I had noticed some bleeding in my stool from Thursday to about Tuesday. I attended a private GP on Saturday and he exmained the rectal area and he could not find anything. He also did a stomach exam and could find nothing. He said it was reassuring that my blood count was normal. I did have a colonscopy in May 2022 and everything was nornal. I also had CT scan of bowel. I was told to do a Qfit Test and it was slightly raised the he told me that he is not overly concerned but is referring me to see Gastronelogy just to be sure. I do suffer from chronic constipation and do have to strain even taking laxatives - laxido.
I attended another GP on Monday and he did a rectal exam and he found a small external heomorrid which might be a cause. Could the hermoid be a cause.
I have no other alarming syptoms such as weight loss.