Novavax has recently been approved in the US for distribution this fall. I have received a total of 8 Covid vaccines-3 were Pfizer, 5 were Moderna. I understand that Novavax is a protein based vaccine and Pfizer and Moderna are messenger RNA vaccines. I have been trying to find out if there is any benefit to adding Novavax to the mix of vaccines received, perhaps by stimulating the immune system in a different way, or should I stick with a mRNA? The little info I was able to access was vague and non-committal. I appreciate any input!
Novavax vs Pfizer/Moderna 2024: Novavax has... - CLL Support
Novavax vs Pfizer/Moderna 2024

I recently asked my oncologist at Emory the same question and she said stick with one of the MRNA vaccines. I, like you, have had mostly Moderna now, over the number of Pfizer. I will get Moderna again this time.
I am hopefully an exception but when I had my last mRNA vaccines (had 3), I developed what I have to believe was mild myocarditis, with palpitations, other heart sensations. So I stopped getting them. I also had Covid this May-June, and again the heart. Considering Novavax because it is NOT an mRNA vaccine, and hopefully just a standard non-live virus vaccine? One benefit of my recent Covid--my son and his family got Covid more recently and I was around them a lot before, during, and after diagnosis, and did not get it, which I assume is from some level of immunity.\
I know too many people who have adverse reactions to the MRNA vaccines, including my daughter. The year Covid hit the US, I got the first two jabs. Fortunately, I had no reaction to them. I haven’t had any since, but if I decide to, I will definitely opt for the Novavax. I’m fairly new to this community having been diagnosed in January with SLL and haven’t discussed vaccines with my doctor yet. It’s probably time I did.
My most recent vaccine May 2024 was Novavax, no side effects at all, as opposed to the previous Pfizer and Moderna which I had, resulted in adverse side effects, e.g. nausea, hives (Moderna), My GP highly recommended that I get Novavax. Don't really know how much protection I have, but at least better than nothing.
I’ve had 3 Novavax shots and the only side effect was a sore arm.
August 29, 2023
Quote from Dr. Katelyn Jetelina Your local Epidemiologist
“Novavax vs. mRNA COVID-19 vaccine?
Both are great shots. And the data pool to draw on is so narrow I’m uncomfortable saying one is immunologically better than the other. But we’ve had some studies and they’ve shown many similarities and some subtle differences:
* Both provide a solid first line of defense (i.e., neutralizing antibodies).
* Both strengthen a solid second line of defense (i.e., T-cells).
1. Negative: Novavax produced significantly lower levels of a specific antibody called IgG.
2. Positive: Novavax had a more durable response over time (waned less quickly).
3. Positive: Novavax has fewer side effects, like pain and muscle aches. For this reason alone, I will be getting Novavax this fall. “
My late wife (she passed away 3 weeks ago, I’m struggling big time oh how I miss her!) was a participant in the Novavax study right at beginning of COVID (2019 era) n before any Covid vaccines were made available publicly. She was a former RN n understood the Covid pandemic was a serious dealio and having just been dx with stage 4 triple-negative metastasis breast cancer, oh how we recall it was major dire-straights city that timeframe was.
So she received multiple Novavax shots during the study and I’m here to claim that those shots saved her life at that time cus folks were being hospitalized n or dying from Covid wo a vaccine available.
So I give the Novavac vaccine an A+ n since she had no side effects from it, make that a double A+!
Later on she had Pfizer Covid vaccine shots n they came with nasty side effects.
I suggest take it, though I’m not a doc, just an opinion. Good luck MiloG.
Sending sincere condolences Danny. So sorry to hear about your wife and good of you to post on this subject at this difficult time.
According to public statement by Dr. Ben Neuman a virologist the protein based Novavax vaccine will not be as effective due to the lag in production times, the new dose was in production 6 months ago so it missed some of the tweaks of both mRNA vaccines (KP2 or FLiRT variant). As that variant came out over the summer, Novavax doesn't account for it in the U. S.
Obviously, any booster is better than lagging immunity from your last booster. However, the mRNA vaccines do account for a more optimized approach.
This information was taken from a posting on YouTube, 18 hours ago.
News>Health>WFMJ Youngstown, Ohio an affiliate of NBC .
Given Novavax will not be as effective, I'm getting Moderna again. Not looking forward to it. Both Pfizer and Moderna Covid Vaccines knock me off my feet for about 3 weeks with nausea, fatigue, all over muscle aches, and migraines. But I'd rather feel awful for 3 weeks than end up with long covid. With the vaccine, we have a fighting chance. My mom raised a fighter 😊 .