CATCH-UP CORNER...Week 4... LAST WEEK of SEPTE... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Oldfloss profile image
35 Replies

Hello everyone.!

Well, here we are again folks...another month nearly over and heading into Autumn. The evenings are drawing in, the colours of Summer are steadily beginning to give way to those blazing shades of Autumn... and it is the perfect time for us to sit together and share our stories.!

I left posting this, so we could just have this time, the last week of September. This post is a bit of a revamp of one from a while back, and is as relevant now as it always was.

Since last year when the Corner first opened, we have had a real mix, of new runners, some Graduates and some really seasoned runners, who have joined us on the cushions!

I am DELIGHTED , and seeing folk each month , chatting, sharing and watching each other's progress is amazing!

You have all been doing the most incredible things this last month with so many new Graduates and so many recent Graduates, moving forward to new routes in their running!

But... and there is always a little but, we have new folks joining us every single day and although, if we read the essential pinned post on How to Run C25K, we realise that at this stage, speed and distance are of no importance, still for some of we runners, there is a lot of worry generated about both those things.

I did say, from the onset, that I may be sharing ideas and tips with you, as well as links to things you are interested in. true Oldfloss rambling style, here goes, yet again.

I do, ( as long-standing forum friends know), have a bit of a reputation, as both an advocate of slow and steady, and a worrier, about all of you!

As an Admin' on the forums, I notice, sometimes the fact that we, ourselves, are our most severe critics. We really do, give ourselves a hard time and this is something I have posted about previously, on this and our other running forums.

We worry about so much; Missing runs, loss of fitness and maybe motivation, and often too, about speed or distance or time

Time now, to sit down together, take a breather and just re charge.

When we begin the C25K programme, it can, without us realising it, become too easy, to feel pressure, to move too fast; sometimes comparing ourselves with other runners, and even encouraged, often with the best of intentions, by other speedier, or less experienced runners.

So...the facts:

This programme is intended as a slow, structured build up to 30-minute runs after nine weeks. (If it takes you longer, then that is fine…. If you never make 5K, that is fine… you do not have to reach 5K in 30 minutes, to become a Graduate).

Fun is meant to be had on your runs towards Graduation, not just at the beginning, but in all the weeks; learning about yourself and your running, getting fitter and stronger with every week. However, the definition of what I mean by slow, is a tricky one to explain. But what I intend folk to take from any advice I may offer, is, simply, to find a comfortable, sustainable and happy pace for the runs within their own running.

My slow, is not your slow. My slow, is slower than some and speedier than others. There are runners on here, who if moving slowly, would be at least 1K ahead of me, moving slowly. But, my runs are done at my pace, my comfortable and happy pace and I choose to run as slowly or as quickly as I am comfortable with, depending on the run: challenging myself, yes, but never pushing to the point of reducing myself to an exhausted, over-heated, sickened wet-rag of a runner. ( yes, it can happen).

This is your C25K and your choice of pace; but try, maybe, to find that comfortable pace for yourself, and, if you are new to running, then do, take it steadily through those first uncertain runs of the programme, and as the runs increase in time, start to feel your stamina increasing, your strength building and those running legs growing.

Find that happy running pace for yourself. Get there having had an enjoyable time.

Many, many of us have busy lives, and are working, long hours, bringing up family, and as we all do, carry responsibility for all manner of things. At this current time too, there are things that we have little control of. Rising prices, lack of jobs, world affairs, the list goes on. Overthinking too can be a real problem.

So let's try to put things into some kind of perspective and try also, to accept, more; do what we are able and be a tad kinder to ourselves.

There are incredible, seasoned Graduates on the forums, amazing runners, who have proved their worth, over and over again, influenced and still influence my progress, with their tried and tested advice and their sound contributions to this particular forum. I am in awe of them.

Please do listen to their advice. Read the pinned posts, use the forums and the links to support your running.

So...Come on and let's do this... we will try to relax, follow our plans...but we will, take our time and enjoy.

Floss ramble over.

Now, we need to know what you have been up to. How has this month gone for you?

We are all still, eager to hear your experiences, maybe offer ideas or suggestions, or simply sit in awe of your achievements.

Please do pop in and let us share with you.

Floss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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35 Replies
Dendev75 profile image

Hi Oldfloss, since week 6 of ct5k I have took advice from you and other instructors on here about running slow and steady and also being able to run at a conversational pace, since that piece of amazing advice I began to enjoy running 😊

I’m not competitive with anyone else or myself - I’m steadily increasing my distance using the magic plan and I’m loving it, 3 weeks left and then I’ll be consolidating for a while ☺️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dendev75

Just fabulous ... and great to see you here in the corner! Gosh, you have made great progress and I do know that you have asked for advice and acted on it, with great success!

A steady approach, which feels right for us individually, is the way. Getting where we wish to be having had fun and without injury is a great goal to have !

MissUnderstanding profile image

As always, what a lovely post to read Oldfloss ❤️

I’ve been thinking about my c25k a lot this week as the weather is starting to head back towards how it was in January and February when I did most of it. It so nice to run in the cool breeze. Saying that, I wasn’t sorry I’d almost forgotten what it’s like to have a strong wind in your face, and I’m not mentally prepared for proper rain yet at all.

I have been thinking about how great the programme was and how far I’ve come since. This week was a big milestone-first half marathon distance on Thursday and I’m still super proud of myself. A lot of what you’ve written about being our own harshest critics really resonated with me. Starting this week, I was really worrying that I hadn’t run enough, or trained hard enough outside of running and I wasn’t prepared and I wouldn’t make it round on the day. Luckily Coach Bennett from NRC also seemed to know what I was thinking and the first run of the week was all about trusting that you’ve done the right preparation and comparing to others wasn’t a helpful route to go down. When the practice run went so well, it was jus a huge reminder of all the great tips and encouragement I’ve had on here, right from running for a minute to running for over two hours. It’s unbelievable.

I wouldn’t have got there on my own. I would still be flogging myself as hard as I could, busting a gut every run and would most likely have quit or got injured. Now I’m on that lovely taper before a race I’m excited about and sure I can do with loads of positivity. This is the best week of running so far!

Dendev75 profile image
Dendev75Graduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

brilliant post to read, what an accomplishment ☺️ I love ‘running from 1 minute to running for 2 hours’! Wow 🤩

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dendev75

Thanks! It’s been a epic nine months! Doing couch to 5k was the best New Year’s Resolution ever.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dendev75

Isn't MissUnderstanding a really great example of the whole ethos of the programme? The running evolves and you will be amazed where it takes you to...I was only, 'ever' going to run 5K... and did my first HM at aged 69, 4 years later!

It is all waiting for you!

Dendev75 profile image
Dendev75Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

You are such an inspiration OF ‘truly’! I was the same, I didn’t even think past ct5k and now - especially after reading everyone else’s achievements - I am actually considering a HM next year too - wouldn’t have dreamed I would be saying that 🤗 x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dendev75

See what I mean... we have little idea of where we will go on our running. This is so exciting and, you will find that following a great plan to take you that HM is just as much fun as the C25K programme . You can take your time and tweak it to suit you, your lifestyle, the weather and any issues. So exciting!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Aw, thanks! I just so grateful for so much wise advice to keep me on track. I really hope I’m still running HMs at 69. Absolutely inspirational! ❤️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

You are a wonderful example of everything the programme offers and the way it all works:) I have watched you progress, steadily and always taking on board the advice from those who have run before you...

Listening to our own body and learning to overcome some of the messages our brain hurls at us sometimes is really hard...I totally agree with you about CB too. It is amazing that he really does seem to know exactly what we are feeling and thinking. I know that he has really got me back on track too!

Running from two minutes to two hours...that says it all.

We have no idea where, when we begin to run, just where it takes us. You have worked incredibly hard and I know that you are going to run your run with confidence, safely and with really enjoyment. I cannot wait to read that report..!!!

Well done you!


Do NOT do what I did and stop to take photographs on the run :)

Monsal Trail HM...view from the viaduct!
MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I don’t often take pictures because it messes up my tech! Luckily I know Bath well and have walked most of the route before. My husband will be tasked with trying to get a few snaps of me in action.

The Monsal Trail is a new one on me-I’ve spent a lot of time in the Derbyshire countryside but that passed me by. I might need to make a trip up…and obviously pop into Bakewell for a pudding afterwards!

LiisaM profile image

Oh, OF! I realized that I can run faster at this point than I was earlier in the year, and I'm glad. But I AM still a slow runner even so! Your post made me smile. It's so nice to read your posts and see a little humor in them, as you so aptly do! I was thinking about how I read about so many people having injuries and was thinking how I've never had a running injury--and why was that? (I don't want to jinx myself though!) I was thinking that many runners are running through the fields or over rough territory; my runs, in contrast, are over paved areas without cobblestones or uneven terrain, and I think that's why I've been lucky (so far!) I wish that more runs were added to c25k+ because I'm a little weary of doing the same ones over and over again and I have not found a good bunch of music to which to run. I recently remembered "Gloria" (Laura Branigan,) and so downloaded that, but I don't have a whole lot else. I've been doing CB, but he has some really short runs and I feel that to be healthy, I go for the longer (42 minute) run. Hence, he has not graduated me to the next week. Phooey! I like to have a coach telling me how far along I am in a run, as Laura does and to encourage a spurt when the end is coming up. We need her to make more C25k+ runs recordings! Well, talk about rambling! I guess that's all that's on my mind this week!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Well... first of all well done to you! I do know exactly how far you have moved forward and not just in your running, but also in your mindset!

Confident and determined. and running in really difficult circumstances too! I do understand what you mean about the voice telling you how far you have gone.. CB does let you know in the longer runs, how many K you have run.. and how far you have to go..?

C25K + has just the three, but I will look around and see if I can find you anything that I think would suit you!

Stay strong and watch this space my friend!

Vespina profile image

I’ve just read a fantastic book called “Let your mind run” by Deena Kastor. It’s all about training your brain not to dwell on the negatives but to recognise the good in each thing that happens. I’ve found it to be transformative to my runs.

I used it on a recent 8km (my longest run so far) and it really helped. Here are just a few examples of my self-talk on that run:

“My legs feel heavy - but I’m not warmed up yet so they’ll loosen up”

“Ugh, a hill - but these make me stronger and going up means I’ll have an easy downhill on the other side”

“I’m too hot in these leggings - but they’re keeping my muscles warm and that allows me to run easier”

“This feels slow - and that’s exactly the pace I’m supposed to be going at. Good job, me”

Deena is an Olympic marathon winner and she never turned off the negative stuff in her brain but she found a way to turn it into positive thoughts. What we say to ourselves matters and changes how fun and easy a run feels. I try to use this in every run now. It doesn’t always work 100% but it always helps.

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to Vespina

What a super post! Thanks!

Vespina profile image
VespinaGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Thanks. It really is a great book but this was my biggest takeaway.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Vespina

That sounds like a fantastic book. I’ll look it up. Thanks for sharing.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Vespina

A great mindset to have!

We've looked at this approach previously, in past Catch up you say, an ideal way to think, but not aiways that easy to do.

Welk done you !

Thanks for this... a great link for folk to follow up!

Vespina profile image
VespinaGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Yeah, definitely takes some training but like the running, it gets easier the more you do it

M0use profile image

Hi Oldfloss, lovely post as always. I started C25k not expecting to succeed but in spite of the gremlins in my head and thanks to the invaluable slow and steady advice and all the support and encouragement from this forum I got there. Since then I've been slowly progressing on the bridge to 10k running slowly but gradually increasing the amount of time I'm running. I'm still battling the gremlins that tell me I can't do this and it's stupid to even try and I think they'll always be there but I'm getting better at ignoring them. I'm hoping to get to 10k by the end of November (we'll see what happens) I'm very slow (although my 5k time is slowly improving) but I'm running for me, because I enjoy it, it brings me peace. At the moment I'm not thinking any further than 10k but then I never thought I'd get to 5k so I suppose never say never. Happy running everyone 😊🏃‍♀️🏃

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to M0use

I am so did I miss you! You crept in as quietly as a Mouse:) You are doing wonderfully and what is more important, doing it your way, with YOUR own happy pace! Finding that joy is so good... and it does take some folk a little while to maybe realise that the running is about so more than your feet moving!

Many f us said we were only ever going to run 5K ... but... we just keep on and see what evolves, and what feels right for us. You will make that 10K, as and when the time is right for you... and having arrived their, having had fun!

The gremlin.. well, they are tricky, but one thing is for sure, they hate it when you pop on your shoes, because they dislike running! The more you do. the more tired they get.. serve them right too!

Well done ,my friend!

M0use profile image
M0useGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

just got back from a lovely long slow 8k and not a gremlin in sight, they seem to show up more for the shorter runs. A couple of rest days before I venture out again & that'll be either 4 or 5k so we'll see if the little blighters turn up 🤜👹 😄

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to M0use

Yes, you see, the lazy little pests they truly are...they are ok if it is not a longer run! Rest up and when you go out again, pretend it is a long run and see what happens! Well done you on that 8K ! Brilliant x

M0use profile image
M0useGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

good plan 😊 I'll give it a try.

PurpleChrissie profile image

Back in July, I’d completed week 7 then I got a sprained ankle (not a running related injury) which kept me out of action for 5 weeks. On my first return to running I knew I couldn’t just pick up where I left off but was devastated to find I couldn’t even manage week 4 😢 So went back to week 3 but so demotivated that I’ve stopped altogether now. I recognise I may be better off starting again at week 1 but finding it really hard to get started again at all.


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to PurpleChrissie

Hello... you have come to the right place:) There are many, many folk who are or have been exactly where you are right now.

The best thing really would be to begin again. Many of us have also repeated C25K...part or all of, for a variety of reasons, and may of us,( including me), found it easier to do the whole thing again.

There is no pressure, you know what is coming and you know you will be able to move forward. Now, no one cam give you the motivation, you know why you wanted to begin the running and why you want to return to it.... what we can do is run with you. Support you, encourage you, inspire you ( hopefully), share with you your successes and setbacks and maybe give you the odd gentle shove if you need it ?

Choose a route you know and enjoy... head out and just look around take it all in . No pushing, no trying too hard... just run and enjoy being out there. We will be there beside you, and I'll be the one next to you whispering, slow and steady!

Dendev75 profile image
Dendev75Graduate in reply to PurpleChrissie

hi, it is such a frustrating thing to happen and I understand how you feel, I got to the very last run of the whole programme and couldn’t finish it due to anxiety issues. I stopped running completely. I started walking every night and decided to start the programme again a year later and I enjoyed it so much more because I knew I could do it but my fitness was better second time around too. You’ll get there and you know you can do most of it, just keep popping on here to keep you motivated. Good luck

PurpleChrissie profile image
PurpleChrissie in reply to Dendev75

Oh my word, to have come that close Dendev. I do know what a potent force anxiety can be though. Thank you for the encouragement. Walking for a bit first might give me the push I need.

Dendev75 profile image
Dendev75Graduate in reply to PurpleChrissie

I’d definitely try walking first to get you back in the zone - best of luck!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to PurpleChrissie

You just do what you need to do xx

PurpleChrissie profile image

Thank you so much OldFloss. I will get back out there and I’ll certainly let you all know when I do 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to PurpleChrissie

That's brilliant.. we will be watching and if I don't find you, then I will come looking for you :)

SueAppleRun profile image

A lovely and informative post Floss, this month has been great 😊 a bit of running and I nagged Willow into joining me, today I was with loads of people from our organisation involved in future planning, in the getting to know each other I of course shared that I run, and as possibly the oldest person in the room I shared that with pride, going upwards my bosses boss is completing C25K after a long break from running, we met going in opposite directions back in the summer along the seafront so it’s always interesting hearing about his running antics and knowing how he’s progressing.

Oh the track in what I call our park, he did a beer run there some years ago , a group run, once round the track, drink a beer, and repeat as many times as possible, the mind boggles!!!

Thank you Floss, reminding us not to rush our runs and for being the inspiring runner you are

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

No, thank you... it has been and still is a joy to be a small part of your running journey!

I love that you shared your run in that organisation session... who knows how many others you may have inspired.

The bosses boss sounds an interesting chap... I cannot imagined doing a run like that... it is like the distillery runs and the gin runs in London...All that liquid and I would be squiffy after the first one or two...

Are you ever likely to do a run together along the seafront?

No, rushing is off the cards... I learned to my cost that moving too fast and too often was all wrong. The joy is in the whole run, and when we are lucky enough to have such beautiful runnin routes.. well, it is the only way, slow and steady xxx

SueAppleRun profile image

No we are unlikely to run together, although may meet on the way past, he’s not only about 10 or more years younger but about 9 inches taller so way too fast for me and I like running on my own.

It was the 400 metres then a beer and 400 metres and a beer….. sounds gross to me

You have always encouraged us since the beginning for that we thank you always xx

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