I have been lurking on this forum since mid February, being motivated and seeing much useful advice.
Today I completed run 2 of week 9, and it was easier than I expected. This was not because I improved, but finally followed the good advice on this forum to slow down.
I had stupidly been chasing the 5 kilometres in 30 minutes target which I missed by about 100 metres in run 1 on Tuesday giving me a projected time of 30:35 for the full distance. It left me very breathless and sore legged, so today I slowed to an easy pace which made my breathing comfortable and I felt I could have continued at the end, with a projected time of 34:42. This slower pace would have made the last three weeks so much more enjoyable.
I am confident that I will enjoy the final run on Saturday at this slower, more suitable for a 70lb overweight 53 year old, pace.
So if you have been pushing hard and are not enjoying yourself slow down it really does make a tremendous difference.