After recent posting on spleen laceration and a weekend ER visit, I spent most of today in scheduling a blizzard of follow-on appointments. First one was with my day-to-day oncology lead. His pet vampires took 10 vials of blood this time (to rerun FISH and flow cytometry etc.)
So then I get a call from my CLL specialist, who says "yep, we need to see you this week, and by the way don't fret too much about the blood results". OK...?
Turns out ALC counts went from 125 two weeks ago, to 130 in ER on Saturday, to... 225 (!) on Monday.
So when they say "the trend is your friend", it's good advice. I've seen some variance but not like that. That's a doubling rate of three days. I don't think I'm going to worry too much about this one.
Current theory is that the pile of steroids they threw at my spleen over the weekend has kicked loose some artifacts in my blood. Since this has also spiked my potassium (K) counts, they are bringing me back in tomorrow to rerun, as there's a chance of triggering heart arrhythmia at that level.
That wasn't even the most disheartening result in my weekend test regimen. I have to say as a man, it's never fun to see in your CT report:
"Visualized Reproductive Organs: Unremarkable"
Rough week. Onward.