Somebody take my credit card away..... - Couch to 5K

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Somebody take my credit card away.....

Vixchile profile image
24 Replies

I have gone a bit mad this morning and started entering races for 2016!

It all started with reading some hm stuff and noticing the GNR is this weekend. Is anyone running in the GNR? So i visited the site i was having a little look and before you know it my credit card jumped onto my lap and i have just entered the Manchester 10km in May 2016!

We would have just arrived back in the UK and I can't think of anything better than taking part in a 10km race but the problem is now I just can't looking at races.

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Vixchile profile image
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24 Replies
dagshar profile image

I know the feeling. I have a twitchy card...wanting to enter a 10k in the Welsh mountains in May; but as I have just paid for wolf run and trail HM, I need to wait for a little. Out of curiosity, what took you to Chile?

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to dagshar

I know it was a shock to the old credit card this morning, for the same price I have just paid for 2 entries we could have at least 6 in chile! So i have calmed down now! Plus i need a new pair of trainers and some shorts for the warm weather...who said this is a cheap sport.

What took us to Chile, my partner's work. It has been a fab opportunity and I love Latin America but I also glad to be coming home.

poppypug profile image

Ha Ha Vix ! I know its really addictive isn't it ? Oh its great having some races in the diary !

Im planning on doing the Great Manchester Run too , I was really surprised to see that the entries are open already ! ( Woo hoo , I can meet up with you for a cuppa and photo )

I am waiting for payday, Ive got Movember, and the Manchester Winter Run on my to do list as well !

Arrgh I think I need to take on a paper round or something to help pay for them all ! :-) xxx

in reply to poppypug

think someone has the addiction real bad poppy haha :) xx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to

I really have , haven't I ? :-) xxx

in reply to poppypug

and isn't it blooming wonderful :D xxx

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to

Certainly is ! :-) Oh you've changed your photo to full length action shot , very good ! :-) xxx

in reply to poppypug

haha yeah changed it today, was from Saturdays parkrun :D xx

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to

Only you guys understand!!!

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to poppypug

Sounds like you have a great few races planned.

I totally agree! I might need to look into a paper round too. I am over the initial excitement of entering my first UK race, the amount has just hit me. I am just thinking what will need to be cut to fund running, i have been spoilt in Chile. Having said that can you really put a price on atmosphere!?

I would love to meet up for a photo and cuppa!! Very exciting - 👏🏽

Now are you tempted by GNR 2016? Because I am!

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Vixchile

Yes, the GMR is expensive I think. It is a fab race though and a brilliant day, lots of bands and spectators along the whole route , loads of water , sweets ( Woo hoo ! ) and really well organised , so I think it is worth it .

I am not too sure about the GNR, it looks fantastic, and its a MASSIVE event, but its longer than 10k ( not that that bothers me too much ) but I think its entry by ballot only, although I may be wrong on that :-)

Oh yes Vix, looking forward to meeting up with you ! :-) xxx

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to poppypug

You are right it is entry by ballot, but i didn't realise that it was more expensive? can't find a price for this year. Oh crumbs.... well i have signed up for a reminder service for the opening of the ballot which is around jan. So it will give me time to start saving!!!

With all these 10km events i was wondering if you would be tempted by the GNR - and the hm distance? Having said that i do love the 10km distance. I think i have got over excited this morning, it will worse on Sunday as i might watch a little...

I think i will googling that Manchester Winter run - is like the London one with the scary polar bear hugs?

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Vixchile

Ah no sorry Vix, I was meaning the Great Manchester Run is expensive, Im not sure how much the Great North Run is . Maybe it would be more expensive with it being a longer distance ? I could be totally wrong though :-)

I love doing the 10k races, its a great distance I think. At some point in the future I think I would like to do an HM , never say never ! :-)

Yes it is the one with the scary Polar Bears, Im not sure if it was in Manchester this year, I didn't see it , but I was sat sulking mostly all of January and February this year with my crocked hip ! :-) xxx

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to poppypug

No i think your right it will be more expensive because of distance and because its SO popular. I have decided to enter the ballot when it opens and raid the piggy bank.

Never say never - i like it 😀The 10km is great and you have got some fab races coming up and you look so happy in your race photos.

I think i am stopping at the HM distance, i don't think i am cut out for the marathon distance i can't imagine running for 4hours but i would be tempted to do the London marathon if the opportunity ever came about.

I just did a little search and it appears this year is the first year,

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Vixchile

Ah good for you Vix ! Lifes for living :-)

Oh yes , I am definitely going to enter that Winter Run . That would tide me over then until May for the GMR - fab !

Maybe a HM later in the year and then the Manchester Marathon in 2017 ! Who knows ? :-) xxx

mfamilias profile image

Give me your credit card, and your code. I'l look after those for you :)

AdamB profile image

I'm doing the GNR this year (at the moment it looks as if I'll be hopping with a crutch, but I've paid so much that there is no way I can miss it). I entered via the ballot in January and can't remember the price, but it was mouthwateringly expensive (£50 plus if I remember correctly). There is a method of getting free entry though - you just have to be able to prove that you were a member of a Great Britain road, track or crosscountry team sometime within the past 3 years... :(

I've found that you can limit your race entry costs and still get a lot of enjoyment by going for some of the smaller, less publicised events. I'm typically paying about £10 for a 10K. They are still good races, but don't offer much in the way of bling. I've done one recently where the bling was a bag, a banana, a bottle of water and an entry form for next year's race ;)

To be honest, I'm quite happy with that. If I really want a GNR teeshirt, I'm sure I'll be able to find one on ebay next week. I'm not sure that I really need the pasta party and all the other razzamataz the night before, but I am looking forward to running down the motorway and across the Tyne Bridge.

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to AdamB

I think it will be good fun to do these kind races at least once but I am not sure where all the money goes 😕 (I know it goes on insurance, set up, police, clear up etc). I am just a tad bit in shock that is all.

I will enter the ballot for next year and see how it goes.

I hope you make it around ok this year can you defer for next year or are you committed now because it so close?

I hope it all goes well for Sunday, it is pretty exciting and will be totally amazing. I can wait for race reports.

AdamB profile image
AdamBGraduate in reply to Vixchile

It looks like I'll be running. I've been out for an experimental 7K run (my first for over a week) and my ankle seems to be holding up. I've iced it just in case, but I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm currently suffering from a niggle and not a show stopper.

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to AdamB

That's good and a few days rest, hopefully your ankle will behave!! It's all very exciting!!

Fitfor60 profile image

I'm running GNR vixchile. I know what you mean about expensive races - so much for it being a free sport.

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

Good luck! I am sure you will be fab and I will cheering you all on Sunday!!

It does all add up but its greAt fun and I know I am a lot fitter.

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to Vixchile

Thanks Vixchil Feeling nervous but have liked having the goal to aim for. There are worst things we could spend money on . What else lets you wear bright clashing lycra, have fun whilst getting fit and meet so many supportive new friends. Running - I love it ! Good luck with your 2016 races

Vixchile profile image
VixchileGraduate in reply to Fitfor60

you will fab and it will be wonderful, please give us a full race report after.

It's good having aims, the clashing colours is all part of the fun too!! Plus blisters and other delightful things 😉

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