Has anyone gone off Acalabrutinib and had upper respiratory issues immediately following it? Has anyone gone off Acalabrutinib and restarted it? Did it start reworking and how long did it take. I am very weak and fatigued.
has anyone gone off and back on Acalabrutinib.... - CLL Support
has anyone gone off and back on Acalabrutinib. How sussessful? How long to get strength back?

I have come off acalabrutinib when tsking antibiotics , for up to 3 weeks, I think. No side effects. Waited a couple of days for antibiotics to clear system, and then restarted acalabrutinib with no problem. Bloods always normal.
I think you need to lock your post to get more responses.
I was recently off for 12 days for a minor surgery, and back on with no side effects at all.

Hi 492hemi,You may find useful information in this recent discussion: healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
Short answer- lung infections and fatigue are the bane of our existance with CLL. our doctors must step thru "differential diagnosis" to eliminate many potential causes for each. CLL compromises our immune system, leaving us venerable to many possibilities.
Although I may be a unicorn, my experience was being on Acalabrutinib about 7 months with good results before I was taken off. I then was on Venetoclax for less than a year (failed) at which time I was put back on Acalabrutinib which then worked for about 11 months until it too quit working. I’m not typical, though, with many unfavorable markers, and a wonky diagnosis. Good luck to you!