UK Covid Enquiry: Well, the Public Enquiry is... - CLL Support

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UK Covid Enquiry

SERVrider profile image
33 Replies

Well, the Public Enquiry is throwing up some interesting evidence.

By definition, most of us with CLL are over 60 (not all, I know) and we are classed, whatever our age, as clinically extremely vulnerable. Our Government is reported as having said, according to Sir Patrick Vallance, "The PM says his party thinks the whole thing is pathetic and Covid is just Nature's way of dealing with old people ... who are going to die anyway ... who should just accept their fate and let the young get on with life and the economy..." In summary, we were to be chucked under the bus and left to sink or swim. The then PM's own WhatsApp comments indicate that he thought hardly anyone under 60 goes into hospital and that he no longer bought "all this NHS overwhelmed stuff." He is also reported as saying that Long Covid is "bollocks" It is nice to see how we were (and perhaps still are) regarded by those we relied on to manage the country through the pandemic.

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SERVrider profile image
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33 Replies
Newdawn profile image

Regardless of politics or political affiliation (please), it’s a callous view from a man of 59 who nearly died of Covid and no doubt witnessed a lot of much younger people around him struggling to survive this wretched virus!

Sadly, so many people adopted this ‘survival of the fittest’ view and it persists…until of course they become personally impacted. The whole thing appears to have been a crude circus without a credible ringmaster. Could any administration have faired better? Clearly the world was largely unprepared for pandemic and I think it needs to give its head a hard shake and wake up to the threats of the future. We live them every day.

Playing devil’s advocate, I’ve no doubt the key players would deny these allegations and the findings are not yet out. Not for years it seems 🙄

The key issue however is how and do our political masters of all ideologies even feel the need to protect the most vulnerable?


RosettaClapp profile image
RosettaClapp in reply to Newdawn

the understatemnt of the year was from one of the civil servants 'this crisis didn't fit the prime ministers skill set'.....

Newdawn profile image
NewdawnAdministrator in reply to RosettaClapp

Imagine a nurse telling you that about your attending surgeon! 🫣


Ghounds profile image

I agree, have suspected all along that the policy whether official or unofficial was to rid the country of those of us who were potentially expensive to treat or care for.As cases rise once more with no mask mandates in the vast majority of public areas, not even in healthcare which to my mind should be mandatory to protect the staff as well as the vulnerable, I have never felt more worthless or at risk and with a long life history of abuse that's saying something.

I'm at the point of feeling afraid to even exist.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist by the way!

Newdawn profile image
NewdawnAdministrator in reply to Ghounds

Believe me, your vote is as powerful as the next person and all parties need to respect that! 😉


Ghounds profile image
Ghounds in reply to Newdawn

I don't think it makes any difference who we vote for, they're all as bad as each other. I am tempted to spoil the paper with my stated grievance about our treatment but I know it would just be binned without being read, much less acted upon. I'm afraid I've completely lost any belief that anyone in authority cares at all. I'm not even sure I care any more, I don't have the energy.

Newdawn profile image
NewdawnAdministrator in reply to Ghounds

I’m sorry you’re feeling so low. It’s not a good place to be but given what we’ve been through and the cynicism generated, it’s hardly surprising. Sending a hug x


Ghounds profile image
Ghounds in reply to Newdawn

Thank you! Hug received gratefully x

Miggins60 profile image
Miggins60 in reply to Ghounds

I feel your pain. Sending a hug too 🤗

Ghounds profile image
Ghounds in reply to Miggins60

Thank you so much 😊

ygtgo profile image
ygtgo in reply to Ghounds

Did it a few times ... I advocate what NO politician would ever allow ... another option on the ballot paper ... 'None of the Above' ... that would terrify all the political parties ... as it stands, it's all about playground finger pointing and name calling against each other ... Prime Ministers Question Time being the 'prime' example of how our 'leaders' behave, sadly it's the highlight of their working week 😖

Ghounds profile image
Ghounds in reply to ygtgo

I agree. A box so marked would be a most useful option and might well focus the minds of those standing for election. I'm sure many politicians of all flavours start off with a genuine desire to help their constituents and make a difference but sadly the party machines swallow them up and so many forget why they're there, to serve the public interest and be a voice for those of us who are most vulnerable and unable to stand up for themselves. As an autistic person with zero family and no close friends living this side of the Atlantic I genuinely fear for my future.

ksteinberglewis profile image
ksteinberglewis in reply to Ghounds

I understand how you feel. I want to throw my hands up when we have mass shootings and my governor’s response is let them have any gun they want with no background checks and no training. It seems like we live in bizarro world but it makes a difference to vote. Fifty years later we have to fight for reproductive freedom AGAIN. It makes me crazy. But one party is for democracy and the other party is not. Don’t give up. You are important and needed in this world

RosettaClapp profile image
RosettaClapp in reply to Newdawn

hopefully there will be many people over 60 (who the intention was to abandon to their fate) who will think twice about how the vote next time

Aerobobcat profile image
Aerobobcat in reply to Newdawn

Hi Newdawn, I have read with interest all the comments related to the farce that was the government’s response to the covid pandemic and wanted to add my own experiences.

But in truth I have been so down lately and tied up with other pressing issues that have dominated my thoughts.

However, it’s largely your response to Ghounds and her feelings of worthlessness that has prompted me to say something.

From my perspective it all started when I attended one of my hospital appointments and was told to start isolating because “if you get this thing you are unlikely to survive it” that was in February 2020.

In early March 2020 PM Johnson was boasting and bragging, words to the effect “you will be pleased to know I have been shaking the hands of hospital patients with Coronavirus” This I believe was denied by the hospital the next day.

I also believe it was around this time that Sage warned against such and yet the Cheltenham Gold cup went ahead on the 13th March. This was followed by the official lockdown on March 23rd.

As for feeling low the failure of my spinal nerve denervation procedure really has knocked me back and the knowledge that I have again been discharged and need to get yet another GP referral before I can be seen again.

For me though the most stressful thing is trying to deal with the issues associated with my appeal against a proposal to move my profoundly mentally and physically handicapped brother from his care home.

This has been on going since November 2022, I have prepared 32 page document detailing every departure from the National Framework and wrong interpretation of the individual’s needs.

They claim that my brother Christopher does not have a primary health need that warrants NHS continuing healthcare.

But the National Framework clearly defines a primary health need as: A primary health need essentially means that the individual has significant “Physical and or mental heath needs” and the majority of the care they require is focused on these needs and preventing further health needs from developing.

As I approach my 75th birthday I do reflect back to the time when I was just 48 years old and seeking a judicial review on the intention to close my brother’s previous home at Orchard Hill.

The consequences of the judicial review led to the creation of the very establishment that my brother now resides at designed for those with complex health and social needs.

Newdawn, I must apologise for rambling on, it just slipped my mind that I was addressing CLL and not the local ICB.

My regards and best wishes


camper2 profile image
camper2 in reply to Aerobobcat

How incredibly worrying for you. Keep battling (not that you have a choice!) and know that there are people here who understand your frustrations. Sending a hug

Aerobobcat profile image
Aerobobcat in reply to camper2

Hi Camper2, I do appreciate your kind thoughts, and yes there are so many kind and thoughtful members that give me good advice and some comfort.

My sincere good wishes to you


Pin57 profile image

Incredibly sad to read a top leader of UK speak so ignorantly about covid and discount the vulnerable ones (like us!).

We too here in the US lived thru the horrible early years of the covid pandemic with our President … (yes our President!) downplaying covid, it’s affects/harm, and so on. Yet when HE got covid … oh how fast he went n got the hard to get (at that time) MAB antibodies to save his life! What a hypocrite.

N how still to this day so many top US politicians and sooooo many people in the US think little of the seriousness of the covid pandemic AND refuse to get vaccinated to not only help protect their lives BUT also selflessly to protect others lives around them. Unreal.

Am I mad 😡 about that?, heck yes!

Do I kept my cool around those non believers of Covid, vaccinations, masking, etc.? That too… heck yes!

I found “it’s a waste of calories” to try and reason with those non-believers. Knuckleheads they are.

Aerobobcat profile image
Aerobobcat in reply to Pin57

Well said!


andysnat profile image

I'm not in the least surprised by Boris' behaviour, and those around him, as revealed by the second most important civil servant at the time.

He was impossible to take seriously as PM, and now he's getting his own show on a minor TV station, and I still wont take him seriously. Put him on HIGNIFY again and let Merton and Hislop take the mickey some more.

What else would you expect from such a person?

Meh !!!

Aerobobcat profile image
Aerobobcat in reply to andysnat

An accurate analysis of the man, well done!


opal11uk profile image

Wondering how much of tax payers money is going on this enquiry........he said, she said........its all elementary now my dear Watson.

Jonquiljo profile image

I’m sure it’s the same in the UK as it is in the US. Guess which generation has the lion’s share of the money? If we were to be “selected out”, who would do all the spending that we are also criticized for? Certainly not the 40 year olds!

This isn’t politics, but rather ageist nonsense. Certainly in the USA, the economy would completely fail if it weren't for the resources of the older generation.

HopeME profile image
HopeME in reply to Jonquiljo

Not true Jonquiljo. I’ve been to many funerals and not once have I seen a U-Haul attached to a hearse. When an older person leaves the world his/her assets stay and are passed onto generally younger folks.

LeoPa profile image

Most politicians are idiots. Hat tip to those few and far between who are not.

ygtgo profile image
ygtgo in reply to LeoPa

No qualifications needed ... well, other than an inflated ego, self esteem, the ability to backstab ... to master being economical with the truth ... and most importantly, to be able to filibuster any interview on TV.

prbs2707 profile image

I must say I can only agree with all the comments about the crass behaviour, lack of empathy, hypocrisy and total absence of a credible working plan for dealing with the pandemic on both sides of the Atlantic.

The sad thing for me is that given the quality of most uk politicians I'm pretty sure that whichever party had been in power it would have been the same shit show (apologies for my language)

BeckyLUSA profile image
BeckyLUSA in reply to prbs2707

Your language fits it’s intended purpose. No better word for it! Ours is the same on this side of the ocean. Makes you want to throw up your hands.,,.or just throw up.

joed1rt profile image

It sounds like your PM is due for a good bout of Karma.

RosettaClapp profile image
RosettaClapp in reply to joed1rt

oh I do hope so ....:)

Ghounds profile image
Ghounds in reply to joed1rt

Boris Johnson was thrown out by his own party. He was replaced by Liz Truss who lasted six weeks before being replaced by the present incumbent Rishi Sunak.

ksteinberglewis profile image

I live in Florida and we have the stupidest governor and his hand picked idiot health advisor. I wonder if they would feel differently if they got long Covid. I wear a mask indoors because I know I need to protect myself since they aren’t going to

bennevisplace profile image

It will be interesting to hear Mr Johnson's own testimony in due course.

Every national leader required to account for their management of the pandemic will point to the the unprecedented challenge they faced. Different countries deployed contrasting strategies, with contrasting results in terms of (a) the impact of the disease on public health and (b) the impact of control measures on public finances and public health. Think of China, with its series of protracted, strict lockdowns, versus Sweden, with very limited controls and a focus on protecting vulnerable groups. Both countries had a definite plan and stuck to it.

The UK seems to have vacillated at different times between measures aimed at protecting the whole population from Covid and measures aimed at stimulating a flagging economy, or those sectors most acutely affected. "Eat out to help out" in retrospect was a sound bite that was far from sound and did more harm than good long term.

Bottom line, the UK ended up with one of the highest Covid mortality rates in the developed world, together with one of the most badly dented economies when government borrowing is taken into account. This despite the UK being at the head of the queue for vaccines, the government having had the foresight to invest early. The latter was its one unarguably decisive, positive, strategic achievement in the entire story. In my opinion.

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