I haven't posted much but have loved this forum and joined in us all supporting each other in spirit. So hope you don't mind me announcing IVE DONE W9R3Nowhere near 5k but that's my next goal, plus repeating 30 mins til it feels easier!!!Today I just went from the front door instead of driving off to a secluded lane, started down a hill ( now, that was lovely, will remember that tactic) then flat running along town centre river paths and cycle ways ( also school kids who were vocal in their encouragement , not! but ignored their jibes and focused on Laura) Suddenly it was only 10 mins to go and my Hannibal Lecter breathing was sustainable, so I upped the pace ( undetectable to all but the finest scientific instruments) and made it to the end.So happy, so grateful to NHS and this forum and so transformed from quitter being my middle name to RUNNER!
Yay. Happy Runs to all. ( the right sort obviously) xxx PS Hannibal Lecter breathing is my way of trying to breathe in through my nose. it feels less panty if I manage at least part mouth closure, and much less dry mouth.