I'm 69 diagnosed 8 months ago. 400mg venclexta. Gratefully, the many swollen lymph nodes disappeared weeks after starting infusions. I did seven infusions and am on Venclexta now. I don't know what symptoms are from CLL and what are from venclexta. I get tired pretty easily. My muscle mass seems to have shrunk in my legs a lot. I feel kind of shaky when I walk but I can actually get out and hike, strangely enough. My scalp is super itchy, flaky and scabby. I am getting more and more small moles on my skin. Wondering if this is from CLL and or the treatments. Thanks
Venclexta or CLL: I'm 69 diagnosed 8 months ago... - CLL Support
Venclexta or CLL

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I went through the same CLL treatment regimen as you 3 years ago. After the first week or so of being tired with occasional mild chills, fatigue was my only issue (although I swear my hair thinned out). You will be fine. Best of luck to you.
Intersting observations dharma.
My response was the opposite. I actually experienced more adverse skin conditions, fatigue, aches, digestive issues etc.. during disease progression. My overall health improved significantly after the 3rd obinutuzumab infusion.
Perhaps you know already that we are at high risk for skin cancers, we get more of them and they are more aggressive!
so all moles should be seen immediately by a dermatologist and considered for biopsy
Good luck and God bless
Hello,I'm in month 7 of obinutuzumab infusions/venetoclax pills. Now at 400 mg. My scalp is also super itchy and flaky and my skin is terribly dry and flaky too. I have had eczema on my scalp for some years, but symptoms were well-controlled for years before the CLL and treatments. I believe it is related. I use eczema products but can only get short term relief. Does anyone have other suggestions?
I was on V for 2 years 2019 to 2021 and had 6 infusions of rituxa. Only had nausea. I have always had good skin but have got many spots on the skin from V - tiredness well it could be cll though am in remission but at our age it's more likely to be from getting older