I'm currently on Watch and Wait. I have been feeling very dizzy and light headed recently when I wake up or lie down. Have put it down to the hot weather but was wondering if any one else has these feelings.
Dizziness: I'm currently on Watch and Wait. I... - CLL Support

Hi Adlucy,
I am also experiencing similar symptoms and my hematologist and GP are working through the long list of possible causes ( aka differential diagnosis: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffe... )
My GP already acknowledged that dizziness and fatigue are his two toughest conditions to diagnose since they have so many possible causes, and I am experiencing both.
You should engage your medical team and they will likely start with blood tests like CBC and liver functions ( webmd.com/hepatitis/liver-f... ) to see if you have some form of anemia or any deficiencies like B-12, iron, etc. They may also test your blood pressure while prone, sitting and standing to see if your body is compensating adequately for the changes in position.
When I mentioned my age (75) as a possible cause, my hematologist dismissed that as irrelevant, and wants to pursue this aggressively.
I experience this off and on and they have found that when I do they run the full iron work up and find it is happening when my Percentage of Iron Saturation is below 20% and I am then given an iron infusion that includes two infusions a week apart and hat pulls me back up above the 20%. So mine is quire simple. That seems to hold me a few years and they it happens again. But heat and my age I feel work against me.
Sure hope they are able to get it all sorted out for you!!! All the very best!
Panz 🙂🙏💕☘️🌈👍
Adlucy, I'm also in W&W and experiencing the dizziness and fatigue you describe, some hot flashes, too.(not drenching).I'm 73, so who knows, but I do stay active. I awaken about 6am(hit the bed about 9pm) and now need a nap about 2pm. The dizziness is primarily in the morning. My blood done last month was fine, except of course for WBC. They haven't gone up, OR DOWN! I've questioned the effect of heat, not drinking enough water and have dramatically cut back on sugar snacks. I see my GP today and will ask about it. My next oncologist visit is in October. 🙂 Sandra
Odd to read so many feeling dizzy at same time, when for 1st time my husband said he felt dizzy a few nights ago.Blood pressure, allergies & sinus infection come to mind in addition to possible cll symptom.
Hope you all feel better!!!

Thank you so much for your response. It is comforting to know that others have and are experiencing this.
I am 74 now and the first time it happened, it was the same feeling you have when you lie down after having had perhaps a little too much alcohol but as I seldom have even a glass of wine now, I hastily discounted this.
I do have a tendency to low blood pressure as well so it could be related.
My dizziness is also primarily in the morning too. I do have hot flushes every now and then.
My ears are blocked at the moment and I need to have them syringed shortly. It could be this.
I am keeping a record and will bring it up at my next consultant appointment due shortly.
I hate liver but perhaps I should eat some!
I started drinking a lot more water when this weather started and then read you can drink too much!
All the best and once again thank you.
Glad to help in any way!My husband has temperature changes, especially after showers.
Ears syringed....I can identify! I have had ear tubes all of my adult life and terrible bout of vestibular neuritis several years ago.
Could be your ears then with this dizziness.
Remember when we couldn't wait to grow up lol
Seriously though, take care!!

Thanks Cookie 341. Am off to the chemist later to buy the olive oil to prepare my ears for the suction! I hate it.
Is your husband's change of temperature after showers concerning? I've never come across that before.
Sorry just reading your post, and this may be too late, but are you having your ears syringed in the surgery or micro suctioning ? If it’s micro suctioning then you don’t need the olive oil and it is a far gentler treatment.
Well, it was, initially, because of words like "night sweats". In 2018 my husband had pericarditis and experience night sweats. In that respect we had experience & fwlt this was different. After speaking with specialist, she said he likely may have some temperature imbalances to be expected, such as responding more than an average person to extremes in temp. As a hypothyroid person, I also have that. So, we took that (and a few folks in here stating same, that they also have "internal thermostat changes" and don't get concerned.
Feel better! As a side note, I ince had a dr. suction my ears for tubes without numbing me & it was one of the worst experiences ever.
Take good care!
I had on and off dizzy spells for several months after getting my 3 rd Covid shot and at the same time was given a shingleX shot. Maybe it was the shot maybe not I’ve since gotten a 4 th Covid shot with no issues.
I've been there and think you and your respondents have covered the obvious culprits. Treat them one at a time and see what you're left with. Hopefully dewaxing the ears will do the trick. If dizziness turns to vertigo, consult a specialist in audio-vestibular medicine.
I did read of someone almost dying after drinking 5 litres of water a day. Do check but I believe 3 l is OK.
Hi, I’m 67 and on W&W. I get dizzy spells when I lie down, turn over in bed or sometimes look up. I’ve been diagnosed with BPPV which is a form of vertigo. I take Stemetil tablets when I need to but over 3 years my body (or brain) has adjusted somewhat to it. I don’t believe it is linked to CLL, but probably to age.
Best wishes
I also, luckily only once, had an episode of BPPV and it was very frightening. Did your GP not suggest the Epley movement to you ? I didn’t need it but one of the GP’s in my surgery was able to treat, as are some physiotherapists. I am also attending a balance clinic, and so far that has been very helpful especially the audiologist tests and balance exercises. As I have now added Osteoporosis to the list this has become sadly more useful.
Thanks very much for your comment. Yes I did have the roles manoeuvre and it worked for a while. BPPV returned and the manoeuvre didn’t work second time and I was sick as a dog fir a whole day, so I learned to live it. Pleased to hear it worked for you. M
How is your blood pressure? Postural hypotension came to mind.