It turns out that my lower WBC was the least of my worries. I was hospitalized for bacterial pneumonia. I understand it’s going to take a while to get back on my feet. I have been blessed to not have been sick since my diagnosis in 2016.
bacterial pneumonia : It turns out that my... - CLL Support
bacterial pneumonia

Pneumonia feels awful. I am sorry you are suffering with this but glad you are being treated in a hospital.
Please keep us posted on your progress.
I hope you make a speedy and successful recovery...... I've had it.....and it's horrible........
Wishing you the best🌞.

So sorry to hear you have pneumonia.
I hope your recovery will be sooner than predicted, there does seem to be a necessity for a long use of antibiotics, though.

Hi May1270,
Once you are "back on your feet" you may want to review with your doctors whether you are completely up to date with the two different vaccinations for bacterial pneumonias.
I recently got the new PCV20 vaccine
to add more levels of immunity to my 2016 PPSV23 vaccination. See:
Wishing you a speedy recovery.Fran 😉
I had the opposite experience. I went in with pneumonia and my wbc went from 50,000 to 100,000, in an hour.
Blood glucose near 900. Nearly killed me.
hope you get well soon.
I was hospitalised with covid, bacterial bi lateral pneumonia in May this year. My WCC at my previous test was 68,000. Lymph’s were 60,000.. I had several blood tests during that time and WCC 28,000, Lymph’s 21,000. Never been that low for years. In 2020 I was hospitalised with pneumonia and my WCC and Lymph’s again went much lower than previous results. Indie.