We're visiting our daughter in the USA in 10 days time and I'm wondering whether it would be possible for me to access Evusheld while we're there. Although the UK government have approved it, the NHS refuses to pay for it. So, if I'm to have any chance of regaining a 'normal' life, I think I need to try and access Evusheld elsewhere. Not holding out a lot of hope, but thought I'd ask anyway!!
Is it possible to pay for Evusheld in the US, ... - CLL Support
Is it possible to pay for Evusheld in the US, as a visitor?

Have you ever seen any docs here? I don't think the authorities are charging for it, but you will need a doctor to prescribe it, in addition to the issue of "can you find it". Is your daughters doctor willing to see you as a patient when there, can you bring medical records with you to show the doc? My primary is willing to see family members in an emergency as a courtesy, but not all docs or systems can do this. If you are going to be in an area where requests haven't been high, there is a better chance IMO. If she can start asking some of these questions of her provider or local health care system ahead of time, you won't be spending all your time here trying to start the process.
Have you been told by some official means that the NHS won't pay for it. If this is the case, we could all do with knowing this. Astra Zenica has told me they are working on a timeline to make this available for the NHS.

Lots of choices. In the US, Conceirge MD and others will have a nurse come to you home for Evusheld for about $1,000. Some places offer it for much less of even free in their clinic. You could pay to see an MD consult and have it prescribed, then get it for free (they can charge for administration) if it's available which is far from certain. Finding it and the doc to write the RX is the issue. The expensive options may eliminate that problem. Good luck. The distribution here is haphazard and inequitable.
I have been in the USA but thought that supplies of Evusheld were very limited there and being on watch and wait with relatively low ALC and WBC and never having had an antibody test my chances of getting Evusheld were very low Normally I would spend part of the year there
Hi, what’s the latest with loxo, you still on it? Thanks, hope you’re doing well