eye is inflamed, itchy and has excessive tearing. No treatment at this time. Ophthalmologist and specialist cannot figure it out. No blockage.
Anyone have eye issues associated with CLL? - CLL Support
Anyone have eye issues associated with CLL?

if it’s only in one eye, I would suspect a reactivation of the herpes virus. In the eye, this can manifest as a number of things. For me, it manifests as “herpes keratitis”. This is due to my immune compromised condition as someone with CLL.
I would ask your eye doc about this. They may suggest prophylactic oral Valtrex, which is what I am on and am prescribed from both my eye doc and my CLL specialist.
Classically, herpes keratitis presents with a dendritic (tree-like) lesion which the eye doc should be able to see. Symptoms include redness, teary eye, pain, swelling, etc.

Hi Tulear,
We have had a few discussions about eye problems in the past, but most are about dry eyes and an autoimmune condition called Sjögren's syndrome. The doctors may need to sort out if there is a bacterial, viral or fungal cause to your problem, since we all have compromised immune systems from CLL, almost any odd disease is possible.
The related posts box on this page has one previous posting that may be worthwhile:
And the related posts on that page has these others listed:
Related Posts
*Eye problem - CLL /Ibrutinib healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
*Does CLL cause eye/cornea problems ? healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
*stubborn bacterial eye infection healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
*Eye conditions healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
*Sudden Right Eye Change in Vision, CLL on Ibrutinib for 14 Months healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
Have they checked your immunoglobulins? I had severe eye issues for months before I started treatment (it was like constant conjunctivitis - redness, itchy eyes, teary, constantly oozing, etc.) my immunologist said since my IgA was way below the threshold, it was definitely contributing to all the eye issues. I definitely didn't have any tearing, that sounds a bit scary, but I have been on prophylactic antibiotics since and also went through treatment in 2022-23. Hope you get to the bottom of it.
I had the same thing - the chronic conjunctivitis. At my last visit to the Opthamologist, it was gone. This was sux months after starting the IVIG monthly therapy.
I have had conjunctivitis (classic symptoms to begin with) easing but not gone, despite taking antibiotic eye drops for 5 weeks. Was your experience in any way similar?
Hi Tulear
Indeed I suffered from repeated eye infections, red eye etc. since about 20 years. It was almost every week something irritating. I could get rid of it with Voltaren eye drops (are not available anymore) and antibiotics eye drops and/or with extra care for eye lids (cleaning liquid). Sometimes worked with cortison cream on the eye lid if I was early enough. Most of the time it started with an eye lid eczema which infected my eye(s). I thought I had this because of my history of suffering from allergies (hay fever, nutritional allergies, eczema/sensitive skin), but in fact since my CLL was treated it has almost gone, I occasionally have red eyes, but more because of heavy wind outside. My eyes remain sensitive and I wear sun glasses whenever I am outside.
I observe much better eye condition since treated with O&V. Maybe there is indeed a connection CLL & eye infections.
Take care
I have had constant red , puffy and itchy eyes for over a year. I assume it is dry eye from meds. I have worked in the optometric field for 26 years. I try to use a over the counter artificial tears such as systane or refresh which seems to help some. I have no lesions or crusty lids, only red itchy eyes with puffiness at times.
I've had frequent issues with both eyes over the past 8 years, but mainly treatment for diabetic retinopathy, and this year, have had cataract surgeries. Since the surgery, have had intensely itchy, sore eyes, with kind of wavy 'fronds', like net curtains, (which I assumed to be residual debris from the surgeries) that move around and blur my vision to an annoying extent, although my vision overall has greatly improved.
None of the ophthalmologists I've seen have mentioned CLL. I look forward to reading the list of posts Len (Lankister Guy) has cited in his reply to you.
Thanks to both of you for drawing attention to this again.
I get busted blood vessels in my eyes frequently that affect my vision. My eyes have never had excessive tearing though.
I've been on Ibrutinib for 4 years and started having tearing from my left eye about 6 months ago. I thought it was allergies as I also had crusting on both eye lids after sleeping. That has cleared up but I still have the tearing.