My mother, 75 years old, was sent for a beta 2-microglobulin test due to anxiety and palpitations.All her blood work results are excellent, except for the b2mg, which is 3.
Should I be worried?
My mother, 75 years old, was sent for a beta 2-microglobulin test due to anxiety and palpitations.All her blood work results are excellent, except for the b2mg, which is 3.
Should I be worried?
Rozzal, I'm wondering whether you found mention of this test in our community, which is why you posted. Does your mother have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia? Any answers you receive here, will be in the context of blood cancers, not kidney disease, which is its other common usage.
With respect to the actual B2M test result of 3, I presume the reason you asked, is because your mother's result is on the high side? The reference range varies by pathology lab and is around 0.5 to 3.0. Five percent of the population have healthy results that are just outside the healthy range. So without knowing the reference range of your Mum's pathology lab, her B2M doesn't seem concerningly high, but she really should talk to her doctor about whether this result is of any significance for her.