Hi everyone! I posted on here over the summer. My dad was unexpectedly diagnosed from a routine blood test (like many on here) in July. Unfortunately, he has bad markers, including 17p. That said, he is practically asymptomatic at this point.
He has his second oncology appointment in just a few weeks. I have a gut feeling/am trying to prepare myself for a short watch and wait given his previous blood test and prognostic markers. I honestly would not be shocked if he is recommended for treatment in a couple weeks (though of course I hope the disease hasn’t progressed that much, I’m trying to be realistic). Regardless, even if it’s not after this appointment, I know that he will probably need treatments sooner rather than later, and although the doctor gave him incredibly good odds of responding well to treatment, it still makes me very anxious.
So, to my 17p-ers out there…how long was your W&W? What did starting treatment look likes for you? How did you decide which treatment path to follow? How has it been going and how long have you been on treatment?