During my monthly labs at the cancer clinic , I heard the word "remission" - as a quite commentary and afterthought from the P.A. of my hematologist. (In the U.S. the title PA "physician's assistant" is equivalent to an "Accredited Registered Nurse Practitioner") . Both have university level science plus nursing degrees and can write prescriptions. As the PA handed me the printout of my CBC and pointed at the total column within normal range, she quietly remarked: "You are in remission..." . No drama, no pronouncement, no diagnosis. But I did hear the word : "Remission". Well, now, this CBC showed complete normal ranges. Diet and exercise is all I can contribute to the effectiveness of Imbruvica which I take since 3 1/2 years.
I hear "remission" ? : During my monthly labs at... - CLL Support
I hear "remission" ?

🙏🙌 God bless!
A beautiful word to hear regarding cancer …. “Remission”!!!! Congrats bigtime, way to go.
Any special tips on the diet n exercise you did that you can share?
👍🏼 So very happy for you! Yes can you share tips on diet and exercise as Pin asked!
No official definite diagnosis of final, enduring "remission", just a completely normal CBC. But hope for the future. I am 87 without illusions that the wheels may come off anytime. I suggested ongoing daily FolivanePlusCap iron supplement to my hematologist, after he had once prescribed it temporarily. Then he added daily Vitamin D3, Those two keep my hgb normal and me without anemia. - I do not eat meat, Instead fish, preferably salmon. Broccoli, garbanzo beans, strawberries and blueberry from frozen as puree, also apple sauce. I grind up hard bread from Sweden and mix it in vegetable-salmon puree. (There is no real bread for sale anywhere in the USA: Believe me !) Non-fat, plain yogurt drained to cheese consistency, Nuts. For special excercise I climb up the stairs of 15 floors daily ,slowly, bend forward like a chimpanzee , drawing with one arm on one railing. This exercise may give a special boost to absorption of the therapy (Imbruvica) through the big thigh muscles. Plus high oxygenation. I feel dead before I start, getting to the 16 floor I feel "great". I also walk on my indoor treadmill: Walk and watch TV: Get up ! You feel like dying ? Get up and walk !.
Great advice… both your diet n exercise. Thanks!!!
Sweden bread sounds very interesting (never have had it), will find it n give it a shot.
In the "crackers" section of supermarkets. Imported from Sweden and Germany. WASA brand "Multigrain" and "Sourdough". It is hard and dry. I grind it in the food processor and then mix it into vegetable-beans-salmon (or fish) . Bread-making is an art in some regions of Europe with aged sourdough cultures, specially ground grains, baked in wood-heated stoves. A solid but not hard texture. Not "spongy" like bread in U.S.