I get the newsletter online from Dana Farber, and today in the email was a report on a new finding that can impact our future treatment. Dr Jennifer Brown reports that a small study has shown that a common antimicrobial drug has been found to reduce the growth of CLL cancer cells. The drug is Pyrimethamine which has been used in AIDS patients to halt the progression of parasitic infections and also against malaria.
The drug targets a protein STAT3 which triggers genes to cause the multiplication of CLL cancer cells. In a small trial of only 16 CLL patients who had progressed disease and for whom the other medications were not stopping the progression, 8 of the patients had a good result in which the CLL progression was stopped for a while. Dr Brown and a co worker Dr David Frank feel that the low doses used in this study of Pyrimethamine could likely be increased with a longer lasting effect. Dr Brown is thinking that it might ehnance the results in combination with the other targeted theraputics now being used to treat CLL. More research of course needs to be done.
This is a link to the article: