Many congratulations for completing the 9 week Couch to 5K training programme! You can now run for 30 minutes continuously - you are a superstar!!!
★ Please comment below to request your Graduate badge!
We on the Admin Team feel enormously proud of you, and privileged to award you your richly deserved badge. We will try not to leave you waiting too long as we know how great it feels when your badge arrives - but please bear with us! We will give you your badge as soon as possible.
★ If you would like a Graduation Certificate we have one for you to download here: designed by the lovely RunaroundSue!
★ We hope you will continue posting here in the Couch to 5K community, sharing your experience with the new runners working through the programme, and updating us with your progress as you consolidate your 30 minute runs.
★ Speaking of consolidation, why not join IannodaTruffe's March CONSOLIDATION CLUB just for new graduates like you! Doors are always open - pop in and say hi!!
★ Be sure to check out our 'WHAT NEXT?' post, for loads of other great ideas about how to build upon your amazing achievement
★ And now that you are a runner, why not try our twelve week consolidation and strength training plan to help reduce the possibility of injury - and maximise your running ability!!
Happy running!
Your Admin Team xx
★ Please note that this is a virtual badge which can be seen next to your name on your posts and comments on the Couch to 5K community, but NOT on your profile page. The badge is visible if you are logged into the Couch to 5K community via a web browser, but unfortunately not in the HealthUnlocked app.
HI, I graduated today ,I started on 29th Dec , have jogged through, all weathers but it was a glorious day to run W9 R3 today . Had to redo a couple of runs in week 7&8 until I managed 3 consecutive runs running for the correct amount of time. I already have 10 consolidated runs on my white board to cross off as I do them. My inspiration is to join my 11 yr old daughter on park runs when they return rather than letting her friends mum take them!!
Hi, I graduated from the C25K on 20 February. Second time around, did it during the first lockdown last spring. Now want to consolidate and improve stamina. Thanks for support of this forum.
Whoppee ! I did it ! I’ve stuck 150% to the plan - haven’t redone runs - just listened to MJ - and followed through ! And ... have left the treadmill behind weeks ago and am out on the open road ! Long way to go to feel comfortable but I’ve done it and couldn’t be prouder of myself !!
Completed the C25K challenge this morning! Started on 08.01.21. Heart rate down, weight down, waist slimmed, calves like graphene. Prepared for the challenge with the Active 10 app and a healthier diet.
Hi, I did W9 R3 this morning by the sea, in the rain and the wind just as it was getting light. I’m very slow and it will be a while before I reach 5k. Looking forward to doing consolidation runs now.
Good morning. Graduation run just completed. I am top of the World!! Just want to say thank you to all the moderators and fellow C25K-er's I've met along the way these last 9 weeks. It's been great and I'm looking forward to continuing with the consolidation programme next week.
I’ve just completed W9R3.... and then I pushed further and hit 5k too 💪🏻💪🏻
I run around farm land, it’s wet, it’s slippery, it’s hilly, I have slipped onto my backside more times than I can count, I have ran on snow, in snow, in hail, in heavy rain, in drizzle, in high winds and on one glorious sunny day 😂😂
I’m so proud of myself and I’ve enjoyed it way more than I thought I would.... so I guess that means 10k is my next goal 🤔
Hello! Graduated yesterday. Found it hard going at times but once I got through the early weeks I was able to complete the longer runs at a decent pace and managed the 5k on all my 30 minute runs. I have a heart condition (LV dysfunction) caused by atrial fibrillation and was wary about running so, thanks to you for 9 week plan. I think it's brilliant and would recommend anyone to have a go.
Hi. Today completed week 9! Really pleased with myself having not run for years!! Will continue now with aim to pick pace up a bit before adding more distance.
Can't believe that I finally got to the end today, W9R3. I started in a cold January, been out in the dark, rain, snow, ice, and on a beautiful sunny spring day I can say that I've done it 😁.
Great to read other runners experiences, and take heart to stick with the program. Haven't reached 5k yet, but next week I know that I can do it (probably another 5 minutes or so).
I started at the end of August and have taken my time! I actually took about a month to complete week 1 without dying, I was so unfit! I also had to repeat quite a few weeks until I could complete the 3 consecutive runs in the given times. But now I have finally managed to run 3 x 30 mins this week! So proud of me! 😀
I have tried many times in my life to take up running and always given up due to various aches and pains. Having now completed the C25K I have realised that in the past I tried to do too much too soon. I am a reasonably fit 57 year old missing the gym but sticking to the plan has allowed my body to get used to running gradually.
I'm very happy to say I graduated on Friday (together with my husband - I couldn't have done it without him). The final run felt fantastic and I actually enjoyed it. I was chuffed to get 7 personal bests on Strava so that was a massive boost to the end of the programme but also a fantastic start to becoming a regular runner.
Massive thanks to everyone on this forum and the brilliant admin team who post such great advice - it's really helped. I have read many times to 'trust the plan' which is the best advice. I can't believe that I can now run 30 minutes non-stop 😃
Week 9 Run 3 done. Didn’t think I would ever have managed it and did the full 5k in 30minutes. Only thing is I have hurt my foot, probably a mixture of an old treadmill with no support and poor quality shoes. Both of these will be remedied after lockdown ends. Question is I would like to do my consolidation runs so should I just strap my foot up and go a bit slower? I dont want to stop completely.
I graduated Couch 2 5k on Saturday! Absolutely over the moon and now love running! This was my third attempt and got me through homeschooling my two girls. Loved it so much!
I graduated last night. I have run in all weather (rain, snow, sleet...) and with the temperature usually hovering around zero. I am based somewhere cold! A year ago, a 37 year old friend passed away from COVID-19. In January, I decided that at 48 I needed to take control of my health. I sticked to the programme. I can breathe easier than before and encouraged two friends to join me virtually on the couch to 5km journey. We all succeeded. And we will keep on running. Thank you for the excellent programme and for the tools to help us succeed 😀
I am happy to report that I have graduated this evening and would very much like to receive my virtual badge, please!!. A very big thank you as well for the community support and advice from the admin guys, it’s been great.
To say that the last few months have been an adventure is a bit of an understatement and not in my wildest did I believe I’d ever be running for a full 30 minutes and then some. The programme really does do what it says on the can. 👍
I did it. Wk9R3 and have even completed one 30 mins run without Laura. Can I claim my badge of pride? I avoided running in the snow and had to repeat one of my wk9 runs. But, it's all water under the bridge. I'm looking forward to my next ruin tomorrow and plan to add a another day and one more 3 mins song to my playlist to get me running for longer and more often.
Finished the last run yesterday. It's been hard work to hit 5k in under 30 mins and I've joined here to try and move on, build some stamina so I can run without it being so tough.
Hi, graduated this morning and feel fantastic. Haven’t run for more than a bus for 33 years and, while I’m still a way off 5k and need to translate my treadmill runs to the great outdoors can certainly see how that would be achievable. Not bad for a woman about to turn 49 and carrying 5 stone of excess weight. I think this is the first New Year resolution I have actually kept too! Grateful if I can have my badge.
Hurrah! W9R3 completed today, plus a wee bit extra. Next time I will use Strava to measure distance (haven’t been brave enough yet 🤭) and work on building up distance and stamina. This app is amazing and I’m going to continue doing W9 podcasts with Sanjiv Kohli...he’s been there every step of the way 😊
Hi, I have graduated today. I started on 2nd Jan and have managed to run 4K in 30mins today, really chuffed with that, from a standing start in January, literally! I haven’t missed a run even running in a blizzard to make sure I stayed in track, have loved it and keen to keep running.
Don’t recall if I ever did leave a message here when I graduated last Sunday so I’m doing so now. Done two consolidation runs since - I do miss the voice of Laura in my ear - tried the consolidation app pod cast but it drove me mad with crazy boom boom music 🤣
Hi, I graduated last weekend after on/off progress. I injured my calf in week 4 and it took several weeks to recover after help and advice from the group. I repeated week 4 2 or 3 times until my calf felt recovered. My wife also ran it all with me having graduated a few months ago. I feel a great sense of achievement as I'm about to turn 60 and hadn't done any exercise for 15 years. I appreciate that I wouldn't have completed this without the motivation this group provides and my wife's encoruragement.
Week 9 Run 3 in the bag! So pleased that I have done it! Really thought I would give up every week as it got harder. But I persisted and am feeling chuffed! 🌟
I completed the Couch to 5K yesterday!! I’ve been so determined to do it and when looking back so proud of how far I’ve come. It seems like a lifetime ago running for those 60 seconds. So pleased!!
Hello I - graduated yesterday and was so over the moon I posted it complete with a soggy photo of me post run. As a 60 year old I cannot remember the last time I felt this happy or proud of an achievement and I have broken my secret silence ( because I never really thought I would do it!) to recommend to my friends! Now looking at all the links on here on consolidation an moving forward. Thank you
I actually did it, it’s not the end but just the beginning. I’m not the fastest of runners but I plod on and will continue plodding over the next 4 weeks for 30 minutes then work towards 5K. The support this group has given me by reading everyone’s post has helped me every single step I took. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️
Hi I have completed run 3 of week 9 tonight and feel totally delighted and emotional. So looking forward to improving my distance and all my future runs. Feeling very happy 😁🏃♀️
Hi, I graduated on Friday. Can't quite believe I managed the whole programme, after thinking about it half-heatedly for years! Other people's posts have kept me motivated when I felt a bit tired for my run. Going to consolidate now so hopefully 30 min runs will become a habit...then maybe a bit longer / further in the summer.
Me and my grandson began the C25K programme on 12th January and completed it on Friday. We've run three times a week, whatever the weather. It's got us both through lockdown, helping to keep us positive and focused. Although there's 56 years between us, the regime has worked for us both. Because we were running at about 7:15m/km our 30 minute runs wouldn't cover 5k so, for the final run, we decided to run the full distance - took us 38 minutes. It's been a brilliant experience.
Just finished wk 9 run 3 what I thought was impossible a few weeks ago now seems normal. Been running 5.7 k for these last three runs its hard but definitely doable.
Hi, I’d like to request my graduation badge. It’s taken me 10 weeks to complete the programme. I have never been able to run before, but the programme is so well designed and I followed it exactly. I’m very happy with what I’ve achieved. Thankyou, C25k
I’ve not run for 6 years or done any exercise. C25k had been in my mind for a good few months before I bit the bullet and just set myself a date and just did it. Just running for a minute was a killer, but self determination forced me to complete 9 weeks training and yes I did it even though my brain says keep going my body is lagging behind somewhat. I’m now continuing with week 9 of C25k until I feel fitter to go further. I’m 56 and my goal is to run 10k by my 57th birthday in 8 months. Please May I have my well deserved graduation badge.
Bore da! I graduated yesterday having started on my journey on the 4th January, it’s definitely the best decision I have made so far this year. The advice and encouragement within this community has been invaluable and I have no doubt it has helped me complete this programme. I plan to continue running 3 times a week. Thank you to everyone who has made this new ‘journey’ such an enjoyable one.
Finished! Completed this morning. I enjoyed this run and sprinted the last 60 seconds and just feel fantastic now 😁 I have been struggling to find a route that I like and have found an outdoor sports court that is flat and has other runners and this works for me. What a great feeling.
Hi! I graduated last night with my final C25K W9R3 run and I felt better than I had on any of the other runs. I’m so pleased with myself😊 Looking forward to continuing to run long into the future!
Hi, graduated on Friday and feeling ever so slighted pleased with myself 😁 I was a bit apprehensive that running was really my thing but have kept to the program through wind, rain and snow! I have to say that it definitely helped having a running partner as we kept each other going. Knees are not feeling too happy about the longer runs so I will have to check out the strengthening exercises and maybe follow the advice on gait analysis and better running shoes. It’s great having this site for advice and inspiration, thank you 🙏
Hi I started C25K in September and completed my first 5K in November having completed the 9 week course mid November. I have now gone on to run a few 10 k's and I am very much enjoying my running and have also taken up YOGA.
Hello, I graduated on Sunday from C25K. I'm so proud that I am now running 30mins nonstop and that I run in all weather's. Happy to be a fellow runner. Don't stop me now! 😁🏃🏾♀️
Got there today Imc50. Really wondered early in the program what I had gotten myself into but very pleased to have stuck it out. Advice received on adjusting my pace to match my breathing was key. A phenomenal Forum to be involved with. Now onward to the consolidation programme ...
Completed W9 R3 last Wednesday (10/03/21), having started on 09/01/21. Kept to the programme really well, although "only" managed 4.62km in the 30 minutes. Since then I have done 4 more runs, 3 of which were 6km, but in 41-43 minutes. I did also attempt to run without a rest day on Monday but struggled and only managed 3km - clearly rest days remain important for me. I will probably never get to 5km in 30 minutes, but I guess that's not the point: the important thing for me is to keep running regularly, and not undo all the good work!
Hi, I completed W9R3 this morning, after starting the programme on 28th December. I'm thrilled to bits with my achievement. Ran 4k today, so now planning to build up to running 5k.
WOOHOO! I DID IT! Completed C25K about half an hour ago! Started on the 16th of January, a day after my birthday and now I graduate on my countries national holiday! 🇮🇪🇮🇪
I started this journey at the start of lockdown 2021 whilst homeschooling my 3 children under 12. This programme became my 'me' time once we finished our school day. Through many cold dark winter days of wind, rain, early mornings and spring sunshine I was determined to stick to every planned run despite the weather. Never in a million years have I run until now. Very pleased and proud to achieve my graduation run to improve my times. Love this programme. For anyone who thinks they can do it....they really can...Just Do It. Believe in yourself and MAKE IT HAPPEN!
Admin- I would be honoured to receive my virtual 🏅 for achieving my personal goal I set myself pretty please! Thank you!
Finished C25K today after only 9 weeks. When I first heard about it I gave myself 6 months to complete! I jogged my way through rain, snow ,sleet and ice to emerge a healthier fitter person.
I've bloody done it C25k week 9 run 3 done....!! Dragging myself out of my warm cozy bed to trudge through the park and local streets in the dark, through snow and ice, the rain and freezing weather back in January was such an effort but I've done it and completed this challenge that I set myself 👊. I may not be the fastest or the fittest but I've got my butt up and out there and I'm feeling right proud of my little self 😀
Hi I completed today... so pleased with myself. Thanks to all for your support... it has kept me motivated and I hope to continue to run twice a week. 😊
Hi, I graduated today! This was my third attempt, I only got to Week 5 in 2019, then tried again last year but injured my knee on the very first run! So, it's third time lucky for me, and I'm really looking forward to continuing and hopefully improving my speed and distance. I ran just over 4km today, so after a few weeks of consolidation runs I'm going to work on gradually increasing the distance until I can do the full 5k. Thanks to the team for all the amazing support here on the forum, I haven't posted much but have been inspired every week by everyone's progress and your excellent advice!
Hi. I completed Week 9 on Friday, really pleased with myself. As a reward I've ordered a pair of Brooks running shoes and am planning to keep running 3 times a week for now. My next goal is running 5k in 30 minutes as I'm slightly outside that pace at the moment, but it was great to set a new PB on the final run.
Pleased to say I made it to the end of the planned runs and graduated on Friday! I had only planned do do enough to get to the end of couch to 5K but now find myself almost enjoying jogging along *gasp* 😆Always a sucker for a digital badge I look forward to getting this one!
Hi, I've finally completed week 9 run 3, that last run was a killer but I managed it. Could I please have a graduate badge for zarasara9698. Thank you!
Graduated yesterday!! Did not reach 5k yet but kept it slow and steady until the last few minutes. I used to hate running and I cannot believe I now enjoy running 3 times a week!! This plan really works... and this group has been a huge support! Those articles are so helpful and I’m very grateful for everyone sharing their experience and admins advice. Now just need to make sure I keep running!
Hello, I completed the programme this morning with a lovely(ish - I was running up some pretty tough hills!!) run as the sun was coming up. I haven't quite reached 5k, but hopefully will progress to that distance over the next few weeks. I've been very grateful for the support from the community, despite being a lurker rather than a poster.
I train on a very hilly route - do you think a post about things I have learnt using the programme with hills would be helpful for others?
Even though I’ve completed it, I still can’t quite believe it as I literally did go from my couch back to running. It’s taken a lockdown to motivate me out there again and the cover of dark evenings on my side to hide my struggles! But now the weather is brighter and I’m looking forward to the increased health benefits. Thank you for keeping me going during Covid-
Right chuffed to have graduated yesterday. I’ll have one of those virtual badges then please!Will look at the consolidation club and other links to get inspiration to continue running 👍🏼
Hello! here for my badge I made my first post 2 months ago called " I have never been able to RUN" and with the encouragement of this forum and all the members, I have now just completed week 9 run 3 today! It's been tough but I can now say that I CAN run and I really enjoy it. yay xxx
I completed w9 last friday 19-03-21, didn't hit 5k,so intending to up thing 10% per week to get there after a week or two of consolidation runs,the first of which I did yesterday, felt good without the unnecessary self imposed pressure of having to complete. 😆
Well I’ve just got back from run 3 wk 9 and I’ve graduated!! 🎉🎉 I’m now officially running 5k🏃🏼♀️🙌🏻 I did it in the 9 planned weeks and can’t honestly believe I stuck to it, I was so determined ☺️ Feeling so much fitter and one very proud 54 year old lady! Looking forward to the next run already, thanks so much for the inspiration on here 🏃🏼♀️ Can I have my badge please!
I completed the programme today started originally 21/05/18 got to week 7 then gave up Then started again at week 4 on 12/02/21 and finally completed it today! Feeling very proud! 😄 I’m considering attempting a Park Run when they start again as although I’ve found some runs tough, I’ve also really enjoyed a few and do think it’s something I want to continue with 😊
Week 9 run 3 !! So much help and support from the forum, thank you! Could I please request my badge. Will be moving onto the consolidation links 😁Thanks
My journey began 21st December started in the gym until they closed and then I discovered the great outdoors, a bit apprehensive at first as I was doing it on my own, but then I discovered this forum and I know I wouldn’t have done it without your support. I took on board all the advice and it got me through my week 9 run 3 this evening. THANK YOU you are all fabulous.
Hi, I completed C25K at the beginning of March, was out in all weathers and through the dark mornings. Looking for my next challenge now. So pleased I have achieved C25K and feeling fitter than ever! 😀👍
Thank you all so much for your support, advice and kind words - this has been a brilliant experience and I’ve loved it !! Best thing I’ve done in lockdown !!!
Hi, I just completed week 9 run 3. Actually i cant believe i have completed the programme. I am so pleased. I had a total knee replacement in 2015 and need my other knee done as well. I have been so inactive the last few years and having completed this I now feel a million times better. I just hope i can keep it up. Thank you xx
Yay, completed W9R3 today and so proud of my achievement. It's been an up and down journey with a few reruns, some injury issues and quite a few hills too, but I've done it and never felt better 🎉 😃
I graduated this week - straight through with no repeats and feel amazing about it. I’m a fair way off 5k in 30 mins, but did do a full 5k as my W9R3 by running longer until I got there. Totally worth it to feel the sense of achievement.Now on with more 30min runs to keep building the fitness.
Hi, I graduated today ☺️🏃🏼♀️🤸♀️ Started originally in May last year and had to stop due to a sprained ankle. Have managed by doing 2 runs instead of 3 a week, but feel very pleased with myself, never having run before 😊
I graduated this morning, feeling really pleased with myself. After the calf problems during Week 8 (the only real problems during the programme) I was pleasantly surprised at how easy Week 9 has been.
Time for some consolidation, starting with modifying my route to get from 4.3 km to 5 km in 30 mins.
I'm just squeezing into to your March contingent to join all of the other lovely runners you have awarded a graduate badge today. I just finished my W9R3 run this evening after 4 months of hard work, but it has definitely paid off!
I completed my W9R3 jog this morning. It has been a looooong time coming. I started the program in Jan 2020 but had to take a break after falling ill. I resumed this year and I can finally call C25K done and dusted! I'm super proud of myself having never been a jogger or runner. But here I am, jogging for 30 minutes non-stop and feeling great. I realise now that I just had no clue how to run. I'm so glad I found this App, which I downloaded with great difficulty as its not available here in Kenya. This community has been such a motivator for me! I hope to keep this newfound love for jogging. I'm ready for that medal now please 😆.
Well I can’t quite believe I achieved this but I did C25k in 11 weeks with my daughter by my side...well in front of me 😜. I am more a creative than a sporty person and have never been a runner bit at 54 it’s never too late 💪
I've just finished the course today (30th March) having started on 15th January. I only had to repeat one week after a week of snow. A great feeling to have made it to graduation. Looking forward to being able to do my first parkrun on June 5th in my village. That gives me a few weeks to gain some strength and get a few 5ks under my belt. I've only managed 4.4kms so far!
Hello. Completed W9 R3 today. Started 10th Jan. As a 65 year old who had never ever run before it’s a big thank you to the programme and all of you for the advice and support. Graduation run was 3.5k but I’m happy with that, quite proud in fact. Will keep on keeping on, with a grin 🙂
I completed W9R3 about 26 days ago - ran indoors on Treadmill. Have started the program again but this time running outside and am finding it tough going. I will do it but at the moment I feel it will take a bit longer than 9 weeks - watch this space.Hopefully the medal will give me a virtual reminder that I've done it before I can do it again.
I completed the C25k programme today. This is the second time I’ve done it - had to stop running about 6 months ago due to back trouble but started the programme afresh and finished it today.
Hope I’m in the right place to request my Graduate badge. I completed my Couch to 5k this week. I’ve had a couple of days off and am about to do my first run after the programme this morning. At the age of 55 I feel like I’ve finally found a form of exercise I actually look forward to.
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