I got some bloodwork results back. The highs and lows were as follows: The lows: rbc 3.45, hemoglobin 10.9, platelets 129, Immunoglobulin A 58 and eGfr 48. The highs: MCV 99, creatinine 1.17, free kappa light chain 31.5. It stated the CBC had to be warmed to 37 degrees which may indicate cold agglutinins or the aggregation of platelets. The Cold Agglutinin test was negative.
I was diagnosed with Waldenstroms Macroglobulemia in 2012 and after experiencing extreme fatigue, terrible night sweats recently was diagnosed with CLL. I am on W & W.
I was informed I should have a fat pad biopsy done from the stomach or bone marrow to confirm amyloidosis.
Is anyone familiar with any of this? Could Amyloidosis be a part of CLL? I really do need to find a doctor who specializes in these diseases.
I am trying to be positive, but I must be honest....I am scared. IF ONLY my husband were here to go through this journey with me. I know he is with me, but I would feel so much "safer," IF I could put my hand in his.
Thank you so much for letting me vent and for your help and support.