up and enjoy those treats 🥰

Leotigris profile image

have you got a spare cushion for me? I was planning just to sit quietly in the corner and listen but thought I might commiserate with Mothmoss.

After my covid and flu jabs on Monday I missed my usual Wednesday run as I was still feeling a bit grotty. I thought I was feeling better this morning so I decided to try it today - it should have been my long run of week 5 of Ju-Ju's magic plan (distance version). Unfortunately I had to stop after an extra-slow 5k.

I think I might try another short run this week and redo week 5 next week.

Mothmoss profile image
MothmossGraduate in reply to Leotigris

Hi Leotigris

After re-reading my post - I realised what a moaner I sounded 😂. Never mind, have had all the jabs now and looking forward to getting back out there, can actually feel enthusiasm coming back!! - good luck with your run this week, I might try and get out there tomorrow once the jumbo jet landing on my head feeling has gone!!

Leotigris profile image
LeotigrisGraduate in reply to Mothmoss

thanks Mothmoss, you didn't really sound like a moaner to me! Hope you're feeling better soon!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mothmoss

Gentle hug x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Leotigris

Loads of spare cushions! Sitting quietly is good , but chatting is good too! Your cushion is here!

Well done you for resting after your injections.... and well done on listening to that body when you did get out again!

It can be temptation to push a tad. but you did exactly the right thing...and your next little goal? head out when you are feeling rested and maybe a tad further.... if all feels well !

Looking forward to your next post... xxx

Leotigris profile image
LeotigrisGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

thanks Oldfloss

Leotigris profile image
LeotigrisGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Hi Oldfloss, thank you so much for your encouragement. I managed a shorter run on Saturday (4k) and then, this morning, the long 8k run of week 5 of Ju-Ju's magic plan (distance version) so I'm back on track!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Leotigris

Well done you !

SkiMonday profile image

My main reason for running is to keep type 2 diabetes under control. That said, it’s not something that I think about much day to day. I often run further than 5k but, to me, that’s just a way of keeping it interesting!

One way of staying motivated is to lead some group runs. It’s hard to duck out if you’re the one who’s going to be leading the run!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SkiMonday

All sounding good to me... a goal to stay on top of that Type 2... I help keep Mr OF on that road too!

As you say... hard to let things slide when YOU are the motivator!

Huge well done to you... doing it yourself and taking others with you!

SkiMonday profile image
SkiMondayGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss.

Thinking about it, it's time to head out for the club run. And the forecast says "dry" 😀 (although, I think that "sunny" would be pushing my luck too far at this time on a November evening)!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SkiMonday

Enjoy ...stay safe xxx

Elfe5 profile image

Hi OF, I love the very cosy Cosy Corner!😄

Still no running for me, but I’m cycling & doing physio & Pilates until my back settles.

I wish it would get a wiggle on & mend!!🙄

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

Oh my gosh!!

I am wiggling for you, but, your goal... to stay sensible and patient? Those runs will wait, your back will settle and.... all you are doing to stay mobile is going to help, when the time comes...

HUGE well done to you, and I will make sure there is an extra comfy chair here for you ! xxx

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

😆 Thank you - I will extra snuggle on that chair!😄

Sigh - yes, you are quite right- that has to be my goal right now- although I could sneak in an extra goal of increase my weekly cycling & reduce podge before Christmas. 😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

You could... if you take care... don't push too hard... ( gosh , I do sound like your Mum)!

But if you shed some podge... ( I love that), then there is room for some Christmas treat podge) ! xxx

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

My thought exactly- plus the horrible thought of current podge PLUS Christmas podge! 😱😱😱

…and yes, very like my Mum - which is very lovely! 😄😄

xx2000 profile image

Hi! And thanks for this cosy corner. I am redoing C25 after graduating some years ago and having stopped running. My little victory every time i go to run is leaving my confortable bed - I have discovered that my body prefers to run early in the morning but my mind doesnt agree!! My second minigoal is to run at least 30 seconds more than the previous run - I can not run 25 minutes, so I am increasing little by little from 20 minutes. Not very impressive but I am really happy because for the first time I am looking forward the next run.... And crossing fingers that It doesnt rain !! 😅

SkiMonday profile image
SkiMondayGraduate in reply to xx2000

So, you're looking forward to the next run and adding 30 seconds each time,sounds like a win-win to me. I'm impressed!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to xx2000

Welcome back! Some great little goals there... and just taking it gently sounds exactly right to me....

You are very welcome in the Corner here, where we all share what is happening in our running and beyond too! Many, many of us have repeated for are currently, C25K again... all, or bits of it...( including me), once or twice!

It works just as well as the first time around because we know what is coming and we know also, that we can achieve the goal of 30 minutes run!

I love the early runs,,, a great start to any day.... so well done you. Keep posting and pop in here now and then... always a cushion here:)

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