Recently had hernia repair and surgeon removed lymph node. Does removal cause lymphedema
Lymph node removal: Recently had hernia repair... - CLL Support
Lymph node removal

There's a risk that removing a lymph node may cause lymphoedema, by disrupting lymphatic drainage. That none of the Related Posts have picked up a past post where this has been discussed, gives you an indication that the risk is low. Your surgeon may be able to give you a better idea of the risk.
I am extremely concerned about lymph nodes being removed….my 23 year old grandson had cancer of the testicle and the tumor removed. Due to Covid they didn’t go back in for 3+ weeks when they removed 52 lymph nodes in a 10+hour surgery. Fortunately all nodes were negative but he is very concerned about that many lymph nodes can’t be a good thing!I just keep praying….it is the worst thing in my life I have had to deal with!!!
Panz 🙏☘️🙂💕
I can understand your concern for your grandson, particularly given he had to wait so long for that surgery. The good news is that his nodes are clear of cancer. I hope hell be fine.
We have around 500 lymph nodes and thankfully with CLL nodes shrink with treatment. Surgical removal is rare, and done sometimes when SLL is suspected to confirm diagnosis. It is also recommended to verify whether Richter's Transformation has occurred. Removal for biopsy examination is limited to just one or a most a few, identified beforehand via a scan.
Thanks for your for your response. They do CT scans every 6 months and it has been nearly 2 years. They have cautioned him to stay I tune with watching the other testicle as he could possibly lose that one and that is my biggest worry. He has handled this like a real trooper but if he were to lose the other I would fear for his feelings on that… I just keep praying!!
Panz 🙏☘️🙂💕
Aren't/weren't our tonsils lymph nodes -- which so many of us had removed as children without a seeming concern in the naive 50s? Don't know what lymphoedema is, but assuming none of us had that. Right?
Our tonsils are a ring of lymphoid tissue and an important part of our immune defence system, which is why they are now seldom removed.
The lymphatic system drains tissue fluid, plasma proteins, etc, termed lymph, back into the blood stream. If the lymphatic system is damaged, disrupting that drainage, then fluid builds up in the tissues causing swelling and associated symptoms.
I never had my tonsils removed but many doctors over the years wanted to remove them. Even now I have infected, swollen tonsils at times, maybe once every 2 or 3 years and they always want to remove the tonsils. I won't do it since antibiotics clear up the infection and I know why the tonsils are there even if the doctors don't seem to realize it or care. Like my mother, I always say I'd like to go out with everything I came in with if at all possible!!! So far I have. (There was one doctor who was honest enough to say I was right and yes, God did put them there for a reason)
I have a friend who had lymph nodes removed from her left armpit and she developed lymphoedema. She said it's painful at times.
If he/you are worried that he could not have children, perhaps he could freeze sperm now. Second, if both testicles are removed, he can supplement with testosterone. If so, it would be best to begin testosterone early after removal. Otherwise he will likely gain considerable weight.
Dennis, 75, Venetoclax

You won't get lymphodema from the removal of one or even a couple of nodes. That happens when they do 'clearance' and remove almost all of them in an area of the body to see if a cancer has spread.