Meant to post this yesterday, but it kind of got away from me. Anyway, three years ago, I finally laced up my first pair of real running shoes and started the C25K plan. Three years, 520 runs and 6 pairs of shoes later, I "celebrated" with my 17th HM. I had half hoped to do my first metric marathon but having had to run into quite a strong headwind for most of the outbound leg, I just didn't have anything left by the time I got to HM distance (and my front door was just too close to be ignored).
Still, all in all, it was a good run. Headwinds not with standing, it was dry, bright, warm(ish) and I really enjoyed just plodding along at a respectable pace, swapping greetings with other runners as we passed each other.
Took me to 100k for March and over 500k for 2022 so far, so, despite not doing the extra km that I planned, I'm more than happy with it.
Hope everyone else had a good weekend.