Hello! Just looking for some advice/insight. I've had intermittent bleeding for the past 5-6 years and always just assumed I had internal/external hemorrhoids. Yes, I know, it's never good to make assumptions like that and have definitely learned my lesson. Sometimes I would go weeks/months without bleeding so it wasn't happening all the time. It's important to note that I do strain a lot when I go to the bathroom instead of just letting it come out naturally. A few weeks ago the bleeding happened again and this time I noticed a few small clots on the toilet paper which promoted me to see a Gastroenterologist. He did a visual exam and said he didn't see anything. Then he did a digital exam and said he didn't feel any masses. He didn't have a scope with him so he wasn't able to tell if I have internal hemorrhoids but said there might be a small one in there. He instructed me to get a colonoscopy since my mom has had non-cancerous polyps and I have the exam this upcoming Wednesday. Since then I've had a couple of other symptoms. A couple weeks later I noticed a small amount of clear mucus on the toilet paper after wiping. That only happened once but yesterday I started my menstrual cycle and this morning when I had my first bowel movement I was constipated which caused my stools to be thinner than normal and I felt like I didn't get it all out. I drank a bottle of water which prompted another bowel movement. This time my stools were really loose and I noticed a lot of mucus in the bowl, there was also a little bit of blood on the toilet paper when I wiped. I was really alarmed by the mucus and my anxiety is now at an all time high. I know that fluctuating hormones during menstruation can cause changes in bowel habits but I'm not sure if they can also cause mucus. Usually my bowel movements are pretty normal in terms of shape/size except for the intermittent bleeding. Wednesday can't come fast enough but I'm deathly afraid of receiving bad news. Has anyone have a similar experience or any insight they can share? Thank you for reading!
Advice Please: Hello! Just looking for... - Colon Cancer Conn...
Advice Please
If you’ve had it for that many years without anymore symptoms I’m sure that’s a good sign. Most likely internal hemorrhoids. It’s really good that you have go a colonoscopy so soon.
Thank you for your reply Jazzy1990. Internal hemorrhoids is definitely the outcome I'm hoping for!

Please kindly keep us posted. I am having similar issues and getting very nervous
Worryqueen8585 , Do you have an appointment with a doctor? If you are experiencing symptoms it is worth it to get checked out. Anxiety will aggravate your GI system unfortunately. Please try to get an appointment and keep us posted. We're here for you.
~Nicole @ GCCA
Thank you Nicole. I will have an appt with specialist tomorrow. Thank you
Hi Worryqueen8585 - glad to hear you have an appointment in just a few hours. Please keep us update on how it goes - we are here for you.
Do bring paper and pen(s) to take notes, as well as a list of questions/items of concern you want to discuss with your doctor.
Hoping for the best and looking forward to an update when you can,
~Nicole @ GCCA
Hi, yes I have and after 2 years it has been diagnosed as ulcerative colitis. It low down so I don't have any pain and it can be treated with drugs and diet. Your story is exactly the same as mine. let me know how you get on xxx

Hi Sunnydaze111,
Thank you for posting and I'm sorry to hear about the symptoms you are experiencing.
There are many possible reasons for the symptoms you are experiencing, many of which are chronic conditions. However, the only way to know for sure what is going on, and to rule out colorectal cancer, is to get checked out.
Thankfully, your colonoscopy day is almost here!
Be sure to follow the prep instructions exactly as your doctor has prescribed. You want to make sure that your colon is clear of any matter that could prevent the doctor from getting a good look at your colon.
Make sure you have lots of soft toilet paper, and wet wipes (but do not flush them, even the "flushable" ones can cause your toilet to clog).
I also recommend picking out a good tv series or movies, books or magazines to distract you as you complete the prep.
We are hoping for an easy procedure and for good results.
Please keep us updated, we're here for you.
~Nicole @ GCCA