Hello, just completed W3 R3 of C25k and have been starting to get lower back pain towards the end of my 3min jogs. not sure if I'm doing something wrong to cause the discomfort. Any advice would be great.
Lower back pain: Hello, just completed W3 R3 of... - Couch to 5K
Lower back pain

Hmm, yes that does sound a bit wrong. Might you be jarring yourself a bit, d'you think? What are you wearing on your feet (you could need more support), and what are you running on (tarmac/concrete paving slabs are harsher on your body than grass, and in case you're coastal, sand is all kinds of painful!)?
My advice would be check your shoes and the surface, then also try to make sure you're not tensing up or slouching too much as you get a bit tired.
Good luck getting it sorted!
Hi, thanks for speedy reply. I'm a total beginner to running and had trainers fitted so think there fine For the job. And I'm currently doing my runs by the sea, mainly a concrete surface along the promenade I'd say. I'll check I'm not slouching to much next time I'm out. Still going to crack on with W4 and see what happens 🙂

Had a little bit of that at one point, so did a bit of googling. It can be caused by poor posture. Try running with your stomach pulled in, see if that helps. I did that a few times, and it did seem to help, then it went away. It was tricky trying to run and remember to pull the stomach in at the same time !

I felt the same kind of lower back ache early in the program, it went away as I got stronger, more efficient, fitter, not too sure what exactly helped...

I get lower back ache too, especially when I get tired. As Isl;and runner says it's probably poster, so head up, tummy in, shoulders back! XX
I had a sore lower back which started last summer and continued for a few months. I didn't think it had anything to do with my running at the time as I was on an enforced break due to shin splints.
I went to see a physio about it before Christmas about that and the start of plantar facsiitis.
As she was massaging me she exclaimed in disbelief about how tight my glutes were (muscles at the top of your buttocks). She said that the tightness could have appeared because I'd actually STOPPED exercising. I wondered if that was the ultimate cause of it.
Since then and after a bit of research I picked up a foam roller and have been using it most days, sometimes more than once. And my back pain is GONE.
It could always be something else but possibly something to consider... x

Hi, thanks for the info and I will see how my next couple of runs go. Hopefully nothing to serious 🙂