I'm nearly 8 weeks into the c25k plan. My breathing technique is poor. I believe ut should be in through the nose, out through the mouth, I've tried meditation to try to help improve it but I still struggle. I am overweight so obviously that doesn't help, trying to get that down. This sounds a little bit ridiculous, but any suggestions on breathing would be gratefully received 😊
Keep breathing....: I'm nearly 8 weeks into the... - Couch to 5K
Keep breathing....

I also struggle with in through the nose and out through the mouth.... so I do both together and have found that helped alot. I am no expert but it is what is working for me! Would be good to hear from experienced runners on advise and techniques #W7R3. Good luck!

Im a mouth breather predominantly. If it works for you just stick to what suits. As you become more experienced you will master it Im sure. 👍🏼
Presumably you have breathed quite successfully between birth and now? Keep doing it the way you have been doing it. Pay no attention whatsoever to any of that in through the nose out through the mouth bollo. Likewise the matching your breaths to every third footfall or counting paces to breaths. Of all the 'advice' on the podcast, that and the footsrike nonsense probably cause more confusion and woe to beginner runners than anything else, and HU really ought to remove it.
Breathe in and breathe out. That's all the advice you need. Do it through whichever orifice feels most natural to you. Do it as often and as deep as your body feels it needs. In fact don't think about it at all. Just let your body take care of the breathing as it has done every waking and sleeping moment of your life until now quite successfully without any guidance. If you are struggling for breath, just slow the **** down. You don't need to meditate, you just need to run at a speed you can breathe comfortably at.
That's all there is.

I did not pay any attention to the breathing advice, figuring I had enough to worry about other than trying to adapt my breathing mid-run. Breathing is a natural body reflex, let your body deal with it and focus on your running.
Your breath will feel more laboured as you run, but that is your body trying to draw in more oxygen to deal with the increased workload. However, trust your body to be able to deal with this itself. Unless you are really struggling - in wehich case as Rignold says, slow down.
I would agree with everyone else's posts here. I tried for a long tome to fight my natural inclination to breathe in and out through my mouth and then eventually gave up and did what felt right for me. I recently read a paper in a medical journal that argued that there is absolutely no medical evidence to suggest that breathing in through your nose is any better than breathing in through your mouth when running - ta da, vindication!
My biggest problem is that I get a dry throat when I'm running - makes no difference summer or winter, I always get it so I have bought a small pump dispenser bottle which I can fill with water and carry in my pocket and I just mist the back of my throat whenever I feel the need as I run. Seems to do the trick.
Good luck, keep breathing!

Just breathe and don't think about it... the way that you do normally.. slow right down and just do it
The only thing to remember? Don't stop breathing

I don't know if this helps but... when I manage to get into a rhythm when running, one that is comfortable and that I can stick to, I find I can breathe better and quite naturally. So maybe try some music that is all played at the same speed and which you are comfortable at (rather than music with differing tempos).

The breathing technique you are attempting to master is uttter b******s.
Read this theguardian.com/lifeandstyl... relax and the breathing will take care of itself, unless you are running too fast.