Recently diagnosed with CLL stage 0. I do have excess mucus and nasal issues. Not sure if they are connected.
Stage 0 CLL with mucus issues: Recently... - CLL Support
Stage 0 CLL with mucus issues

Hi Dee
While i was diagnosed in 2017 also my first issues were noticed by my Dentist in 2016 who felt i had and underlying health issue
The Dental issues were largely resolved with the help of and ENT as i lost all my immunity to many allergens which caused a fluid buildup in my jaw and the dental problems
After much trial and error a nasal spray was found to resolve the issues quite well BUT nothing OTC that had always worked had any effect
I have them too. I have tried everything and cleared for a year then got an awful flu and three months later I am ba k competing with mucus and pleghm.
I kept getting congestion everyday. What I found out was every time I had used any oil , olive or vegetable etc. and dairy of all kinds caused congestion. Even when I ate avocados because they have an oil in them. Since I do not eat any of these foods I am okay. I am believe we have a low immune systems and we are reacting to certain foods. On the Gerson Therapy they are not allowed any dairy and oil, they might be right on some of their therapy.
Hi Dee, I had sinus and ear infections for last few years and now diagnosed with CLL stage 0. Ear nose doctor pointed on allegry from pollen or swimming pools, but I keep having ear nose throat problems almost every month. I think CLL is related to it, since doctor said my CLL started a few years ago according to blood tests.
Good luck to you.

The medical experts have published data that shows the colon is a major organ in the immune system and provides much of the disease resistance needed by all our mucous membranes (nasal, sinus, eustation tubes, lungs, reproductive organs, etc).
Example: Many people that have celiac disease/gluten intolerance in their colon, have frequent sinus infections.
Since CLL is a disease/cancer of the immune system we often find that it also disturbs the delicate balance in our immune system making us prone to infections while also triggering autoimmune over-reactions in many portions of our bodies.
Before my first treatment we found the walls of my colon and stomach were thicker than normal and a biopsy found many more CLL cells than normal in both. About the same time I contracted Whooping Cough despite having been vaccinated many years before.
Many patients have a pre CLL condition called MBL
But each year only 1% of people with low levels of CLL cells in their blood progress to having active CLL. So nearly anyone that is diagnosed with CLL can look back at their past blood tests and see evidence of high Lymphs creeping up.
Len; that is so correct. Approximately five years before anything wrong showed up in my blood draws, I had higher than normal lymph counts. I asked my then primary care doctor about it and he said it was nothing. I do believe this was a precursor to 2002 when I saw my neutrophils and lymphs were upside down. White count was still in the normal range. It wasn't until 10 years later, 2012 that my white count went over 11,000. Even then, my now primary care physician was only looking at the white count and RBC.. She thought with the white count being just a little over 11,000 that I had 'a little infection' until 'I' looked a little further down on the computer and saw that my neuts. and lymphs. were going down and up. She then referred me to a hematologist who said I wouldn't need treatment for a couple of years. This is what hematologists don't know. I'm still on W&W five and a half years later. I do believe that about 1997 I was beginning my journey toward CLL.

Re: mucus issues - are you talking about infections with drainage, or just drainage and perhaps excess mucus in the lungs? If infection is the issue, ask to have your IgG level checked. If it is mucus buildup without infections you might want to see a good ENT or allergist. Mucinex (just plain, not a version with additives for cough, etc.) can thin mucus, which helps some. Worth asking your doctor about it.