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Sorry for photos , but concerned with bowel movements

Crafter514 profile image
19 Replies

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Hello, this has been regularly happening with my bowel movements for nearly 2 years. My doctors keep playing it off as nothing and no big deal. I’ve seen many doctors. A week ago I had an unrelated X-ray for my hip. They noted I had a moderate stool burden. My stomach is extremely bloated. I am RARELY hungry, I only eat one meal a day and that’s forcing myself to eat. I have lost 50 pounds since September (it is mid December) so 3 months. But my stomach is so swollen the last 30 days I look like I did in September even though last month I looked like a completely different person. I asked for a GI referral and will have an appointment with that doctor in January. But please advise. Thank you and sorry again for the rough photos.. I just don’t know where to turn. There are little clot like spots. It looks as if I’ve had my menstrual and wiped. I guess I can only add one photo, but the bowl is also full of red water and sometimes the stool is tinged red. Sometimes I wipe and no stool remnants just blood, other times both.

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Crafter514 profile image
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19 Replies
a4anonymous profile image

I've had blood and some clots like that 3 weeks ago. My doctor thinks its a hemorrhoids but there is no lump outside. Just to be sure, I've scheduled a colonoscopy on Jan 28, 2021. I tried drinking a lot of water and healthy diet high on fiber. It stopped after and began eating normally but got constipated and then I bled again. Since then I started taking high fiber diet again, continuous light cardio workout and meditation for stress. To make sure I dont get constipated I drink prune juice like someone suggested here and it worked for me. I freaked out too when I saw the blood and yours sounds much worse than mine. Don't assume the worst and stress too much. It wont help. You should schedule appointment with a GI asap. Its already hard to get appointment these days. Your doctor should take it seriously. Since you are loosing a lot of blood, you should make up for iron deficiency in your body. You can just drink green smoothies if you are not hungry. Hope this helps you a little.

Crafter514 profile image
Crafter514 in reply to a4anonymous

My doctor did check for hemorrhoids but that was the extent of it. I’m taking fiber supplements daily and I’m anemic which I have been my whole life but it has gotten worse on bloodwork over the last few years though. So I’ve been on iron. My CBC red blood all came back low and CBC white blood all came back low as well but I had to pay for those out of pocket. I’ve unfortunately had times where I get this much blood on 5 or 6 toilet paper wads wiping. About every 6 or so bowel movements. I ordered a FIT test to take and then will take results to my doctor and go from there.

Mijmijkey74 profile image
Mijmijkey74 in reply to Crafter514

How are you doing now Crafter?

bantam12 profile image

You shouldn't have been left for 2 years without any investigations, your GP has neglected you ! Your symptoms do sound worrying and in your shoes I would be calling the GP again or go to A&E if you are really unwell and unable to wait until your appt in January.

Crafter514 profile image
Crafter514 in reply to bantam12

I agree. She even threatened me with “if you don’t like it, find care elsewhere” but there are not any physicians nearby accepting new patients who have a background in my health issues. I’m struggling with her.

WthrMtsfan712 profile image

I'm so sorry that you're going through what you're going through. And I really hope you'll be able to get some answers and soon, especially since I certainly think your symptoms are serious and shouldn't be getting brushed off by doctors. Anyway, if you ever get down to the bottom of things, can you please let me know. Because some of the symptoms I've experienced are extremely similar to yours and I'm really interested in the diagnosis that you get. Thanks.

Crafter514 profile image
Crafter514 in reply to WthrMtsfan712

Yes, I will update you after I do my Fit test tonight or tomorrow as well, whenever I’m able to have my next bowel movement.

Dia89 profile image
Dia89 in reply to Crafter514

But if you can see that much blood surely your fit test would be definitely positive?

Crafter514 profile image
Crafter514 in reply to Dia89

Oh 100%. I am only doing it to prove to my doctor that something is going on and needs to be taken seriously. I absolutely know it will be positive.

Jazzy1990 profile image

It is honestly so hard to be waiting and not knowing what’s wrong with you. I pray you get answers soon.

Moon_maiden profile image

Tell the practice manager you’re thinking of reporting them to the CQC as your care is appalling. Have a look on the GMC website and the guide of care you should expect. Not sure if you are male or female, if you are female, could be gynae issue, the important thing is to get the right diagnosis soon.

Take care 🙂

Crafter514 profile image
Crafter514 in reply to Moon_maiden

Hi, thank you. Unfortunately I have Kaiser Permanente as my health insurance and provider. They do not really care. I’ve actually sued them and won lots of money for a similar reason before and they still treat me this way. Threats of reporting them don’t seem to bother them. I think there is endometriosis on my colon, it has been found on my bowel before and for a whole year I only bled like this when I was set to have my on schedule period. I’m on a medication to stop my periods but this bleeding rectally would happen the exact duration of my typical period and the exact time of month. So it is strange. Now though, it is whenever no schedule.

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Crafter514

I had success with reporting for someone else, they couldn’t give an appointment quick enough. I had endo diagnosed last December, on the bowel as well. Worth revisiting to a specialist. Hope you manage to get it sorted as soon as you can.

Nicole_GCCA profile image

Dear Crafter514 ,Thank you for posting and sharing with us. I'm glad you have an appointment with a GI specialist in January. It does sound like the issues you are experiencing are GI related - so hopefully they will be providing you with much better care than you are currently receiving.

Do you also have a GYN that you see in case they believe that you also need to be checked out by one?

It is incredibly frustrating to hear about your care from your primary and of course horrible to hear how limited your options are to start seeing someone else.

Some people have had success contacting their insurance company directly to identify someone in your area who takes your insurance. Also, both insurance companies and doctors are often a bit behind on updating their listings on websites, so it is may be worth it to contact places near you for primary care to check and see if they now take KP for insurance. Even if they don't take it, they may have a name of someone who does.

Please keep us updated. We're here for you.

~Nicole @ GCCA

Crafter514 profile image
Crafter514 in reply to Nicole_GCCA

Yes, I have a doctor I see for my endo. They do not want to do anything else related to my endo because I’ve had so many operations it is too risky. Essentially they said to try to manage my pain with hormone therapy and stick it out as long as I can because the next time they go in to look for anything they said I will likely have a hysterectomy. They are the ones who helped me get to GI actually. I am very thankful for them. I did the fit test today and of course a positive. So I left a message for my primary care as well as my OB to let them know. Thank you!

Jaymendoza0288 profile image

Do you have an update? Was your stool normal size?

Bolli profile image

I really think this are hemorrhoids, I had colon cancer and my blood was dark and it was mixed with the stool

Carl33150 profile image
Carl33150 in reply to Bolli

HiDid you have blood in your stool every day when you had your cancer?

Bolli profile image
Bolli in reply to Carl33150

yes I had really dark blood in my stool every day. Also my stool was dark too and was never formed it was always like diarrhea

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