I have ringing in my ears every time I take a capsule of Calquence. Does anyone else have these symptoms?
Calquence ringing in my ears: I have ringing in... - CLL Support
Calquence ringing in my ears

Helen, I am on Calquence and it doesn’t cause ringing in the ears (tinnitus) for me. These drugs have a long laundry list of side effects though, so I suppose it’s possibly related to calquence.
The main culprit for tinnitus in Cll patients is low hemoglobin. When my hemoglobin dropped to 7, it felt like the ocean surf crashing in my ears. Yikes.
Have you had tinnitus before? Are you anemic at all? I would suspect anemia rather than calquence, but I’m no doctor nor expert. I still have some tinnitus. I used to duck hunt a lot and think that’s what started it for me, lots of shotgun blasts ringing my ears. I only notice it now if I think about it.
I’m a bird watcher now. Lol. Good luck with your calquence. A lot of btk drug side effects wane after a few months.
I do. I have a constant hissing in my ear and it started 4 months ago. It isn't the same as the tinnitus I had 2 years ago caused by low haemaglobin. That got cured with 2 pints of blood.
I have been wondering if it is due to Acalabrutinib. You have made me think.
You have described exactly what my I'm experiencing in my ear. I'm thinking it's my hemoglobin? Maybe acalabrutinib? My hemoglobin was 10, 2 weeks ago. I have a feeling it's lower.
I seem to have it happen when I do not drink enough water