Donald Trump as a pug: By Poppypugular request... - Couch to 5K

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Donald Trump as a pug

Rignold profile image
42 Replies

By Poppypugular request.

just to tie this gratuitous narcissism tenuously in to the aim of the forum, two things that have been of great comfort to me during the bleak moments:

firstly, just how many good friends I have, many, ifnot most of whom I know 'only' via the internet, here and of facebook etc. People whom I have never met in person have offered to drive the length of the country to offer help. The kind words and messages of support. This has been termendously moving and a real source of strength for me. Feeling that I am part of a wider family or community even as my own family was tearing apart has been light in the dark hours. Thank you all.

Secondly, it is, I think, 2 years ago this week or next week since I graduated C25k. It seems odd that itnwas only suuch a short time ago because i have come a long way in that time. I have run all kinds of races, lifted some really heavy stuff yadda yadda yadda. I gon from fat to fit. I was 3 stone heavier then and 28% of my body was fat; now it is just over 8%. At that time I had really written myself off physically. I would never have dreamed that I would be able to run a mile let alone 30. It was only that life forced me to do something about my health that made me start. I still have a long way to go to achieve my current goals and there will doubtless be more by the time I do, but, false modesty aside, when i saw these pictures I really realised j just how far I had come in that time. And there was no secret to that transformation. I am not any more hardcore than anyone else. I don't have better or worse genetics. It was just persistence, determination and consistent hard work. It was C25k, and then keeping on going. My training regimes may seem OTT to some of you but it was just C25k and then consistently adding a little bit more.

And the realisation that I did that, and that persistence and hard work resulted in a considerable change makes me certain that however crap my situation is right now - and there is a great deal more more mundane practical, banal financial crappiness to the story - however horrible it all feels, however terrified I am for my children, I can make it all get better just by persistent hard work. By getting out of bed every morning and putting on my Dad shoes and applying myself, it will get better. It may take time and I may get frustrated at my 'speed and distance' and slow gainz, but if I stick with the damn programme it will get better.

And really, if this had happened 3 years ago I don't think I would have. I would have been shit-faced drunk for a start, and despite all that has happened, i still haven't had a drink this year, and have no intention or even desire to. C25k was the thing that set my change in motion and taught me that lesson.

FTDP - Follow The Damn Programme. It will lead you much further than just 5k away.

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Rignold profile image
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42 Replies
Bundoodle profile image

Firstly, WOW! That body can take on the world and win. Not just aesthetically, but anyone who has the determination and dedication to build that physique will not be defeated by the day to day stuff. Keep putting on the Dad shoes and the running shoes and who knows where you will be in another two years....

MarkyD profile image

You're a true gentleman.

AncientMum profile image

Well said that man! You've achieved incredible things, so be proud and be confident. The way ahead may be tough but if anyone can do it, you can.

In other news...., *swoon* ;)

poppypug profile image

OMG !!! Yes I can see a Pug ! Ha ha :-D

Thank you for posting this Rig xxx

Keep putting on those " Dad " shoes, you are an amazing guy, and a very much admired and inspirational part of this forum.

You are a true fighter , We love ya Man :-) xxx

Crackin' photo n'all ! xxx

mcgurranhouse profile image
mcgurranhouseGraduate in reply to poppypug

Just spotted the pug! :)

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to mcgurranhouse

It's a sign, I tells thee, a sign !!

All hail The Pug ( and Rig of course ! ) :-) xxx

mcgurranhouse profile image
mcgurranhouseGraduate in reply to poppypug

Definitely hail Rig!

Oldfloss profile image

One step in front of the other...x

amateurwriter profile image

I can't really add anything on to what everyone else has said, take it one step at a time and I'm sure you will get there :)

yatesco profile image

Taking into account I am a fully heterosexual married man with 4 kids of my own, you might just have replaced Will Smith as my 'man crush'!

OK, I jest, I don't really have a man crush on anyone, but if I did that picture would be in the running ;-).

On a more serious note, you are right to be proud of your achievements, they are huge, a testament to you and (positively) challenge all of us to do a little better and a little bit more.

The best thing you can do for your children is be there for them, make them know beyond any shadow of a doubt that it isn't their fault but also be real. Let them see that the man of rock they have the amazing blessing of having as their dad is also human and emotions are fine and healthy. Even very strong emotions are healthy, it is how you deal with them that makes the man.

Again Rignold , my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. When it rains it is raining on you so let us pour out our affection at this time.

(wow, when did I get so all new-agey/hippy?)

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to yatesco

Wise words Yatesco

runswithdogs profile image

It's a pug drawing it's breath in. Remarkable.

JaySeeSkinny profile image

You have a very sensitive face - and a very puggy tummy. Another fantastic picture, maybe you could go into modelling!

Stay strong for the kids, stay away from the drink, be proud of what you've become. Just one thought, you have changed your life so much over the last couple of years and become a different person. Maybe your wife no longer recognizes the man she married? Maybe she chose a victim and cannot cope with a winner.

Whatever, the kids are the most important now. They will be winners too.

beverleyg profile image
beverleygGraduate in reply to JaySeeSkinny

Yes, the same thought had crossed my mind - I have seen quite a few women who lost a huge amount of weight or sorted out other big problems and lost their relationships soon after - probably very complicated psychology.

90ldfinch profile image

I can only echo what others have said, Rig. Your resilience and determination is truly inspirational.

Indizulu profile image

Wow Rig what a story and what a picture!!! I think it's heartbreaking how many desperately sad things you are dealing with right now and as someone facing challenges personally too I want you to know how much I admire your supreme dignity, strength and courage facing it all. Your children are so lucky to have such an inspirational Dad - look after them and yourself . Sending hugs to you all

Juliejam profile image

Hey rignold. Just read you last couple of posts and wanted to say I am another that's here for you. I have always appreciated your clear thinking and strength of character . Wonderful replies that inspire. What would you post to your current situation. - that's what you need to do. Be true to yourself, be strong but with feeling. Ask for help when you need it. Life can be cruel, but all good things come to those who wait and try. Take care with your health too.

Thinking of you mate.

mcgurranhouse profile image

Wow! I am in awe at the difference you have made to so many aspects of your life! You are as good an inspiration as anybody could get for following this programme! What a photo too! That alone should be motivation for many starting out on this programme! ((Standing ovation in progress))

Irishprincess profile image

All those "people offering to drive the length of the country to help". Are they mostly women? 😉

Fab stuff Rig. x

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

And B0bP ! What a lovely gesture xxx

B0bP profile image
B0bPGraduate in reply to poppypug

What? I haven't been gesturing, honest miss 😀

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to B0bP

Oi Oi ! :-) You watching the game Bob ? xxx

B0bP profile image
B0bPGraduate in reply to poppypug

Nope, just got in from work and have to go and run and the Mrs want to run today too.

So I'm just about to go out in the pouring rain and do a slow 7.5k 😀

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to B0bP

Ah , okay go on then, Chop chop Mr P !

Thundering and lightening here , Im glad I went out yesterday ha ha :-D xxx

B0bP profile image
B0bPGraduate in reply to poppypug

Ok ok I'm going 😀

IannodaTruffe profile image

The Trump Pug is one of the most remarkable things I have ever seen, Rigs.

You could go viral with that one!!!!!!

Good luck.

Fantastic picture. Good luck with the pouring rain situation. To let you know that one of your answers to my first posts on the forum really inspired me to continue so thank you for that and good luck

harveyemm profile image

All the best Rig. Good times will come for sure.

Realfoodieclub profile image

Great photo (like the pug). So many of us find Stregnth through difficult times just by knowing we can run. I never would of believed such a natural activity can provide such comfort. Sending warm thoughts and I'm keeping up with my squats for you like the others. 😀.

GoogleMe profile image

I am really struggling to know what to say other than that I am so sorry all these challenges, each of which is not only hard but complicated, have hit you all at once, so much in admiration of not 'just' your coping but your ability to be open about the distress and the tears.... and to post so eloquently too.

I suspect it is Laura's music, perhaps even 'Julie' that was in charge of your heart rhythm for a while there... I shall keep everything crossed (or rather keep doing squat reps) that you don't need to be 'turned off and on again'

We often talk about fitness in terms of avoiding furred arteries and so on... but your experience shows that real fitness is about resilience.

I am glad you have that inspired friend who took these great photos.

I also want to thank you for that word 'shepherding' you used of your role with your mother. I needed that word for a whole variety of things I need to be doing now and in the near future.

I fervently hope that in the coming weeks you can make some bright memories to shine into the future.

Shivani05 profile image

You are truly inspiring.

dottiemay profile image

Dear heavens, Rig, just facing one of those 'challenges' would be enough to floor most people.

You have such strength, physically and mentally, but please make sure you take care of yourself as well as your children. Hopefully sharing with us has helped relieve a little pressure and I hope I speak for everyone when I say we feel privileged that you trust us with such personal and emotional details.

It's obvious from the responses that everyone here has huge respect and affection for you, and if all the power of positive thoughts from us for you and your family reaches you, we may be able to lighten the load just a little.

Sending love.

Eatcakeandrun profile image

I don't really have anything more to add to what has already been said. You obviously have some great qualities that will help you when times are tough. I think persistence is one of the most important. And putting on your Dad shoes - love that phrase.

Good luck.

Als_mum profile image

The pug is extraordinary! As are you.... xx

pinkangel16 profile image

Just awesome.

Take care Rig xx

Ullyrunner profile image

Oh Rig! I've just been catching up with your recent post and I'm so sorry for what you are going through - enough to fell a lesser man.

Your resolve is amazing, as are your photos. You will get through this.

I know we can be of little practical help but be assured of the respect and affection which you have from your friends in this forum. We're all rooting for you. X

LisaRose74 profile image

You are a true inspiration to many. And what a photo!!

misswobble profile image

I love that instruction 😊 So true☺

Looking good there Rig ☺

Sorry you are being put through the mangle at the moment. You will come out the other side though, older and wiser ,so hang in there ☺

aligra profile image

Sorry to read all this. It´s a testing time for you. You´ve given me some great advice and inspiration since I started out, and although I´ve nothing to add to what´s been said, I hope you´re gaining strength from all your online mates.

Suebguineapig profile image

I just wish you all the best. You are clearly so admired on this forum for very good reasons. I can see the pug, ha ha. Speaking as a respectable Headtecher kind of person, I clearly shouldn't comment on any other aspect of the photography. But Oh My Word!

Noaky12 profile image

Yep I see the pug too but for some odd reason I seem to be slightly distracted by the rest of the pic...........

I cant say anything different to whats already been said but sending virtual hugs and support to you Rig x

Slowstart profile image

Just caught up with your posts and want to send good happy vibes your way. What an awful time you have had, but (if it's at all possible) you sound stronger and more positive than ever. After posting these impressive photos, we will all be thinking of you more often, but maybe not in quite the same way. :-) I think we may need a Rig calendar, maybe you can post a picture a month or would that crash the forum???

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