Not Enough Gadge: So, as mentioned previously... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Not Enough Gadge

PaulS83 profile image
23 Replies

So, as mentioned previously, this is my third time around this revolving door. Inside is warmly lit, the sound of an angelic choir is softly reverberating around the rafters, there is the promise of not having to have a little sit-down halfway up the stairs, there are no litter-pickers required to tie shoe laces, there are no internet searches for male Wonder Pants. On the outside is debauchery, it is fiery, the din of drunk karaoke is setting off car alarms, there is last night's kebab leftovers whirring in the microwave for breakfast, there is Me.

My first attempt saw me fall heroically during W6R3. Like a martyr, I smiled into the faces of my executioners and as my knee finally went thunnng. My conscience didn't flash so much as an instance of regret, as I knew that there was nothing in my vast reign of power that could've prevented it. Except for resting or going slower, but these are inconsequential details.

My second attempt saw me mercilessly gunned down during W6R1. Roses were thrown at my feet as I hobbled past the tearful masses as if in a three-legged race, strapped to an invisible corpse. You may remember the national day of mourning. My resolve held though and I knew I'd be back. I did not lose an iota of confidence as, again, that there was absolutely nothing I could've done to prevent it. Except for resting and / or going slower, but don't let me bore you with utter trivia.

I've since led a careful root-cause analysis of the failures with a team of world-leading experts in the field of Me (it was pretty much me and my wife, but my wife was pretty useless to be honest, so I overruled her) and we have irrefutably concluded that the key driver in each instance was: Not Enough Gadge.

The naïve amongst you may feel that it had something to do with the fact that I was zipping along at speeds only comprehensible in Einsteinian Physics, whilst being as well conditioned as a tramp's hair. Or caused by attempting to prance around like an elegantly skipping Gazelle, despite possessing all the coordination of a sausage dog running down stairs; but you will be wrong. The evidence clearly demonstrates, nay, dictates that it was the absence of Tech. It was the shortfall of meaningless, cross-eye inducing data. It was the distinct lack of money being spent.

I'd be a fool if I made that mistake again! Introducing my new Garmin. Ain't she a beaut? Don't worry, you can feel aroused. Don't be afraid of it.

What I've so far learned is that my resting heartrate is in the late 80's, and any form of strenuous activity (walking up the stairs, or putting a new child seat in the car) ramps it up into the 120's . Running peaked at 156bpm. What I so far haven't learned, is what on earth any of this means.

It probably means what I knew already, I am to Human what egg-and-chips is to fine dining.

Apparently, it measures my stress levels as well, which went stratospheric when changing a cot-bed back into a cot. Quite understandably so. I thought it was going to explode right there on my wrist at one point, It kept telling me things like "your stress levels are unusually high" to which I replied, "Well bloody get out here and help me then. Why the hell won't this line up? Poxy, cheap flatpack crap...Oh, it's upside down."

It keeps vibrating on my wrist and saying, "Time to take a break and get active". Clearly those two things are mutually exclusive. I think it might be faulty...

Actually, it's like having a second wife, but one that's been surgically attached at the wrist. Ironic really, seeing a the wrist is often the second wife.

I ordered it Monday night and it came Tuesday morning. I can't tell you how much I love that. You don't know the amount of self-restraint I had to have on Tuesday afternoon to honour my rest day and not go out galivanting. It was only the threat of doing a Misery on myself that made me hold off, but my over-zealousness held into Wednesday and ended up costing me dear. I made a mistake comparable to not lifting the top-flap of the toilet seat before a fit a explosive diarrhea.

I went out running during school kick-out time.

I'm sorry if that sentence made anyone drop their coffee in utter horror and disbelief. How could any sentient being who has somehow navigated their way to biological adulthood be so utterly bereft of intelligence? There are three rules in life: don't towel-whip a lion on the arse, don't wear suede shoes in a public toilet, and don't go running during school handovers.

They. Were. Everywhere.

The girls seem physically compelled to walk anywhere in some kind of a peaceful protest line, like a long chain of solidarity that blockades the entire street. The boys can't go five paces without spontaneously jettisoning one of their group into the middle of the road or the nearest bush. Their combined movement resembles the duality of light and behaves like particles and waves all at once. They are like hot smoke dissipating in cold air, with a thin laminar column that quickly collapses into turbulence and chaos, moving in every direction at the same time.

Honestly, I didn't realise that this many children existed! The last 16 years must've been a significantly fertile time around these parts, presumably caused by nothing good being on the telly. It started raining as well, I mean, of course it bloody did; and in complete unison, all of their coats came off and were held over their heads - particularly eyes - like makeshift canopies and put a sharp end to their already waned ability to take three f*cking steps in the same direction. Future historians will be writing for years about the great hood embargo of the 2020's, not a single one between them.

I ended up sprinting past localized outbreaks of childlings, weaving in and out of natural voids between groups, then walking during the intervals like I'm late for a death row pardon or something.

Garmin tells me my best pace was 4:10/km, which is frightening. In previous incarnations, I used Strava and the only non-stop running data were from each of the W5R3's, where I did 3.60km at 5:36/km and 3.63km at 5:32/km respectively. This seems to be my natural pace - although this has also proved naturally unsustainable (who knew?) given that in each of the subsequent weeks, I fell to bits with a muffled bang and a puff of smoke like a clown's car. So this means I was really giving it some yesterday.

Bloody kids.

So for my W1R2 I did 3.93km at 7:15/km (that's warm-ups, downs, runs and walking intervals combined). What's eyebrow raising about this is that, according to Strava, on my last little foray, I did 4.27km at 6:56/km on the same run. Without even having kids to blame. What the hell was I doing back then?

I was blowing at the end of some of these runs as well. If anyone were to have jabbed me with a pin, I would've flattened a 5-mile radius. Make room for me on that injury couch won't you? And pop the kettle on, I'll be with you shortly.

But at least my conscience will be clear that there was absolutely nothing that could've been done to prevent it.

Happy running, Fam. If you go running during school kick-out times, arm yourself with some cattle bars and plough the little bastards out of the way!

Written by
PaulS83 profile image
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23 Replies
Newbie59 profile image

Ha ha, I love it. I love your description of all the school kids barring your way, it must be the same in every town and village at the same times of day. To add to our misery there is a narrow footbridge to negotiate, so we really do check our watches before we set off in that direction :)

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Newbie59

Yes, I've learned my lesson, that's for sure! Usually, my grunting, wheezing, sweating demeanor clears a natural path for me, but the kids didn't seems at all phased by that, so I've admitted defeat and created no-run times in my calendar.

Smile23 profile image

Omg so descriptive and so enjoyable to read. You have made my day. I have been sat outside the female students locker room all morning telling them to socially distance and there are men working inside😩i laughed out loud at the lion!

Seriously though. Take it easy and listen to your body. You can and will achieve this😁

Go 🦁🤣🤣🤣

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Smile23

Haha, that's great. Yes, I know. The famous adage of 'mind over matter' falls down in this instance, my mind really needs to start respecting my matter!

Alast profile image

Another absolute cracker Paul, thank you.

Oh, and it sounds like the run went OK too...

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Alast

Thanks. No, the run was like surgery without anesthetic! I'm a nightmare for repeating mistakes, but trying to maneuver my way through a crowd of children is not going to be one of them!

John_W profile image

I'll read it in full later but just took of the graphs & numbers for now... 4:10min/km for the running bits?

Your 4th attempt is doomed. Sorry! WAAAAAAAYYYYYYY too quick. Slow-TF down.

Ditch the ego and learn to JOG. Seriously.

My 'natural' pace is 8 - 8:30 mile (5-5:20 min/km). I've did 20:31 for 5k, 3 years ago and reckon with training I could get there again. I'm currently jogging along at round 6:45-7 min/km. You should try it .

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to John_W

Haha, thanks for the concern. Re, reading the words - they may add some context, but probably detract wildly from the subject matter.

The 4:10 was a spike and not a sustained pace. Sustained pace was a bit faster than my normal injury inducing 5:35(ish), but that was a result of the situation. Still at the "doomed" end of the spectrum, but maybe enough of a reduction to not completely seal fate especially for a 4th go around the wheel, which preempts not only current, but future failings! (I would enter a laughing emoji here if I was on my phone instead of laptop)

The purpose of buying the Garmin was to help control pace and find a lower rhythm, I find I end up tensing up to run slow, by way of braking, and feel much worse for it, so as wet as it sounds, is something I need to teach myself how to do comfortably. Yesterday wasn't the day for that though due to the hoards of kids.

Alast profile image
Alast in reply to PaulS83

When I do my runs I have a number of audible accompaniments. First and foremost is the Lovely Laura telling me when to start (but more importantly when I can stop) running. Secondly, as a distraction tactic I listen to Mark Steel's in Town comedy podcasts, they're 30 minutes long (so ideal for a C25K session), and unlike music, don't have a beat which can affect my 'running' speed. Finally I have a metronome app ticking in my ear which I use to force myself to slow my pace down to which for me has worked really well. The only problem with all of this is that my 'phone battery does take a hammering, but it's only for half an hour!

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Alast

A metronome is a really good idea

Alast profile image
Alast in reply to PaulS83

The (free) app I have on my phone is by Soundbrenner and seems quite versatile. I'm sure there are many other alternatives available.

nowster profile image

Have you ever been treated for logorrhoea? 😉🤣

Seriously though, slow down that running. No wonder you're fit to explode! Slower cadence and/or shorter strides. You've been here long enough to have seen the usual advice, so I won't repeat it.

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to nowster

No, you'd barely get two words and a grunt out of me in person. I save it all up for here. I'm not very good on Twitter as you can imagine...

Tartancat profile image

Jeez, the only time my Garmin has registered your kind of speed I was on the back of a galloping horse. Have you thought of entering next years Grand National? Cos I'd definitely have an each way bet on you!

I think I should lend you my dog. When he comes jogging with me he spends more time stopping to sniff dead birds, or stopping to eat horse poo, or stopping to wee on aforementioned nastinesses, than he does running, meaning I'm forced to run on the spot whilst I wait for him. I feel he's not taking the ethos of C25K seriously. Either that or he enjoys the fact that I look like a nutter whilst he's cocking a leg.

Anyhow, I look forward to hearing about your next adventure!

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Tartancat

That's me - I wild, snarling stallion. I've been telling my wife that for years, I'm glad someone's finally noticed.

I think me and your dog would just drag each other down. It's a constant uphill struggle to resist leg-cocking and dead bird sniffing during my runs and I really don't need that encouragement!

I'm picturing you bobbing up and down on the spot next to a squatting dog, neither of you making eye contact, just middle-distance staring in different directions, and it's brightening up my morning!

Sarararara profile image

Liking the watch- is it a 245? Does the map show your speed by colour?

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Sarararara

It's (ironically) a VivoActive 4. I feel like a better runner whilst wearing it.

Walking down the street, I stop suddenly and snap my wrist up in front of my eyes like some kind of bygone salute, and curl my bottom lip, give a slow satisfied nod and continue on. I can sense the admiration around me. I even heard someone say "practical" the other day, but they said it really fast and presumably got cut off at the end, so it sounded more like "prck". I knew what they meant though, and they were right.

PaulS83 profile image

Oh, and yes, the route is heat mapped to give an overview of pace.

Hobbler profile image

Brilliant read to start my day.

School kids description is bang on when I'm driving my bus through the extended school runs.

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Hobbler

Must be hard work! I know I’d constantly have to remind myself to not make one of them an example!

Jell6 profile image

Arrrgh! The hood embargo 😅, the lion 🤣🤣...

I'm pretty sure that you can set zones on your lovely spiffy Garmin!

I posted yesterday about my 1 hour 33 minute run, and that was SLOW. By comparison my 7.06 paced 5km yesterday felt like a race. What is my point? You will find it difficult to slow down your natural pace , but it will pay off. It will get you week 7 and beyond , plus it should work wonders on that resting heart rate!!!

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to Jell6

My Garmin is starting to worry me to be honest, it keeps saying “Please strap me to a human”.

I think I’ll be alright at normal pace until W4, in which the 5 minute runs will be suitably long enough to start finding rhythm, I think I will go for a 6:30 initially and then drop further from there. Sounds easy, right?

PaulS83 profile image
PaulS83 in reply to PaulS83

And it seems a few people are getting their frillies wedged over the 4:10, but to be honest, this was probably just a 10-step burst to free my local vicinity of bratlings

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