Hi all, been recently diagnosed with COPD and just getting to grips with it all,any info would be most appreciated.
Newbie: Hi all, been recently diagnosed with... - COPD Friends

Hi Lou, I was diagnosed about 4 months ago and still getting to grips with it although not feeling as low as in the beginning. The people here have been a godsend, encouraging and I read a lot of posts. As others will tell you, stop smoking (if you do) and try to walk and do a little exercise and eat well (still struggling with that one!!!), all this can help slow the progression of the disease. Try not to let it take over as easy to obsess!! Were you told stage? I got hardly any info just put on inhaler which seems to happen a lot. Any specific questions just ask on here and there will be someone to give advice or reassurance with their own experiences. Take care, Sharon
Thanks Sharon,I was just told it was severe and given 2 inhalers witch are a godsend couldn’t do anything without being out of breath before these.been off the cigs 8days now and started walking Need .to get on top of the diet
Great that the inhalers are working Lou. The walking will also help the breathing and keep the oxygen pumping, even very short walks to start with. I gave up cigarettes over 4 years ago and used ecigs until diagnosed but was told to give them up, have been using Nicorette Inhaler since and need it for hand to mouth habit! Well done giving up cigarettes as you will find improvement in breathing.
Hi Lou, first of all, welcome to this site. We can all remember when we were "newbies" to the copd diagnosis. I'm glad you gave up cigarettes. That's huge! Walking & drinking a lot of water is the best place to start. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with mild copd. I quit smoking over 20 yrs ago, but had smoked for as long. I know I made bad decisions back then but I can only go forward & by the grace of God, I'm making better choices. I pray this for you also. Let us know how you're do going forward, one day at a time.
Hi Lou,
I was diagnosed with mild emphysema 5 years ago. I had been a non-smoker for about 13 years at that time. I am glad you quit, as most here know, that is not an easy thing to do.
My advice: stay away from cigarettes, even second hand smoke is bad. Do your best to eat healthy, stay as active as you can, and use your inhalers as directed. Be aware of any "triggers" you may have and do your best to avoid them. Triggers are any scent/smell/air temp that makes breathing more difficult, or makes you cough more than normal. If you don't already have a pulmonologist, get one. If you don't already have something to help with congestion, ask your doctor about a "flutter device" like an Aerobika. I was given one after a shoulder surgery 6 months ago (the surgeon knew my history of emphysema and lung cancer).
Been referred for pulmonary rehab hopefully hear from them soon, my favourite perfume sets me off also my partners aftershave,guess we’ll have to about smelling like worzel gummidge 😳
You might also want to check out this group as I think there are a lot more people opin that group.