I have a question about heart rate whilst running: I did my first C25K + yesterday and found it quite challenging. (Stepping Stones podcast). My pace was 10mins 43 per mile and my distance was 2.78k. My heart rate was 168bpm. I’m 61 years young and no health problems. Is this too high? If so I would need to slow down and probably won’t ever reach 5K in 30 mins. But I’d rather that than have a cardiac arrest. If I hadn’t bought myself a Smartwatch I wouldn’t know all these things!! Grateful for any advice or links to follow. 💚. Happy New Year everyone. 🏃🏼♀️🏃🏼♀️💕🏃🏼♀️🏃🏼♀️
Heart rate too high?: I have a question about... - Couch to 5K
Heart rate too high?

Well done on your achievement! I would speak to your doctor to be on the safe side but I think it is more about how quickly your heart rate returns to your 'normal'. Reading the experiences of others I'm sure it is not the end of your journey. Just need to get the right advice from your GP and maybe try and slow down. I know when I started I was trying to run too fast! Good luck

If you were out doing a nice easy run your heart rate will be slower. If you're doing something like the stepping stones podcast or stamina or the speed one your heat rate is going to be higher .
The lowest mine has been is at Parkrun as is mostly flat where as my usual runs during the week have inclines and hills and the body is working harder so in turn a higher heart rate.
If you feel okay when running I wouldn't worry.
I am in no way a medical expert and this is my personal experience.
If you are concerned at all see your GP.
Good luck 😊

Heart rate is very personal. Those formulas on-line to calculate max heart rate are simple tools, that are based on averages, for there to be an average, some people are below that, and some people are above it.
The biggest most relevant quetion is, how did you feel ? Did it feel like your heart was labouring ?
I'm 52, my max heart rate according to forumulas should be something like 160+. My Garmin instinct has clocked my heart rate at 183. Take my last interval run on Monday, my heart rate averaged 163, there was one section where it reached 180 or soo for a few minutes, then dropped back down to 163ish. How did the run feel ? Well, it was fine, I didn't feel like I was labouring, didn't feel like my heart was racing or that I was panting for oxygen like I was on my last legs. The run was fine, and therefore I am not concerned about my heart rate during that run.
In fact I've never felt "bad" during a run, and therefore just look at my heart rate readings with interest rather than with concern.
Over the last few months, I've noticed as I run more, that my average heart rate is dropping during a run.
Speak to your GP if you are concerned.

We're all individual and so our heart rates will vary. My peak heart rate according to my Fitbit is 172bpm when running and a resting heart rate of 57-62bpm. Apparently that kind of resting heart rate makes me like an Olympic athlete. I am not! 😂 Speak to the Dr if you're concerned but as you say, if we didn't have the technology we'd be none the wiser. I'm not too sure how accurate the heart rate monitors are on smart watches as I had to have a 24hr heart trace done and it didn't seem to pick up anything nearly as high, although I had it done on a non-running day.
Also, don't worry about doing 5k in 30 mins. I did my first 5k today and it took me 42 minutes. Again we're all different.
Well done and keep going x
Thanks Thisone. It’s interesting isn’t it? My resting heart rate is the same as yours and I’m def not an athlete either 🤣 Just goes to show we need to be careful what we read on the internet and take it with a pinch of salt. (Not this forum though!!!!) Fantastic advice here especially from the administrators. 👌👌