I did colonoscopy one week ago and have a CLL for 12 years. Now taken Velclexta for 3 months. After colonoscopy one week have heavy diarrheas and stomach pain. Did anyone have any experience like this ? Thx, Ms Farber
colonoscopy and CLL: I did colonoscopy one week... - CLL Support
colonoscopy and CLL

Were you sedated or under general anesthesia? Had one doctor that explained why they push for sedation, if the procedure is not going well nervous system can react enough to show doctor, whereas, with G.A. injuries can be more larger no feedback from patient.
Also, when a doctor gives odds say, "only 1 in 6000 experience minor complications" question it. 1 in 6000 nation wide? Monthly? What is their personal count, how many have they done, how many a year, have they had complications?
There is a big emphasis on secondary cancers and testing for many common ones, and rightly so. However, in a immunocompromised population, if there is not the same emphasis on surgical injuries that leave one open to infection, one is only doing half their job. If anything, having that conversation before hand keeps the person doing it on their toes for YOU.
Call them and find out when your side effects should lessen if it's normal - any sign of fever or pain get to E/R.
I have had 2 colonoscopies and havent had side effects. I would contact the hospital incase there is a problem. They may give you somethinĝ to calm things down. Drink plenty to make sure you dont get dehydrated. I hope you feel better soon, Anne uk
Your GI tract was empty before the colonoscopy. Could it be that taking V on a semi empty GI tract has caused this? What do you eat normally? How often and how much? Did you take probiotics to repopulate your gut? If this lasts any longer let your doctor know. Especially if you notice any blood in the stool.
I had some very bad stomach issues after I was made redundant last year after telling my employer about my condition. I was concerned I was having symptoms of maybe a secondary cancer. It turned about that I was having bad anxiety caused by the job loss, money situation and looming court case. I actually moved onto to St John’s Wart and it made a huge difference. I still take it today to manage low mood and anxiety. Warning! Do not take St John’s wart if you are in treatment. It has interactions with a lot of medications. Check with your doctor.
I had lower left stomach pain after my last colonoscopy and finally discovered that the procedure had irritated my diverticulitis, and I was having a flair up. I had to take antibiotics. If you have diverticulosis, I would check with your Gastroenterologist to see if this is a possibility.
I had upper GI endoscopy a month ago while on Ven
No diarrhea
you could ask for your stool to be tested if it doesn’t resolve
my oncologist suggested Imodium when i had a lot of diarrhea early on in my treatment after she tested for pathogens
good luck and god bless
I would call them. When I had a colonoscopy 12 years ago, it took a few days for everything to settle down afterwards. But not a week.
Just had a colonoscopy two weeks ago. I too was worried as bowel habits have changed since on CLL meds (V&O). Fortunately, results were good - no polyps or other issues - come back in 10 years. No post procedure pain or digestive issues either. I consume one greek yogurt per day - seems to help my GI tract. FYI