The abdominal abscess I have had been quiet for a week until yesterday. I was changing my dressing and had quite a large leak of discharge. I have spoken with my GP. Got more antibiotics and dressings and will speak with him next week. Still very fatigued and have aching joints. If no progress he will refer me back to hospital AGAIN !. Love and strength to all.
Update.: The abdominal abscess I have had been... - CLL Support

Likewise, love and strength to you! Wishing you healing and the very best 🙂💝.
HI. ThThank you. The GP has warned me that there is a small chance of sepsis. Having had it before it's not a destination I would like to revisit. I am due to speak with him next week and will be pushing for further intervention
Oh Jack you must be so fed up!
Thanks. Appreciated
You must be getting so fed up of this now, such a pity they can't seem to get rid of it for you.
love and strength back too. And thanks for keeping on sharing with us all. Wishing you all the best
Many thanks.
I wish you all the best on getting rid of this once and for all!
Thank you.
I am sorry Jacksc06. I want all the best for you🍀💗🌞
Sorry to hear this, Jack. I’m sure the whole situation is exhausting you. I’m praying that your doctor can resolve this so you don’t have to go back to the hospital. Love and strength to you too.
Still don't 'like' this. Take care and keep pushing the docs. Many moons ago I ended up in hospital and operated on because of an abscess, lost weight, felt grim, etc and it took a while to recover but I got there - pre CLL but unpleasant even then - you do have my real sympathy.

Jacks, I can hardly believe this is still going on... Something seems very wrong, which of course you're all too aware of.
I'm glad you're going to push your GP for further intervention next week. If symptoms get worse before that and you suspect sepsis, don't hesitate to go to A&E. Sadly it does seems likely that you need hospital intervention.
Thinking of you,

I have looked thru your posts. Is the current abscess a new one? Maybe a third in fact - after inner thigh and a groin? I could not work it out from your posts.
Is it a skin abscess, or does it (they) relate to an organ within say lymphnode or bowel?
Nevertheless clearly a complex issue. Do you have a hospital surgeon folowing your case?
In my experience its unusual to treat an abscess with antibiotics alone, packing and draining essential. But not before seeking the source of the problem.
HI Jig. The abscess is in the same place top inner right thigh groin area. It was originally thought to be an inguinal hernia. I have had it drained once but this didn't solve the issue in fact it got worse. I am due to speak with my haematologist next week and my GP. So I will be pushing for a way forward. The hospital is wary of surgery due to the size of the area they would have to remove. I am wearing absorbant dressings and also have stick on stoma bags in case of large amounts of discharge. Best wishes.
Around 18. The health service didn't act on it until around 12 months in. They blamed the pandemic for the delay and said to leave it and monitor uit.
That’s rubbish!
Wishing you well very soon; you deserve a break from it!
Fran 😉
So sorry to hear the abscess is causing problems again. It must feel never ending and draining both mentally and physically. I really hope you manage to get it sorted, once and for all.
Take care,
Thank you Jackie, yes it is indeed draining.
Thank you. Appreciated.
Hi Jack, belated commiserations and best wishes. You will get through this unnecessary complication as you always do but what a nuisance and what a pain. I hope that your recovery is speedy and complete.