(For those of you have graduated)
Do you still do 5 mins warm up/cool down walks on your runs? Just curious.
(I know the stretches will always be vital, just wondering about the walking bits at the beginning and end)
Liz x
(For those of you have graduated)
Do you still do 5 mins warm up/cool down walks on your runs? Just curious.
(I know the stretches will always be vital, just wondering about the walking bits at the beginning and end)
Liz x
Most definitely! They are not included just for run. They have a real purpose for recovery x
Definitely. I graduated in December 2016, and still religiously start each run with dynamic stretches followed by a 5 minute brisk walk, and finish every run with a 5 minute cool down walk (regardless of whether I’m running 5k or 15k).
Yes, I have several old injuries that I am trying to protect, plus recognition that I am a tad older. I do dynamic stretches before setting off for 5 min walk to warm up and then 5 minute walking warm down after finishing. I do a set of static stretches when I get home. I had the same routine for swimming...but substituting slow swimming for walking...for obvious reasons ha.
Yes, definitely! I'm a diesel, so need the warm-up, plus I'm not keen on running in the city: it takes me 10-15 mns to reach the park, perfect for my heart to slowly take the pace. And the warming down is even more important if you don't want to get any soreness due to lactic acid: the more you exercise, the more you'll have lactic acid and the walking after allows you to eliminate it more easily (with drinking).
Always it’s a must for so many reasons. 👍
Yes! And always warm-up.. very important!.... cool-down isn't quite as important but should always do it as well... Don't immediately stop and sit down after a run!
Oh, yes. If I don't warm up, I feel more out of breath when i run. If I don't warm down, I feel light headed and dizzy...something to do with letting your heart rate rev up before and down after a run.
Yes always. I enjoy having a daily walk with my run, it keeps everything moving!!
Thanks everyone. 👍
I assumed it to be the case, just wanted to check. Have a happy Monday everyone!
Liz 😘
Absolutely essential, however the 5 mins walks are the bare minimum warm up, need to get the blood flowing to the muscles and warm them up, there are other muscle groups that need to be woken up as well as our legs and there are plenty of warm up exercises to be found on YouTube and running websites.
Take some time and do some research into what is required.
i did at first but now i do warm up jogs mostly. just starting at the "slow conversational pace" as they call it and speed up a bit when i know im warmed up.
The professionals do it. So should you.
If muscles are not properly warmed up and blood flow is not adequate then injury risk is increased, especially in cold weather.
After any aerobic activity, the blood is pooled in the extremities, and the heartrate is elevated. The purpose of the cool-down is to bring the heartrate down to near-normal and to get the blood circulating freely back to the heart. Stopping abruptly could result in fainting or place undue stress on the heart.
I do, always
I will be honest, I don't often do my warm up walk but always do a cool down walk. I start out at a very slow jog though. In my defence, it is very cold on the Canadian prairies and I worry about getting too cold hence jogging really slow until my legs have warmed up. If I dress to be warm enough during my warm up, I'd be way too warm during my run(as it is, I get too warm). It is a balance I'm constantly working on.
Yup definitely the warm up really helps and the warm down stops me looking a gorgeous shade of corned beef red...
No. Not unless I am doing hill sprints or similar high intensity runs. A run at my 5k pace is my warmup quite often. I don't warmup for my warmup. I don't agree with the cool down justification as that is not how the heart works.
I always do some dynamic stretches at home to wake my legs up but don't always warm up walk... normally get to do a warm down walk as I have to normally walk home from wherever I finish 😂
Yes I do, I really need to let my body know that I’m about to do something more energetic than strolling to the shops. Afterwards I need to walk home to gain my land legs again I think if I just stopped I’d just crumple to the ground!
I’m still so very new to running that I still have to make huge preparations both physically and mentally to make sure I actually do it.
I absolutely always do the 2 walks, and definitely good & fast. Not just for the protecting from injury etc. but purely practically because I get hot when I run & can't bear to have too many layers, so I'd be an icicle if I hadn't got the blood pumping!