CATCH-UP CORNER...WEEK 2.... The Corner is get... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH-UP CORNER...WEEK 2.... The Corner is getting cosy, so do, please, come and join us :)

Oldfloss profile image
79 Replies

Hello everyone.!

Here we are again folks:)

We made a great start last week... and we have a real mix, of new runners, some Graduates and some really seasoned runners, who are joining us for various reasons.


The evenings are drawing in, the colours of Summer have truly given way to those blazing shades of Autumn... and it is the perfect time for us to sit together and share our stories:)

I did say, I may be sharing ideas and tips with you, as well as links to things you are interested in. true Oldfloss rambling style, here goes

I do, ( as long-standing forum friends know), have a bit of a reputation, as both an advocate of slow and steady, and wonderfully, satisfyingly, a nannying old fogey.

But, as an Admin' on the forums, I notice, sometimes the fact that we, ourselves, are our most severe judges

We really do, give ourselves a hard time and this is something I have posted about previously, on this and our other running forums.

We worry about so much; Missing runs, loss of fitness and maybe motivation, and often too, about speed or distance or time

Time now, to sit down together, take a breather and just re charge.

When we begin the C25K programme, it can, without us realising it, become too easy, to feel pressure, to move too fast; sometimes comparing ourselves with other runners, and even encouraged, often with the best of intentions, by other speedier, or less experienced runners.

So...the facts:

This programme is intended as a slow, structured build up to 30-minute runs after nine weeks. (If it takes you longer, then that is fine…. If you never make 5K, that is fine… you do not have to reach 5K in 30 minutes, to become a Graduate).

Fun is meant to be had on your runs towards Graduation; learning about yourself and your running, getting fitter and stronger with every week.

However, the definition of what I mean by slow, is a tricky one to explain. But what I intend folk to take from any advice I may offer, is, simply, to find a comfortable, sustainable and happy pace for the runs within their own running.

My slow, is not your slow. My slow, is slower than some and speedier than others. There are runners on here, who if moving slowly, would be at least 1K ahead of me, moving slowly.

But, my runs are done at my pace, my comfortable and happy pace and I choose to run as slowly or as quickly as I am comfortable with, depending on the run: challenging myself, yes, but never pushing to the point of reducing myself to an exhausted, over-heated, sickened wet-rag of a runner. ( yes, it can happen).

This is your C25K and your choice of pace; but try, maybe, to find that comfortable pace for yourself, and, if you are new to running, then do, take it steadily through those first uncertain runs of the programme, and as the runs increase in time, start to feel your stamina increasing, your strength building and those running legs growing.

Find that happy running pace for yourself. Get there having had an enjoyable time.

Many, many of us have busy lives, and are working, long hours, bringing up family, and as we all do, carry responsibility for all manner of things. At this current time too, there are things that we have little control of. Overthinking too can be a real problem, ( for me anyway).

So let's try to put things into some kind of perspective and try also, to accept, more; do what we are able and be a tad kinder to ourselves:)

There are incredible, seasoned Graduates on the forums, amazing runners, who have proved their worth, over and over again, influenced and still influence my progress, with their tried and tested advice and their sound contributions to this particular forum. I am in awe of them.

Please do listen to their advice. We are lucky to have some of them here, in our Catch Up Corner right now, they appeared last week !

So...Come on and let's do this... we will try to relax, follow our plans...but take our time and enjoy.

Floss ramble over.

Now, we need to know what you have been up to. How has your first week gone? Any worries or questions.

We are all eager to hear and maybe offer ideas or suggestions, or simply sit in awe of your achievements:)

Please do pop in and let us share with you.

Floss x


If you missed us last week.. then just come and join in now.


I managed one run last week, in Wales. It was bliss and of course, SLOW and STEADY:)

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Oldfloss profile image
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79 Replies
Oldfloss profile image

Renidragas Instructor57 nowster quirkybee -David-G dijep Roxdog SueAppleRun Oldgirlruns Elfe5 skysue16 Lola-bear Marvincat @IBS44 doggytail Shandy1

Roxdog profile image
RoxdogGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Nice Post Old floss. You are always wise and we do need these reminders (especially me today!).

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Roxdog

We all do don't we... I need to remind myself so many times... be kind to yourself :) Hope your day tomorrow is better x

Oldfloss profile image

3rd_time_lucky BS44 Katprid Jackapoodle Jell6 Mumpark LottieMW Ian5K Hidden Mum22boys Hidden Bluebirdrunner Greenthorn Week7

nowster profile image

My slow is not your slow.

Oh, definitely! I can walk faster paces than I've seen some here record, but on the other hand I regularly get lapped at my local parkrun.

The other thing is that "slow" is relative.

If you're doing the 100m sprint, you are going to be doing a much faster pace, and you're very unlikely to keep that pace up for a minute or more.

If you're doing a 10km or more you have to be really careful not to go too fast. The longer the distance, the slower you're likely to take it.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to nowster

Great advice there...thank you x

Mormor1 profile image

I'll join you if I may Oldfloss.....been a difficult week here. Sadly we had to have our beautiful little jack Russell put to sleep on Saturday afternoon. It was the right thing to do but absolutely gut wrenching to have to say goodbye after 17 years. She gave us so much undiluted love and fun with her feisty, quirky personality...I will have to get used to there being no Lottie to greet me back from my runs, wagging her stumpy little tail, as chuffed as if she had been the one running. I'm so glad to have the pure physicality of running, even with the tears running at the same time. The tears will stop, I hope the running doesn't.

grumpyoldgirl profile image
grumpyoldgirlGraduate in reply to Mormor1

So sorry about your lovely little dog, what a lovely description of her, that's a real tribute to her right there. Hopefully the running will help you, it always helps me x

Mormor1 profile image
Mormor1 in reply to grumpyoldgirl

Thank-you grumpyoldgirl. Writing about her, acknowledging her huge impact on us, helps. You have had another time contend with re injuries...what bad luck. Hope you are building up your runs again.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mormor1

Oh gosh. That is so hard for you. I am so sorry xPlease do join us and pop in now and then with a few lines to let us know how it is going. It will be tricky, but...the runs will help. We are good company too and we do support each other in many ways x

I have run with tears, many many times....

Mormor1 profile image
Mormor1 in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks oldfloss, I'm convinced running will help. I never feel the same returning from a run as I did when I set out. Such a bonus to have discovered the joy of it, if a tad late in the day!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mormor1

So glad it felt good x

skysue16 profile image
skysue16Graduate in reply to Mormor1

😢 how sad, she clearly was a lovely doggie

Frenc profile image
FrencGraduate in reply to Mormor1

Oh I’m so sorry Mormor1, words can’t describe the joy doggies bring. I hope the running helps - sometimes I cry when I run although I’m not always sure why or at what, but it helps 😊.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Frenc

Doesn't it...I have done it many times, usually running across my fields !

Frenc profile image
FrencGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

It must be a physical release of sorts, I hardly ever cry - I’m sure it’s very healthy! A great post btw especially the bit about being hard on ourselves. We never stop learning do we. Oh I am being philosophical this morning! Have a great day Oldfloss 😊.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Frenc

It is healthy and it does wash out a heck of a lot of pesky issues:) You have a super day too... xx

Mormor1 profile image
Mormor1 in reply to Frenc

Thanks Frenc, it's so good to be able to get out and run, rather than sit and dwell, dwelling whilst running is therapeutic for me. I come back changed.

Lablove profile image
LabloveGraduate in reply to Mormor1

Losing an old friend, even if it’s their time is dreadful. You’ve got 17 years of happy memories to reflect on as time goes by. Enjoy your running.

Mormor1 profile image
Mormor1 in reply to Lablove

Thank you, yes lots of memories, a small dog with a big personality

Katprid profile image
Katprid in reply to Mormor1

Hi Mormor1,I am so sorry to hear your sad news. We had to put our Lady down a few years ago and it's not until they are gone that you realise how much you actually loved them. I always say to people in our situation to take comfort in the amazing life that you were able to give them. They will always be there for you reminding you of all the funny times you had together 🥰 xx

Mormor1 profile image
Mormor1 in reply to Katprid

Yes, totally agree, I couldn't have imagined how much joy she would give us for so long.

grumpyoldgirl profile image

Hi Floss. Here you are! I'm ashamed to admit that after WEEEEKS of anticipation, I missed the inaugural post!😳Anyway, I'm still here sort of redoing c25k after a very long stretch on the IC. This week I've settled on runs of 5 minutes with 2min30sec of walking in between. I managed 5 lots of runs this morning, and lovely and sunny it was too down along the canal. Sorry no picture, forgot my phone. This seems to suit me and my foot, I still need lots of walking breaks so my foot doesn't swell up. I went with a friend and we were definitely slow enough to chat. And natter. And gossip a bit 😄

If you are on your first time through the program, I know my approach is unconventional, but I've been running a while, and I'm following medical advice. I think I'm now on week 27 of our 9 week program


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to grumpyoldgirl

So good to have you here... we discovered last week that there are a fair few forum friends here who are repeating bits here and there and taking it gently!

Just do what you are doing and take it very gently, you know the form:)

Thanks for the advice for our new runners! We can all learn a lot :)

Lovely ramble Oldfloss. I have spent the majority of this year running every run below 5k and I’ve loved it. 🥰

My slow has morphed into a love of Jeffing, which today helped me to recapture my 5k 😊 for the first time since January.

I’ve done lots of running between then and now, but always under 5k. However I’ve learned a lot about running and myself in that time, have run in different places and up on open moors, which was exhilarating. Now my lovely sister has signed us both up to run a 10k next March, in the village where we were both brought up and where she and her family and my parents all still live. So now the time feels right to forge forward into those longer runs again, with reclaiming my 10k as my next target 🎯 I’m sure Jeffing will feature somewhere in my plans, but I’m also looking forward to some longer consecutive runs too and this will give me a great focus for my winter runs. 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

This is great!!! I am thrilled that you have , 'recaptured' that 5K too. Jeffing is taking a bigger role for many folk now and I feel the benefits to so many are incredible!Great that you are running with your sister and a 10K next year... I love a plan that gives us a focus for the winter months ahead.

Long runs yes, I love them... and I long for the day when I feel strong enough to try a , see where I get to, run ! Perfect in winter too :)

Keep us posted please! Especially as you move on ? x

Poppdog profile image

Fantastic post full of advice and encouragement my slow is my slow and is my happy pace.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Poppdog

That is absolutely let us know in here what you are up to :)

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hi Floss and everyone in Catch up Corner.🙋‍♀️ I am enjoying my Autumn runs very much. Having repeated the c25k program after my injury, I'm taking my consolidation runs at a nice steady pace relaxing into it as my breathing eases and settles.

I want to begin to add a few more minutes of running, but I find it hard to run on past my 'usual finishing post'...

I remembered that the way I did this was to add the extra bit on first 😏 so I'm going to walk an extra half a k warm up before I turn and begin my next run, then I can continue on to my finish line with the extra distance bagged!

Will let you know how successful this little trick is😊🤞

Have a good week all.🍁xxx

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66Graduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

It’s great to hear that you are having to work out fine details around increasing distance! A lovely problem to have after all that you have been through. I am having to mess about with my starting point too. For some reason my garmin isn’t picking up a strong enough signal at my usual starting point; it is hovering on “wait” and not flipping over to “ready” ….I have had to walk up to 1k to final get it going! On Monday I tried setting it earlier in my warm up; at the top of a hill I usually walk down. The signal is really good up there, so I have just trimmed back my walk and now have the benefit of a nice downhill start to my run. There is always an answer……🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Beachcomber66

Oh yes... always an answer. I worked with someone when I taught, he was one of our amazing school, master of all trades, caring for all of us, I can fix anything chaps, and he often said to me, "...if there isn't a solution, there isn't a problem "!That premise works for most things including running it seems.

A brisk walk uphill, great to get everything going and then a downhill start ..perfect :) Winning combination.

Well done you ...!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

I feel that may just work! I know that quite a few of us have our regular distance and turning points and that extra bit can feel hard sometimes:)It is a useful tip that I hope a few of our new runners will take on board; developing little strategies that will fox those mind gremlins.

You are doing so well, with your runs in the glorious Autumn colours, whether running, walking or pushing a small one :)

Keep us posted please :) x

SueAppleRun profile image

Hi Floss and everyone else, not much running done here lately, Covid at work, daily testing, booster jab, extra shifts covering sickness, heavy cold, hoping to be running Saturday 😀 still reading and commenting on posts though and loving your catch up corner

Jackapoodle profile image

Hi Oldfloss and everyone 😊 I'm back home after a weeks break away (& a couple of 'tourist' runs completed) and was due to run again on Monday. Had an appointment and although I had lots of time to run before it, I felt really panicked about fitting the run in 🤷🏼‍♀️. So I didn't go but felt really disappointed in myself. Anyway went yesterday morning and really enjoyed my W7 R3 run. So your wise words ring true about the pressure we put on ourselves. We wouldn't say those things to others that we say to ourselves. Got my Race at Your Pace bling this week 😍. Really enjoyed the challenge. I picked 25 miles as a target (did just over 26) so technically in October I ran a marathon. That's how it works, right?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jackapoodle

Hello there and WOW!

You are doing amazing things... 26 miles!! You ran a Marathon and best of all at YOUR own pace.

You are absolutely correct, we would not dream of saying to others what we tell ourselves, we give support and advice and yet fail sometimes to take it ourselves.

I came a cropper because of this last October... giving out advice and failing to take any of it on board myself.

This will give you an idea of how silly I was, and why I began C25K again in December.

Also proving how the runs wait for us and if we are sensible can be completed:)

Huge well done to you on your running and please do keep popping in to let us know how it is going... Triathlon will be on the cards I feel :)

Jackapoodle profile image
JackapoodleGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

😆😆 The last time I tried to ride a bicycle I resembled a re-run of that episode of Frasier where he is learning to ride one!! A friend pointed out some sharp edged bushes and said 'whatever you do, don't ride into there' 🤦‍♀️ Straight at it, like a moth to a lightbulb!!! Five years ago but still picking little thorns out of me 🙈 I found doing Race at Your Pace really motivating. I knew it would be a challenge to do 25 over the month so I had to break my own rule of running every 3rd day. In the last week of the challenge I ran every other day to squeeze in an extra run, but just slowed right down. and listened for any niggles on my shins. It isn't worth going through that pain again, I'm wiser to that now but it was a lesson hard learnt with 6 months on the IC.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jackapoodle

I think you did wonderfully and I also think we have all done the odd things which has taught us hard lessons!x

Shandy1 profile image

I drive down a very long tree lined road most evenings from work and talked myself into a new run route - surrounded by trees and falling leaves I conquered that road this morning (5.94k later) very proud - I think autumn is my favourite time of the year hope everyone has a great week 😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Shandy1

That sounds absolutely fabulous and so good to find new routes. They do give us a real boost and often our running evolves to another level! Well done you!

Voldatort profile image
VoldatortGraduate in reply to Shandy1

I swerve off the path to run through crunchy piles of leaves 👍😁. I'm 57... This is my first Autumn running, really enjoying it.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Voldatort

My favourite time... the colours are incredible! Well done you!

Shandy1 profile image
Shandy1Graduate in reply to Voldatort

Yeah I’m 56 and my inner child definitely surfaces when I see piles of leaves - glad I’m not the only one 🤣

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Shandy1

I jump in puddles too 😅

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to Shandy1

Those leaves just call out to be crunched!😁🍁🍁🍁xxx

Katprid profile image
Katprid in reply to Shandy1

Wow Shandy1 that sounds so picturesque. My route is all over the place so I struggle with trying to decide where to go!

Jell6 profile image

👋👋 I saw the physio. It's a frozen shoulder. Bad news is they may take 2 years to resolve, but most cases are a bit sooner than that. Good news is that at some point the pain just stops, even though the range of movement is still limited.

Great news is running won't do it any harm at all (apart from the current agony that is getting dressed and undressed) So I'll just keep plodding on and checking in here🤩

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Jell6

Oh goodness...that sounds very uncomfortable. But... good that the pain stops and great that running won't do it any harm. Just have to figure out easy to slip on clothes... !I have seen some easy fasten winter gear beginning to appear in some of the sports shops...

Take it gently and we will watch out for your posts!x

Shandy1 profile image
Shandy1Graduate in reply to Jell6

I had a frozen shoulder last year which lasted until this summer so I feel your pain!! It came out of nowhere and went the same way very strange but you will get through it good luck 😊

Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to Shandy1

Oh thank you for giving me something to look forward to 🤩. I have a full zip running top arriving today, that may help a bit 😀

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to Jell6

I've had frozen shoulder too Jell6, it can throw you off balance a bit... once the pain has subsided you can begin little physio moves to help it.Hope the painful bit passes soon.


Jell6 profile image
Jell6Graduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Ahh thanks Bbr. I've started gently exercising 😖. Hope you are doing well 😘

Lablove profile image

Only one run last week. Fingers crossed I’ll get out tomorrow. Would love to cozy upIn your corner.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Lablove

Well done on that run... I hope tomorrow is a good run.. fingers crossed! Our corner is cosy and a great place to relax and share :) You are most welcome here x

Lablove profile image

Thanks OF and future ‘cosy corner’ friends. X

Mum22boys profile image

Hi Oldfloss and all in the cosy corner. I have managed 2 yoga sessions this week but no running. To be honest I've been struggling recently, anxiety levels high, feel like I can't make proper decisions. My focus is always the little 2 and as far as they would know everything's hunky dory. Just feel like I'm going through a phase... just can't seem to shake myself out of it. Anyway, I've deviated, I hope you don't mind, I just needed to say that out loud (so to speak!) I aim to get out for a run once in the next week, it'll do me wonders... just need to try and shift this cold!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mum22boys

That's why we are share...and to support each other.

A few of us,including me are struggling a bit...and you, you have those small ones to think of too. kind to yourself..try to get rid of the cold...and maybe take a walk if a run is too much .

Plenty of warm drinks...hopefully some sleep too.

The run will wait.. just get out there and know you are doing just fine...we will be right beside you.. I'm the one whispering , slow and'll get there x

Mum22boys profile image
Mum22boysGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you. I don't normally share but it feels like a safe space and sometimes you just need to say how you feel, so thank you.

Hoping to have a walk tonight with my mum after the small ones are in bed, I always feel better when I'm outside.

Thank you again for your kind words and wisdom x

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to Mum22boys

Aaah Mum22boys sorry to hear you are struggling a bit at the moment. That cold may well be the cause. Getting onto the yoga mat, time for yourself, to calm your mind and tend to your body should be helping. The runs will wait... little walks sound lovely.I hope you feel better soon and back to normal strength.😚xxx

Mum22boys profile image
Mum22boysGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thank you so much, it means a lot 🥰 xx

3rd_time_lucky profile image

Hello all, today I managed to get out and do wk2 run 1, despite the cold, wind and rain, I am so pleased with myself. I really needed this today because I am very aware of how small my steps are and therefore very slow/less ground covered...I guess, so thank you for that.

Is it okay to ask here about the app, it hasn't acknowledged/the last two runs as being done, (I'll have to note it manually somewhere else to avoid losing track) any suggestions anyone as to why it's not working properly?

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to 3rd_time_lucky

Huge well done you and for getting out into the chiller, and damper weather? There have been a few issues with the App.. so I will check with the team and get back to you:)

Katprid profile image
Katprid in reply to 3rd_time_lucky

Well done!! I have also just got back from W2 R1. How did you fine going for 90 seconds instead of 60. I actually find that I prefer fewer runs then having to do more that are a little shorter. Fully aware that I might regret that when we get to W5 which someone said is 2x 10 minute runs 😁

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to Katprid

Hi Katprid, well done for completing Wk2 R1, that's brilliant...Don't worry about Week 5 when the time comes you will be ready and able, trust the program!

Good luck with W2 R2. 🍁xx

Katprid profile image
Katprid in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Hi Bluebirdrunner,Love the name 😊

Thank you! I am just looking forward to being able to run for 30 minutes. It seems so far off and impossible at the moment but I know I will get there 😊 xx

3rd_time_lucky profile image
3rd_time_lucky in reply to Katprid

It was a bit hard going due to the weather but I agree, the extra 30secs were manageable and less runs worked better for me too. Calves are hurting, especially the left so might leave my next run for a few days, when I don't have work. Go us, woohoo!

Katprid profile image
Katprid in reply to 3rd_time_lucky

It's funny but I have been getting a pain in my left shin when I am running, not something I have ever experienced before so definitely something to keep an eye on 😊

Bluebirdrunner profile image
BluebirdrunnerGraduate in reply to 3rd_time_lucky

Well done completing W2 R1 Sann20N, sorry the app is playing up, but we all know you have done it's official, you are doing brilliantly!Good luck with W2 R2...onwards and upwards.🍁xx

3rd_time_lucky profile image
3rd_time_lucky in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Haha, I did just want to see my progress as well as it keeping me on track. Thanks for kind words.

BS44 profile image

I graduated back in August and since then I’ve played about with different apps and different speeds. I still haven’t managed to get to 5K running.

I decided to try the NRC half marathon training plan - not with any real intention of running a half marathon but just trying to increase my speed and distance.

On Tuesday I was on my treadmill for 50 minutes which is a long time for me - I covered 6.37K but that included 5 minutes either side for warm up and cool down. I’m still only gonna run 3 times a week so will either skip the recovery runs or walk them.

My speed has definitely increased from when I first graduated but still comparatively slow - but as you say it’s my slow or actually my 5K pace says Coach Bennet 🤣

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to BS44

Well done you... and I am liking your ideas and your plans too. You are doing so well and finding that happy pace which suits you will take you far! You are beginning to see that in what you have achieved. !

Katnap profile image

I help out with a 'real world' group of C25K runners. They're about to get to the final 3rd of the programme and I made a strong point about W6R2 being the final run with a walking interval is not to be taken lightly, suggesting they treat it with the same respect as W5R3. Being 2x 10 minutes doesn't mean it is easier!Go slow!

👻🐱 Spooky Katnap 🐱👻

... soon to be Xmas Katnap 😹

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Katnap

Great advice my friend, and what a terrific support role you are taking too, thank you x

slipstick profile image

Having failed a couple of times at C25K but having now lost a fair amount of weight I thought I'd have another go, even at my advanced age. So a couple of months ago I did W1R1 and it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. I thank Prof. Tanaka and his slow jogging for that, even if the "running" bits do end up slower than walking. Unfortunately life then got excessively medical and the combination of hospital and new medications mean I haven't yet got round to W1R2.

I haven't actually given up but I don't really know when/if I will be fit enough to carry on. I am back walking a reasonable amount but I'm miles away from anything that could be called running/jogging even by Tanaka standards. So I wonder what is the longest time anyone has taken to complete this "9 week" course because I reckon I might exceed it.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to slipstick

Errrr.... I repeated C25K again after a blip in October and I started on 17th December 2020 Five years to the day of my first graduation), and finished on Friday June 4th 2021!Weather and all sorts held me up but I was so, so slow... !

Worry not. I thought I would never run again! I am still here and running.

SO... Take heart. You are here, you are walking and you have dreams and hopes which, if you carry on as you are doing, will transpire. When? That does not matter.

You want to do this, you want to regain your health and strength.

" Believe you can do it and you are half way there". Roosevelt knew his stuff! ( Must have been a runner at some point).

Keep posting please, your thoughts and your walks... we will be with you every single step of your comeback !

Katprid profile image

Hey Oldfloss,

So I had a great start to my W2 R1 just now and I'll admit that I was filed by anger today 😁 I am always so surprised how our emotions can fuel our runs and you end up with a completely different experience. For example, today was up to 90 seconds of running and on the last run I almost walked. It was like a carry on film and I could feel myself hunching over and dragging my feet, then all of a sudden my brain shouted "don't you dare walk" and I made it!!!

For me pace is always an issue as I am very slow so this time my focus is not on the speed or even the distance, its to keep walking/running for the whole segment and not to give in, even when I feel like I am going into "Carry On Film Mode" (that's what I call it 🤣🤣)

Thanks for the great words of wisdom above, I'm looking forward to my next run xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Katprid

Huge well done to you...our emotions can lift us up or try to drag us down and your sheer determination got you through that run! Walls are made to be broken through... and you did that . I am really looking forward to watching for your next run.

Go YOU ! x

Lovely to hear others on week 2 :) We made it out for w2r2 today after a minor blip with kids home waiting for pcr test results. Thankfully all clear and back in school so I really enjoyed the freedom of getting out!Out in the air def helps mentally, and I'm finding company helps too, even though she's only 16m, it's someone to chat to and she keeps me motivated and running the full 90 seconds! Maybe those with dogs or running friends find the same?

I'm also finding week 2 easier than week 1 as it feels like less runs, so v helpful for feeling like I might actually be capable of completing this.

Routes are a bit random as I need to stick to hard surfaces for the buggy, but end up with all sorts of different paths and bumpy pavements and a few too many roads to cross, so had to pause the app a few times and restart once we got over the road or to an OK surface. I'll soon learn every surface in the area, but not covering much distance yet so limited options.

So far so good feeling positive :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to

That is all sounding good.Glad the tests were clear too! Running with the buggy must be is difficult to find a route that is good...I remember similar with our small runner in training! Our granddaughter!

Hold that confident feeling as you move on...We shall watch your progress !

Huge well done @

Mummycav profile image

Hi Oldfloss …I’ve brought my comfy cushion to sit on quietly in the corner 😊 I missed last week, better late than never so they say! There’s always something soothing about your posts that always make me think about myself & how I forget about me…I compare myself to others all the time…especially with my running…I look at everyone’s stats and say ‘why can’t I do that?’ ‘It’s been over 4 years now so I should be running at least a half marathon by now’…you know, that kind of thing…but the truth is, I haven’t really got the time to dedicate to such distances!! So I just have to plod on doing my own thing…which now, as you know, is a C25k revisit….I’ve just got back from a very brisk & rainy W1R2 and am a happy bunny…I’ve been on my old territory where I completed the programme first time round, except I’m much fitter now..there’s just my head to sort as like you said, we are our worst judges…thank you for your lovely post, I’m happy to be here xxx

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