Thank you for responding to all my question
Thank you : Thank you for responding to all my... - COPD Friends
Thank you
Why did you delete your last post Emily - don't understand
Admin took it down.
The poster deleted it.
Why do you think Admin took it down, what reason would Admin have?
Hi Hun, Best to ask Them. Have a Great day. xxx
No, I have no need to ask them.
You said it !
My reply (question) was to the poster.
The poster deleted her last post.
So - why do you blame Admin?
I am not Blaming anyone, you asked a Question Mary, I answered you. With Honesty.
I didn't ask you a question. I didn't submit a post.
Why reply to me?
Why say Admin took it down ??
False information not honesty.
Hi I deleted it as I was offending people
No they didn't I did

Hi Emily, how are you doing today?
I wish you would remain on this site. I don't see any signs that you offended anyone. Everyone here has been through what you're going through & are willing to walk along side you. Many have asthma & emphysema like you & I do & can encourage you. Panic & anxiety usually happen when we learn of a sudden diagnosis that throws us for a loop. We're all been there, done that! It's ok to say when we're scared.
On this site everyone will help you get through it ...I know this because it's happened to me.
I'm praying for you. Pls stick with us. We miss you. 💕
Thank you....a good friend, new friend is helping me see that I cannot predict my future and that we all progress differently and at different rates. I have gone through the worse possible scenario for my outcome...reading and claiming conditions ' so that is what will happen to my heart lungs' I worry all the time not only for me but for my children...I don't want then to see me struggling to breath, unable to get about on my own and I don't want to leave them

Glad you're here Emily, we all need help getting through things. That's what drew us all to this site. It's a good feeling to know that whatever we're dealing with, we're not alone. I do hope that you stay relaxed & enjoy your children. Focusing on that will help you see what's truly more important in life...making the best with what we have & being thankful for it. Take care & God bless, Terri.
Good grief you all!! No one took them down. Click on her name and you will see her posts - she is thanking those who have responded to her on other posts.