CATCH-UP CORNER... SEPTEMBER...WEEK 1. Slip of... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH-UP CORNER... SEPTEMBER...WEEK 1. Slip off the running shoes and come on in...Everyone Welcome!

Oldfloss profile image
26 Replies

White Rabbits Everyone.... here I am and here you are, on the FIRST DAY of SEPTEMBER!

Yikes! How did that happen?

Glorious sunshine, heatwaves, some of us praying for rain and AUTUMN is here! At least, it is by the meteorological calendar.

The Corner is located here, at the coast for the next couple of weeks and by gosh, we are having some glorious weather, and sunshine every day. The views are incredible, so grab a cushion and sit awhile!

Now, you may be asking yourself what on earth is the woman going to ramble about this week. Well, the good news is, it is not a long one!

So...the clue is on the photo.... and here comes the question.

Fingers on buzzers...

What is the ONE question every new Runner should always ask themselves before they start to run?

Goodness ! That was deafening!

The Answer.

Why do/did you want to become a runner?

Easy wasn't it ?

But the answers to that question. Oh my! There are quite literally hundreds.

Here are just a few!

* To lose weight

* To feel fitter

* Get stronger

* To help ease stress/anxiety or depression

* To improve memory

* To meet other people

* To get outside

* Be able to keep up with the dog

* Be able to keep up with the children

* To run a Marathon

* To get some time to yourself

* To stay healthy and well for yourself and your family

* To help in a job

* To prove that I can

* To make money for charity

* To get Bling. Aka Medals

* To feel good about yourself

* To be part of a community

* It's cheap.... ( Ha ha. Ha, sorry, that is funny )!

* To live longer

* To sleep better

* To look great

The list is endless, and as we go through that list, there are many, many answers there which running will almost certainly fulfil.

Was your reason for starting to run there? My main one is there, and some of the others too.

When we look at that list, and begin to tick off reasons, even if we did not initially think of that reason, when we started, we start to see just what the benefits of running are.

It can improve your physical well being in almost every part of your body, boost heart, bone and muscle strength; improve stamina, reduce your stress levels and give you the glow of well being. It does too, if you give yourself the chance, help you to value, care for and yes, love yourself.

That is just a potted version!

How amazing is this thing we do? It gives us so much, some of which we may even be unaware of. It saves us, it motivates us, it empowers us, and for many of us, allows us to move through our lives with confidence, and strength., To be the best we can be.

Running is beautiful, running is joy, running is a power to be reckoned are you,


So... time to share.... what were or are your reasons for wanting to start running?

Let's share how that running is going, and what you have been up to over the last week too...I have managed a few short, but sweet outings...and am hoping to get a few more here by the sea! I know by reading the posts, that many of you are doing fantastically well, and making great progress.

Well done!

We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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26 Replies
LiisaM profile image

I love your picture and wish my runs were in as beautiful a place. I started running because my son basically insisted that I do it. But he was right--I continued because of his persistence and I'm glad I did even though I thought he was crazy getting a 70-year old to run. Now I do it because I enjoy it and because I hope it makes me feel healthier. I also like to run because it gives me some time to "myself" -- when my thoughts can wander without family interruptions!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

So funny! I was thinking last night I should have added to the list, * because someone made me do it!Thank goodness for your son... by doing that, he started you on a route to increase your physical and mental resilience. Something that I have, over the years, witnessed, many times!

You are enjoying it now and that time for yourself I know also, is vital! You have proved that this strange activity which many of us come to later in life, gives us so, so much.

I would love to have you run with me here... we probably would talk more than run, but the views as you make the brow of the hill are incredible.

Thank you x

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Wow! I would love to run there--so beautiful! And talk, we would! Maybe some day--it will be my dream....

BTW, I was talking with a nurse who came to see my husband and she said something about "people our age." I looked at her and said that she was quite a bit younger than I am. I said she might be around 60 to which she nodded and then I told her I was 75 and she was shocked--saying I looked a lot younger. (It is the running that does it.) But maybe she was just humoring me! I do feel younger than 75 though, even though I have my health fears. I used to have joint pains and various aches--they're gone. It's amazing.

This morning is a run day. It will be hot and I always have more energy for running in the morning, but I can't find my ear buds. My son says not to bother the neighbors without them. Darn it!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Bother them... it won't be that loud! I have not had my ear buds in because since my ear infection.. they hurt a tad..! But only the sheep around me here!We would talk and talk and I know we would get on so well!


Just fantastic that the nurse thought you looked a lot younger.. it is actually a fact that the glow of well being has been scientifically proven and the, keeping us young bit too!

"Not only do runners have fewer disabilities and remain active longer than their sedentary counterparts, but they actually live longer too, according to a 2019 review.

The researchers put this health benefit down to reduced glycation in the tendons of long-distance runners."

All good news....

So, keep running, keep saving the pennies and head over here ! x

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Such a lovely photo Floss, I just want to open that gate and take off!

I started running to feel fitter, and because I really wanted to be able to do it. I had tried before, without a program to follow, and just been disappointed only to manage a few feet before collapsing unable to breathe.

Today, I had my second guided run, just 22 minutes as I begin my return to regular running. My breathing throughout was even and steady, I started nice and slowly as the coach suggested and let it build as my body became used to the exertion.

After a break from running I am enjoying that I can pick it up again, remembering all the tips I have learned along the way. Light feet, rounded ankles, relaxed shoulders the checklist goes on...

Hurrah for running and that feeling that we can do something just a little bit special!


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

That is exactly how I felt the very first time I decided to run there! I had passed it so often, ( then it was an old gate,,,), when running down to Pentrefelin, but one day just thought, yes, I'll go and see!

This is so interesting and I am sure as the replies creep in, we shall see many folk who started to keep fit. You also, just because you wanted to see if you could!

It is so good that forum friends can see how this all evolves, that C25K is , if you wish it to be, just the beginning of a new way of life. Giving us, as you say, all the skills we need to move forward to other stages of our running, with confidence and with enjoyment.

Thank you, happy running !

Fat-Boy-Running profile image

🐇 for yesterday!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Fat-Boy-Running

Pinch Punch!

Running_at50 profile image

Good morning, yes it has been so glorious weather wise. I personally don't like heat to run in, I get out early to avoid it. I already look like a beetroot afterwards 😂The reasons why I started running were firstly for fitness. Hitting the menopause has not been kind, mental health suffered, weight gain, so I decided that I needed to do something about it. Having been a runner before I knew I could do it.

I also have a grandson I look after twice a week and I look after another little boy 2 times a week so I needed to be able to do my job properly!

Running definitely helps with mood, it makes you feel happier and calmer.

Thank you for a lovely post and enjoy your time by the sea, my favourite place to be. Xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Running_at50

Ticking things off that list as we speak. Wow... well done you!Finding the joy in the runs, improving your fitness, easing the strains and stresses of life changes too...

I have a small runner in training too.. these small humans do really keep us on our toes don't they!

You sound here, as if you have taken so, so much from your running since you began and it is so good that we can all see how the programme isn't just about runs!

Yes, I am very lucky, the location is a joy and does wonders for my recharging and my peace of mind. I managed another run this morning before the weekend wetness begins:)

Please, do pop into the corner again soon? xx

Hi Oldfloss. A lovely post to read and it reminds me why I shall be lacing up my trainers at some point in the future. 6 months on the IC is a very long time and I have missed my runs, though I have been able to keep walking whilst I wait for the operation on my foot.

While you are running by the sea I have been walking some of the coastline in southwest Crete, where I am currently on holiday. No roads or cars here, just boats and two feet for walking! Perfect.

Happy running xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

hello! How super to see you back here and yes, what a long time you have been away!Are you still waiting for the op?

Good to knw that you are getting some walking in too.. and somewhere that sounds absolutely idyllic!

Take care my friend... you and I both know, the runs wait... and you will be ready xx

in reply to Oldfloss

Op hopefully in October - could have been sooner but put off for family reasons. Xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

Great stuff!

Tabbles profile image

I started the Coach to 5k to get out of the house, lose some weight and do something that didn't involve looking at a screen. This was during the lock down and having put on around a stone.

Running has introduced me to parts of my city that I didn't know existed. Those little green oasis and paths that the majority of people don't know exist. Better health, some me time.

Currently on the Garmin coach Greg HM timed plan. He has me doing a lot of speed work at the moment.

Also have new trainers this week. More Mizuno wave riders but a newer model. One point, if ordering on Amazon be careful as changing the size can affect the price!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Tabbles

It can indeed !Great stuff going on for you and what a long way the running has brought you. Lots of things ticked off that, way you started, list!

Time for you, time to lose a bit if excess luggage and finding new places to run.. Your new shoes sound very sassy too!

This certainly is an activity that gives us so much and takes so little from us except maybe from our wallets !

Well done you!

Tabbles profile image

Obligatory picture.

Wave 25 Oyster.
Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Tabbles

Very ,very sassy!

Frizzbomb67 profile image

That gate does look inviting. My route is much more concrete 🤦🏻‍♀️I began running to get outside during lockdown. I went from doing an ‘out and about’ social job to sitting behind a computer screen all day and nearly went do- lally! 😜

I started walking in the exercise hour but it wasn’t enough to burn off my energy and frustrations so I began C25K which I’d heard about from a friend. 2 years on I’m still running twice a week and have never been lighter or fitter. It’s been a game changer. Now I run because I can and because I love it 😁

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Frizzbomb67

From running to get outside to running because you can and because you LOVE IT !That is just absolutely perfect.... Great reasons and wonderful that it is all working for you!

Well done you!

Please pop in again at any time :)

doggytail profile image

Morning OF lovely catch up as always.

I started running because the gym was closed due to lockdown. I missed my socialisation and had put 1 stone on.

Never thought I would manage it at 71 but 3 times in at starting C25K owing to injury and illness loving it once again.

Start W5 on Sunday a lot slower this ti.e

average pace 16 trying to slow down. The dreaded joggers trots set in on Friday and I had to break off to quickly go find a loo, cant seem to complete a run, perhaps I should try a different time of day, but I do love my early mornings.

On a cheerier note we should be moving in 6weeks time 3rd time lucky

Oh and I still haven't lost the weight lol x

Oldfloss profile image

Slow is perfect! You know that I really believe that, don't I :)

Your reason for starting, excellent .. and finding then that you really enjoy it... what a bonus.

Just taking it our own pace is the thing and not worrying too much if things crop up and we have to ease back.

Yes, the early mornings.... perfect for a start to the day. The trots must be hinderance, is there no changes you can make to your diet that may help?

Everything crossed for the move!!!! I really hope it goes well! x

Greenrunner47 profile image

Hi, I’ve been out of action for a while due to pain in BOTH of my Achilles! I was getting back into the programme and building up slowly, having reached wk 7 again. Then went on a walking holiday and over did it. Hoping to get back soon but I know they can take an age to settle down .... in the meantime I am jealousy encountering runners everywhere I go now! I started running in Feb to improve my physical and mental health and one day I know I will graduate, altho maybe it will be next year now!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Greenrunner47

Sorry I missed this ! I am glad that you are making your way back to running, slowly. Achilles issues can be very difficult and slow to heal but you will get there, have no fear!

Just wait until your body tells you that it is the right time and you will find you get into it again.

Many of us have had setbacks after setback and the thing is, the runs wait... !

We will be here when you are ready !

Liono profile image

Hello Oldfloss, apologies for being late to the party!

I have another reason for starting running - it was originally to support my husband with his New Year's resolution to lose weight! But I quickly caught the running bug and carried on when he didn't. I expected to hate it - old school cross country memories to blame there. How wrong I was! And then I found myself running for so many other reasons - a sense of achievement/accomplishment, increased confidence, mental clarity, some 'me time', improved physical fitness and stamina to name but a few!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Liono

All great reasons for starting.. So interesting how many of us started because of or with a family member and then carried on.

You have obviously gained so, so many benefits, some of them you recognise and maybe other's you don't... just wonderful. Thank you for popping in to the corner ! x



Oldfloss x

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